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EDWARD PEGRAM4, (Edward3, Daniel2, George1). Of all the issue of Edward Pegram3 and Mary Scott Baker, Captain Edward Pegram4 and his descendants appear to have been the most noteworthy group. An abundance of information is available in the literature and in private and official documents concerning this branch of the family. It will not be possible to include but a small portion of it here, nor to follow his descendants to the extent that information and accomplishments would justify. This is partially because emphasis is being placed on the lineal ancestors of Samuel William Pegram7. Even so, Edward Pegram4 and his descendants comprise a goodly portion of this treatise.

Edward Pegram was born on 13 January 1746 (8), apparently in Prince George County, Virginia, now Dinwiddie County. He died at his home "Diamond Springs", in Dinwiddie, on 30 March 1816. He was said to have been six feet and six inches in height, and proportionally large (7). Edward grew up as the son of an affluent plantation owner, and became active in political and military affairs. The name Capt. Edward Pegram appears on a copy of a Virginia record, in a receipt as follows: 18 December 1778 - Received for the use of Captain Pegram forty eight pounds 2/8 being for reward and pay of guard escorting Thomas Woodward to Public Gaol, Gov. Warr. Also 169 pounds 14/10 for reward and expenses of self and guard escorting John Bond to Public Gaol, Gov. Warr. John Burnett (58).

Edward Pegram was a Captain in the Revolutionary War, and this title was used throughout his life (102). He was also a Captain of Dinwiddie Militia in 1779 (6)

In 1789 Gentlemen Justices of Dinwiddie County were Edward Pegram Jr., Peterson Goodwyn, William Watts, John Videer Jr. and George Pegram.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until tomorrow morning 10 o'clock. The minutes of this days proceedings being read were signed. Edward Pegram Jr. (59)

Edward Pegram was Presiding Justice in Dinwiddie County for a number of years.
An act was adopted to establish an Academy and incorporate Trustee Thereof in the Township of Petersburg (139).

Be it therefore enacted that Joseph Jones, Thomas Peachy, Edward Pegram, Charles M. Williams, John Jefferies, Robert Turnbull, The Rev. Andrew Smye, Alexander Frayser, James Cureton, Alexander Stra____ , Alexander M. Rhe, Peterson Goodwyn and George Keith Taylor, Gentlemen, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate to be known by the name of Trustees of Petersburg Academy and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal.

The Edward Pegram was Edward4, son of Edward and Mary Scott Baker.

Edward4 was appointed Special Commander by the Colonial Government to defend his Parish and County attack of the Indians (6). His services in this capacity won for him the title of "King Pegram" (7). In 1792-93 Edward4 was Sheriff of Dinwiddie County (50). He was Mayor of Petersburg, Virginia, and the following letter may be of interest.


Thomas Wilson (Major) to the Governor.

July 1, Richmond, Enclosing a communication from the Mayor of Petersburg relative to the defenceless situation of Fort Powhatan.

Petersburg, June 30th 1814

Dear Sir:

I beg leave to call attention and solicit your aid, in opening the eyes of the Executive to the defenceless and dangerous situation of Fort Powhatan. There is upward of seven hundred Kegs of Powder, besides all the Guns and other public property at the Fort, and only twelve men, and several of them sick, to guard it.

If our enemy knew the situation of this place, they would most certainly destroy it; and as the Citizens of Richmond must feel equal interest with ourselves in protecting this place, I trust you'll lose no time in communicating the same to the Executive, and make known the results to

Your obedient servant,

Edw'd Pegram Jr., Mayor. (60).

The records are replete with the activities of Edward Pegram4 on many committees and commissions, having to do with Civil Governmental and Military Affairs. On 23 January 1800 Edward was head of a Corresponding Committee from Dinwiddie County as the Republican Representative to elect the Vice-President and President of the United States (53).

