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Based on the information presently available to the compiler, and a number of current co-workers, it is not possible to name a progenitor of the Virginia Pegrams, earlier than George, who it has been said migrated from England in the 1660s. Official records show him in York County, Virginia in 1688, and a search of unindexed records would probably show him much earlier.

There were other individuals in the Virginia-Maryland area that spelled their names differently, but similar, to our Pegrams. Some of these were recorded prior to our official records of George Pegram, but there is no evidence that they were related. In Virginia Land Patent Book No. 6 it is recorded that the wife of Daniel Jennifer, lately called Ann Toft, received land in 1663 in Northampton, alias Accomack County, Virginia, that was originally granted to Edmond Scarbrough, for the transport of 145 Persons. These individuals were named and among them was An. Pigrim. First names of the people were abbreviated, and Pigrim could have been named Andrew, Anthony or something else (155).

Because these related named people existed, and because information in the very early York County records has not been exhausted, we can not be absolutely certain that there was not a generation preceding George. Elucidation of this would be an intriguing and valuable endeavour for some younger unsuspecting individual. For the purpose of the present treatise we will consider George Pegram1 as our progenitor.

Not much is known about George Pegram, and most of what is known has come from court records. If he had not had so many minor encounters with the courts, our knowledge of him would be even more sparse. Fortunately, sufficient information is available to designate him as the ancestor of our Virginia Pegrams. The following is a resume of court records from York County, Virginia, relative to George Pegram1.

York County, Virginia Deeds, Orders, Wills 1687-1691 (9).

22 February 1688/89 - In obedience to orders of 24 January 1688/89 we being empanelled by sherriff to meet upon the land belonging to Nicholas Sebrill and lay out the land according (to) pattent, we do not find any damages committed by Mr. Thomas Thorpe as alleged by Nicholas Sebrill. As for the quantity of the land, we leave it to the Surveyor. (George Pegram among twelve juriors).

20 December 1688 Court, page 242 - Among bills owed the estate of Issack Goddin, George Pegram listed as owing tobacco, All paid on 3 April 1689.

Judgement granted Thomas Thorpe agasinst George Pegram £0.14.10 sterling being full balance of account between them. Page 326.

24 February 1690 Court - George Pegram listed as member of jury in Court of 24 February 1690.

28 November 1690 Court - Account of coll: Bacon with George Pegram through 19 December 1691 for £8.0.6. Includes mention of coll. of Page's note.

York County, Virginia Deeds, Orders, Wills 1691-1694 (10).

24 November 1691 Court-Daniel Park granted attachment against estate of George Pegram £ 1.4.6. per bill returnable at next court.


24 January 1692/93 and 13 February Courts, page 102 - George Pegram serving on jury in case involving Cornell Cornute arresting Stiphen Pond his late master in an action upon the case declaring that Pond after he had sould him the said Cornute kept and detained his wife from him and made it his frequent custome to lye with her, openly boasting whereof to Cornute and others, together with divers other rude behavior and unjust actions by which the plaintiff alleadging himself much dampnified. Find for the plantiff 100 pounds of tobacco damages.

24 June 1692 Court - William Dyer stood himself security for appearance of George Pegram to answer suit of Maj. Lewis Burwell, serving executor of Col. Nathaniel Bacon in an action of the case for £6.13.4.

George Pegram deferred to next court on action regarding Nathaniel Bacon. Burwell granted judgement in next court of £3.11.4.

24 August 1692 Court, page 157 - Richard Farr, sawyer, arresting George Pegram in an action of the case for 27 schillings sterling per account, and not prosecuting same, is nonsuited.

24 May 1693 Court - Sworn to per George Pegram and recorded at the request of P. Weldon attorney of Maj. Burwell.

4 March 1693/94 Court - John Bryan arresting George Pegram in an action upon the case and not filing his petition, he is non suited. This was the last record found of George Pegram1.

The many records of arrest among the citizens of York County in the late 1600s indicate that most were likely citizen's arrests, and a high proportion seems to have been for minor indebtedness.

George Pegram was said to have been a surveyor. He married Hunt, perhaps about 1680. We know this because his son George, following his father's death, was apprenticed as a Joyner, with the consent of his uncle Robert Hunt, as will be discussed more fully later.

We do not know the date of George Pegram's death, but he was stated to be deceased when his son George was apprenticed in 1704. The last court record found was 4 March 1693/94. He thus died in that interval. George had four known sons, and perhaps daughters. The sons were as follows:

JOHN2, b. probably York Co., Va.; d. ca. 1753.
WILLIAM, b. probably York Co., Va.; m. Sarah
DANIEL, b. probably York Co., Va.; m. Sarah Hunt Foese? d. 1727.
GEORGE, b. ca. 1690, York Co., Va


© Samuel W. Simmons. No portion of this material may be used except for personal information.  No portion of the material is to be used, copied or reposted in any form or any media without specific written consent of the author or his successors and assigns.

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