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Issue of Major Gen. John Pegram

LOUISA JANE PEGRAM6 was born in Dinwiddie County, Virginia 1 February1814 (62). She married Richard W. Reaney of Petersburg on 2 April 1835. They had issue: WILLIAM7, who died unmarried; JOHN, died unmarried; ISABEL, who married Edward Marshall of Fauquier, Virginia; and LELIA, who married Issac Williamson of Elizabethtown, New Jersey. He was married a second time to Nannie Stainback, a cousin of his first wife, who apparently died early.

MARTHA REBECCA PEGRAM6, daugher of General John Pegram and Martha Ward Gregory, was born in Dinwiddie County at "Bonneville", 11 July 1816. She married Charles F. Stainback, 27 February 1837 (68). They had issue:

LITTLEBURY7, b. 21 Dec. 1837, C.S.A.
LELIA VIRGINIA, b. 21 Oct. 1839; d. at birth.
FRANCIS CHARLES, b. 1 1 Sept. 1842, C.S.A.
NANIE MAY, b. 22 Feb. 1848; m. Isaac Williamson.
JAMES PEGRAM, b. 20 April 1851 ; of Elizabethtown, N. J.
GRACE, b. 20 March 1853; m. M.M. Dibbrell of New York; and 2nd. M. Williams of Alabama.
BLANCHE, b. 3 Dec. 1854; m. Judge Thompson.

WILLIAM BENJAMIN PEGRAM6, son of General John Pegram and Martha Ward Gregory, was born at "Bonneville", Dinwiddie County, Virginia, 1 March 18 18. He was a lawyer an owned a handsome home on the Ohio River in Kentucky. His wife was Amelia (or Charlotte Emilie, o Amalie, depending on the source) Combe, daughter of Jean Combe and his wife, Artemiere Bertheld granddaughter of Pierre Combe and his wife, Adelaide de la Riviere. Pierre migrated from France t England and then to the Island of St. Thomas, West Indies (156), where Amelia was born, on 29 Apri 1820. She was said to be of noble French extraction. Her people were refugees from France (45,68) They had issue: JOHN COMBE7, MARTHA WARD, HELEN, LELIA, VIRGINIA, MARI WARD, WILLIAM B. JR., and ROBERT BAKER, (68, p. 210).

7, son of William B. Pegram and Amelia Combe, wa born in Owensburg, Kentucky, 26 August 1842. He was graduated from the United States Nava Academy in 1862, and thus immediately became a Lieutenant in the United States Navy, which was a war with the South. He served in the blockade of Charleston. He transferred to China, and resigne from the Navy in 1864. He is one of two Pegrams encountered who served with the Union Force during the war, but he apparently spent much of the time in the China area. He was not born i Dinwiddie County, as were most of the Pegrams. Never-the-less it seems incongruent for a grandson o Gen. John Pegrams, and a cousin of Gen. John Pegram7, Col. William Johnson Pegram and Maj James West Pegram, two of which gave their lives for the Confederacy, to have served in the Unio Forces. It is recorded that he was proud of the record that his Virginia kin made for the Confederacy and he followed the exploits of his uncle, Captain Robert Baker Pegram6, the famed naval hero. It will


be recalled that he wrote a letter to his uncle regarding the finding of information on a John Pegram in th Secretary of State's Office of Rhode Island, in 1878.

After John Combe resigned from the navy he graduated from Harvard Law School. He became Collector of Customs in Providence. He married Isabel1 Homer, daughter of Fitzhenry and Nancy Bradford De Wolf Homer of Boston, Massachusetts, 3 November 1864. He died 1 1 August 1909. The Virginia Magazine of History, Volume 18, 1910, cames a most lauditory article on John Combe Pegram, wherein it mentions the splendid deeds of his cousins during the Civil War, and how he liked to hear their exploits recounted. "He was successful in his profession and honored of all men". John  Combe and Isabella had four children:

ISABELLA PEGRAM8 was born 2 1 January 1867 in Providence, Rhode Island. She married the Reverand Richard Rathborne, who was born in 1860 in Ireland. They resided in Norwich, Connecticut.