Edward was a member of the Grand Jury that indicted Aaron Burr for treason (61). The following excerpts will be of interest:

The treatment of the Burr trial and John Randolph's connection with it is charming. No Judge in America ever had a more distinguished Grand Jury than Chief Justice Marshall in the District Court at Richmond at this noted trial, of which jury John Randolph was foreman. The names as given were John Randolph Jr., Joseph Eggleston, Joseph C. Cabell, Littleton Waller Tazewell, Robert Barrand Taylor, James Pleasants, John Breckenbrough, William Daniel, James Garnett, John Mercer, Edward Pegram, Mumford Beverly, John Ambler, Thomas Harrison, Alexander Shephard and James Barbour. The spectators in the court room, as well as the witnesses were almost all well known. Among these were Andrew Jackson, afterwards President, Washington Irving, and that scoundrel Wilkinson, then Commander-in-Chief of the United States Army, who besides what he received from the government, was a pensioner of the King of Spain. - The Grand Jury came very near bringing in a true Bill against Wilkinson, who was a witness for the prosecution (61).

Captain Edward Pegram4 was a very large land owner in Dinwiddie County, as shown by tax records (42).

Edward married Mary Lyle about 1765, and reared a large family of very successful people. So far as is known, all of them were born in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, probably some of them at "Diamond Springs", where Edward lived and died. Edward and Mary had seven children: ELIZABETH', MARY BAKER, REBECCA, ANN LYLE, JOHN, BAKER and EDWARD (6, 7, 62).
Mary, Edward's wife died on 30 January 1778, after which he married Ann Harper Parham, a widow. She died 11 September 1814. There were seven children of this union: MARTHA', ROBERT, WILLIAM, ELIZABETH "BETSY", WILLIAM II (the first William probably died in infancy), HARRIET and GEORGE (6, 62).

Each individual, followed by his descendants, will be discussed in the order just given, which is according to age seniority.
ELIZABETH PEGRAM5, first child of Edward Pegram and Mary Lyle, was born 28 January 1766. She married Captain Edward Scott, and they had MARTHA6, MARY, REBECCA and THOMAS FIELD.


MARTHA SCOTT6, daughter of Elizabeth Pegram and Edward Scott, married William A. Starke, and they had two sons: WILLIAM EDWARD', and PETER BURWELL.

WILLIAM EDWARD STARKE7, son of Martha Scott and William A. Starke, was born in Brunswick County, Virginia. He married Louise Gray Hicks, daughter of Q.G. Hicks and Betty Lewis, of Brunswick County. They moved to New Orleans, Louisiana. When the Civil War began William Edward entered the Confederate Army, and attained the rank of Brigadier General. He was killed at the battle of Antietam, Maryland on 17 September 1862, at the age of 48 years. He was buried at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia. There were five children:

EDWIN B.8, Lieutenant C.S.A.; d. July 1862 from wounds received at battle of Seven Pines.
SALLIE, m. William Eggleston of Amelia Co., Va.; later of Vicksburg, Miss.

PETER BURWELL STARKE7, son of William A. Starke and Martha Scott, was born in Brunswick County, Virginia. He first married Adeline Kirkland of Brunswick County, Virginia. His second wife was Elizabeth J. Percival, also of Brunswick County. Peter Burwell, like his brother, was a Brigadier General in the Confederate Army. There was one son of record; WILLIAM EDWARD8, who married Sally Turnbull of Lawrenceville, Virginia.

MARY SCOTT6, daughter of Elizabeth Pegram and Edward Scott, never married.

REBECCA SCOTT6, daughter of Elizabeth Pegram and Edward Scott, apparently never married. (At least no record has been found of either her marriage or that of her sister Mary.)

THOMAS FIELD SCOTT, M.D 6, son of Elizabeth Pegram and Edward Scott, was born in Dinwiddie County, Virginia in 1806 or 1807, and died 11 July 1883 in Petersburg, Virginia. He was buried in old Blanford Cemetery in Dinwiddie County. He was married in 1843 to Augusta Butts, daughter of Captain Daniel Butts of Dinwiddie County. Thomas Field's second wife was Mary Bain of Petersburg. Dr. Scott was the father of six children:

JOHN DODSON, lived in New York.
THOMAS, died in infancy.

MARY BAKER PEGRAM5, daughter of Edward Pegram4 and Mary Lyle, was born in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, 16 November 1767. She married William Scott, brother of Peter Scott, who married her sister Rebecca.

REBECCA PEGRAM5, daughter of Edward Pegram and Mary Lyle, was born in Dinwiddie County 28 May 1769. She married Peter Scott of Dinwiddie County, probably at "Diamond Springs", the plantation home of her parents. Rebecca and Peter had seven children who will be discussed in the following order: EDWARD6, THOMAS, PETER, JOHN LYLE, ANN, WILLIAM BAKER and FRANCIS.

EDWARD SCOTT6, son of Rebecca Pegram and Peter Scott, was born in Dinwiddie County 25 July 1787 and died in Dinwiddie 30 August 1822. He was married on 28 September 1808 to Juliana Hardaway of Dinwiddie. She was born 6 January 1793. In 1832 she moved with her family,


and brother Thomas S. Hardaway, to Vicksburg, Mississippi, where she died 8 September 1833. The issue was: THOMAS BENJAMIN7, PETER EDWARD, JOHN JAMES, ROBERT BAKER, MARY JANE REBECCA and WILLIAM HENRY.

THOMAS BENJAMIN SCOTT7 was born in Dinwiddie County 18 February 1810. He was married in 1831 to Minerva Hardaway, a half sister to the wife of his uncle Thomas Hardaway (45). He resided in Dinwiddie County and had one daughter, MINERVA THOMAS BENJAMIN8. Thomas Benjamin7 died 27 July 1832, the year following his marriage. His only child, a daughter, carried on his name.

PETER EDWARD SCOTT7, son of Edward Scott and Juliana Hardaway, was born in Dinwiddie County 22 October 1811. He married Harriet Meade, of Petersburg, Virginia, on 3 September 1834, in Brunswick County. They moved to Mississippi where he died, 26 October 1841, without issue. Peter Edward was associated with his brother-in-law Thomas Randolph, in the firm of Scott and Randolph (45).

JAMES SCOTT7, son of Edward Scott and Juliana Hardaway, was born in Dinwiddie County 25 August 1813, and died 9 May 1827.

MARY JANE SCOTT7, daughter of Edward Scott and Juliana Hardaway, was born in Dinwiddie County 20 June 1815, and died 15 September 1822.

ROBERT BAKER SCOTT7, son of Edward Scott and Juliana Hardaway, was born in Dinwiddie County 18 October 1817. He was educated in Virginia, and was a physician. He moved to Warren County, Mississippi. He was married to Louise Irene Walcott of Warren County. She was born 7 February 1826 and died 27 June 1855. Robert Baker married Maria L. Cowan of Warren County on 1 February 1856. He moved to Texas and died there. The issue of the first marriage was

SUSAN EUGENIA8, b. 14 Jan. 1845.
EDWARD WOLCOTT, b. 12 Dec. 1846.
ROBERT HARDAWAY, b. 22 Oct. 1850.
LOUISE IRENE, b. 4 October 1854.

There was one child by the second marriage:

NATHANIEL ROBERTS8, b. 25 Oct. 1859; d. 7 March 1878.

MARY JANE REBECCA SCOTT7, daughter of Edward Scott and Juliana Hardaway, was born in Dinwiddie County 9 July 1820. She moved with her mother to Mississippi. She married Thomas Randolph and they had JULIA SCOTT8, born in 1837.

After the death of Mr. Randolph, Mary Jane married Joseph Hawks of Vicksburg, Mississippi, and they had issue:

EDWARD SCOTT8, b. 1848, Parkersburg, W. Va.; m. Lillian Sharp of St. Louis, Mo.; d. without issue.
SARAH PEGRAM, b. 1850, d. 1868.
JOSEPH PATTERSON, b. 1857; m. Minnie Gwaltney of W. Va. in 1893. He died without issue, in Parkersburg, W. Va.
SUSAN HARDAWAY, b. 1859; d. in infancy.
LELIA RANDOLPH, b. 1869; d. young.

WILLIAM HENRY SCOTT7, son of Edward Scott and Juliana Hardaway, was born in Dinwiddie County, 5 August 1822. He was for years in the United States Army, and served in the Mexican War with the rank of Captain. He was a Major in the C.S.A. He died at Pensacola, Florida, and was buried in Vicksburg, Mississippi. He was unmarried.


THOMAS SCOTT, M.D.6, son of Rebecca Pegram5 and Peter Scott, was born in Dinwiddie County about 1790. He married _______ Hunter of Raleigh, North Carolina, and had issue: REBECCA7 and THEODORE, M.D.

PETER SCOTT6, son of Rebecca Pegram and Peter Scott, was born about 1792 in Dinwidde County, where he died unmarried.