VIRGINIA PEGRAM8, daughter of John Combe Pegram and Isabella Homer,  was born 2 April 1 868 in Providence. She married Herbert Austin, 10 April 1890.

JOHN COMBE PEGRAM, JR.8, son of John Combe and Isabella Pegram, was born in Providence, 25 May 1870. He married Elizabeh Harriet Lynch, 8 February 1899, and they had VIRGINIA9, born 2 April 1900. They lived in Baltimore in 1931.

NANCY DeWOLF PEGRAM8, daughter of John Combe Pegram and Isabella Homer, was born in Providence, 30 May 1872. She married Bruce Clark of Chicago on 6 June 1899.

MARTHA LOUlSE (WARD?) PEGRAM7, daughter of William Benjamin Pegram and Amelia Combe, was born in Owensburg, Kentucky. She married David Ponton Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton was the son of James Hamilton of Glasgow, Scotland, who was a descendant of the Dukes of Hamilton, and back to the Royal families of Scotland. He was a graduate of Glasgow College. He was born in 1830/31 and died in 1888. He migrated to the United States. He was owner of Clinton Woolen Mills, Clinton, Michigan, and Vice President of the National Bank of Commerce of Detroit. Martha and David had the following issue: WILLIAM PEGRAM8, JAMES, JEAN PONTON, AMELIA COMBE, MARJORIE, and ROBERT.

WILLIAM PEGRAM HAMILTON8, son of Martha Pegram and David Hamilton, was born in 1863 and died in 1928. He married Mary McLellan Farrand and they had MARY McLELLAN9, DAVID OSBORNE and ELIZABETH FARRAND (156).

ROBERT HAMILTON8, son of Martha Pegram and David Hamilton, married Virginia Gilmore, a first cousin, and the daughter of Virginia Pegram and Allen Gilmore.

HELEN PEGRAM7, daughter of William B. Pegram and Amelia Combe, was likely born in Owensberg, Kentucky. She died in 1872.

VIRGINIA PEGRAM7, daughter of William B. Pegram and Amelia Combe, was born in Owensburg, Kentucky, and married Allen Gilmore of Scotland (45, 68). They had issue: VIRGINIA8 (who married her cousin, Robert Hamilton), ALLEN, WILLIAM, ROBERT, HUGH, MARJORIE, MARTHA and AMELIA.

MARIA WARD PEGRAM7, daughter of William B. Pegram and Amelia Combe, was born in Owensburg, Kentucky, and married Daniel Wilson of Farmville, Virginia (68).

WILLIAM B. PEGRAM JR.7, son of William B. Pegram and Amelia Combe, was born in Owensburg, Kentucky, and married M. Moss, and resided in Sherman, Texas. ROBERT BAKER PEGRAM7, son of William B. Pegram and Amelia Combe, was born in Owensburg, Kentucky, and died in 1877.

LELIA ADELE PEGRAM6, daughter of General John Pegram5 and Martha Ward Gregory, was born in Dinwiddie County, Virginia 25 November 182 1. She married Moses Paul of Petersburg on 2 November 1841. She died 27 July 1865. They had a daughter MARTHA WEST.


PEGRAM7, born 19 February 1845. She married Major William Barksdale, son of Gustave A. Barksdale and Giles, daughter of Governor William B. Giles of Richmond, Virginia.

LIEUTENANT FRANKLIN PEGRAM6, the youngest child of General John Pegram5 and Martha Ward Gregory, was born 23 September 1823. He died in 1849 of disease contracted while on an expedition to Old Mexico. He never married.

BAKER PEGRAM5, son of Edward4 and Mary Lyle was born 8 May 1776, and died young.

EDWARD PEGRAM5, the last child of Edward4 and Mary Lyle, died prior to his mother's death on 30 June 1779.


Source: Samuel W. Simmons, The Pegrams Of Virginia And Their Descendants (Atlanta Georgia, 1984) All rights reserved
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