JOHN LYLE SCOTT6, son of Rebecca Pegram and Peter Scott, was born about 1795 in Dinwiddie County. He died there unmarried.

ANN (NANCY) SCOTT6, daughter of Rebecca Pegram and Peter Scott, was born in Dinwiddie County; and married Major John Pegram5 of "Woodlawn", a son of John Pegram and Martha Sturdivant (see male line).

WILLIAM BAKER SCOTT, M.D.6, son of Rebecca Pegram and Peter Scott, was born in Diwiddie County about 1800. His home was "Locust Grove", near Dewitt, Virginia. He graduated in medicine from the University of Pennsylvania in 1820. He married Elizabeth Torborne, daughter of William and Elizabeth Arthur Torborne of Amelia County, Virginia. They had seven children: ANN ELIZABETH7, WILLIAM WALTER, JOHN LYLE, EDWARD PEGRAM, PETER HENRY, THOMAS WALTER and WASHINGTON TORBORNE, presented below.

ANN ELIZABETH SCOTT6, first child of Dr. William Baker Scott and Elizabeth Torborne, was born 3 August 1823 in Dinwiddie County. She married James P. Boisseau of Dinwiddie on 3 May 1842, and died in 1890. Mr. Boisseau was born 21 April 1813 and died 14 August 1892. They lived at "Mount Liberty" in Dinwiddie County. Ann and James had nine children.

DEWITT CLINTON, died young.
JAMES HOLT, b. 1847.
WILLIAM WALTER, died unmarried.
THOMAS HOLT, d. unmarried.
ROSE EVA, unmarried. MARION HOLT, d. unmarried.

WILLIAM WALTER SCOTT7, son of Dr. William Baker Scott and Elizabeth Torborne, was born in Dinwiddie County in 1824. He graduated from the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, and served in the Mexican War. On 29 March 1849 he sailed from Hampton Roads, Virginia on the ship Glenmare, bound for California, where he died.

JOHN LYLE SCOTT, M.D.7, son of Dr. William Baker Scott and Elizabeth Torborne, was born in Dinwiddie County in 1826. He married Helen B. Howerton of Dinwiddie. He was married a second time. He was the father of HELEN ELIZA8, MARY ELIZABETH and HELEN LYLE.

EDWARD PEGRAM SCOTT7, son of Dr. William Baker Scott and Elizabeth Torborne, was born in Dinwiddie County in 1828. He married Amelia Adams of Dinwiddie on 5 November 1853. There was one child of record, EDWARD PEGRAM8, who died young.

PETER HENRY SCOTT7, son of Dr. William Baker Scott and Elizabeth Torborne, was born in 1830 in Dinwiddie County. He married Mary Isabella Price, daughter of Samuel Price. Their issue was ISABELLA8 and HENRY PRICE. Henry married Kate Guico and lived in Jackson, Mississippi.

THOMAS WALTER SCOTT7, son of Dr. William Baker Scott and Elizabeth Torborne, was born in Dinwiddie County in 1832. He was a clergyman. He married Gussie Foster, and they had issue PEARL8 and RICHARD MARVIN.

WASHINGTON TORBORNE SCOTT7, son of Dr. William Baker Scott and Elizabeth Torborne, was born in Dinwiddie County in 1834, and was married to Jennie Hartwell. They had one child, VIRGINIAS (45).


FRANCIS SCOTT6, son of Rebecca Pegram and Peter Scott, was born in 1788. He married Patsy Tucker, born in 1810, in Dinwiddie County. They had four children:

THOMAS FREDERICK7 m. Martha Bass of Brunswick County, Va. Issue:

THOMAS BERRYMAN8 and ANSON; killed at battle of Gettysburg. CHARLES TURNER, m. Mrs. Burns of Petersburg; had ELIZABETH SUSAN8. BESSEMAN TUCKER, married, no issue.
MARTHA FRANCES, m. Mr. Finn; issue one daughter8.

ANN LYLE PEGRAM5, daughter of Capt. Edward Pegram4 and Mary Lyle, was born in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, on 6 August 1771. She married her first cousin Edward "Fighting Ned" Pegram, and died in 1825 (140). Ann and Edward had twelve children. See male line for issue.


Source: Samuel W. Simmons, The Pegrams Of Virginia And Their Descendants (Atlanta Georgia, 1984) All rights reserved
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