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Dinwiddie Co., Virginia |
1997 |
These queries are not included in the Index. However, you can use your "FIND" feature of your Internet Browser to locate a surname quickly. This is usually under the word "Edit" in the tool bar above or you can simply search for any surname. LISLE/LYLE/LILE - Seeking information on John and Sophia (JACKSON) LISLE/LYLE/LILE who moved from Dinwiddie County Virginia in the early 1770s. May 31, 1997 - 08:14 - From: - Frank Lisle FARLEY, WATSON - I am interested in any information pertaining to Peter Farley of Petersburg or his family. I know that Lawrence Meyer Farley left the area after the Civil War and settled in Richmond. I found Peter Farley's plot with 13 people buried in it at Blanford Cemetery. The family had been in Dinwiddie for generations. My aunt said she visited with my grandmother many years ago and found the graves of a Peter Farley and Angelina Watson Farley that dated from the 1700s, but I have not been able to find it. Any clues? Jun 7, 1997 - 00:08 - From: - Margaret Sos MORRIS - I am looking for any information you might have about a Hercules Morris--may have had a different last name as he was not a legitimate son--lived in Dinwiddie County on or before 1787. If you have any information-please email me at Reddysam@aol.com--with your permission I will post it for sharing. Thank you, Jan Reddy Jun 8, 1997 - 15:17 - From: - Jan Reddy ADAMS, HOWELL, BARRY - ADAMS; Martha Howell, born 3 Nov 1796, Dinwiddie City, VA. She is believed to be the daughter of Susannah HOWELL and William ADAMS. Martha married Valentine Derry BARRY 1 Feb 1816, Springfield, Robertson Co., TN. Have information to share on the Barry Family as well as the decendents of Martha & V. D. Would like any information on the Adams and Howell families. Jun 16, 1997 - 11:12 - From: - Robbie Long Burnett ADAMS, HOWELL, BARRY - ADAMS, Martha Howell, born 3 Nov 1796, Dinwiddie City, VA. She is believed to be the daughter of Susannah HOWELL and William ADAMS. Martha married Valentine Derry BARRY 1 Feb 1816, Springfield, Robertson Co., TN. Have information to share on the Barry Family as well as the decendents of Martha & V. D. Would like any information on the Adams and Howell families. Jun 21, 1997 - 23:03 - From: - Robbie Long Burnett WILLS/WELLS, HOOD - Alexander WILLS (Wells) of Dinwiddie Co., VA married Permelia W.(Pamelia)HOOD of Amelia Co., VA on 2 Apr 1831 in Amelia Co., VA. Surety for marriage by Parmelia W. Hood. Marriage contract regarding her land filed in Amelia Co., VA. The name is listed as WILLS in 1831 and WELLS by the time her land was sold in 1852. Pamelia W. Wells is listed in 1860 Dinwiddie County, VA census on page 364, West Petersburg. I am trying to find them in 1850. Any help on siblings, parents, children etc. greatly appreciated. Thanks. Jul 2, 1997 - 14:01 - From: - Marilyn P. Swichkow HARDAWAY - Is there anyone researching the HARDAWAY name? Am trying to research this name. Were they Married to Cherokee Indians? Need to know this as my great grandmother was a Hardaway and they said she was an Indian Cherokee /Chickasaw. Jul 9, 1997 - 18:58 - From: - Betty Lilley BURROW, LITTLEFIELD - Need info on Phillip Burrow, Sr., b. @ 1741, possibly in Dinwiddie Co., VA, m. Martha Littlefield, b. @ 1742. Do not know marriage date; first child born @ 1765. Phillip died 11 Nov 1829 in Carroll Co., TN. Need info on names of children, especially any info on son Banks M. Burrow, father of Maribah Burrow who married John B. Somers, maybe Carroll Co., TN. Banks M. Burrow m. Mary Blanchard, 25 Jan 1803, Gates Co., NC. Most of this information was obtained from an LDS ancestral file printout. Would also like to find out where Albemarle Par., Surry & Sussex Cos., VA is? Is this a church parish? Thank you. Jul 11, 1997 - 17:54 - From: - Pat Dakin WYNN - I am tryimg to research the Wynn family who lived in the Darvills area of Dinwiddie County. I am trying to find out more about a Archer Wynn who married a B. Green. They are the parents of James Thomas Wynn, b: 1844 who married Sara Alice Rogers in 1875. Would appreciate any help in this search. Jul 21, 1997 - 12:59 - From: - Ron Wynn POOL(E) - POOL(E), Rebecca Ann, b.9/1/1825 in Dinwiddie Co, VA, m. Thomas Arthur Parker b. 10/16/1822 in Richmond, VA. She died 11/20/20 in Weatherford, TX. Looking for her siblings and mother/dad's names. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Jul 23, 1997 - 11:37 - From: - Wanda Rasmussen JOLLEY - My ancestor, James Jolley, was said to have been born in Dinwiddie Co., VA, "on Big Stanley Creek" in 1776. Does anyone know where this creek is/was or anything of the history concerning it? Would appreciate any help. Thanks. Barbara Jul 25, 1997 - 17:33 - From: - Barbara Waters WALKER - I am trying to locate my father-in-law Joseph F Walker or Joseph Walker born 1920 curently residing in Petersberg Virginia. Please contact Vernon Wilson 20 Branch Brook Drive Belleville, New Jersey 07109 Telephone (973) 759 5398 Thank you. Jul 26, 1997 - 19:32 - From: - Vernon C. Wilson Sr. ANDERSON - I am searching for information about Charles ANDERSON and son Thomas Jones ANDERSON. A 1911 letter written by a granddaughter of Charles ANDERSON stated that her grandfather lived in Dinwiddie County and later moved to Pittsylvania County, Virginia. Her father,Thomas Jones ANDERSON,was born in Dinwiddie Co. May 15,1799 (another source has 1789) and lived there until he died at the age of 79. Any information on either ANDERSON or their families will be appreciated Jul 31, 1997 - 17:31 - From: - Patricia Tausch RUFFIN - Searching for the parents of Robert Ruffin, b. ca 1801 in Greensville Co., VA, m. 27 Jan 1825 Sally G. Lovine. Children: Lucy A., b. ca 1827; William M., b. ca 1836; Sarah F., b. ca 1838; Elizabeth, b. ca 1840; Martha L., b. ca 1841; Lavenia, b. ca 1846. Robert Ruffin appears in the 1850 and 1860 Virginia census in Dinwiddie County. He owned a business. Robert's son, William M. Ruffin, is shown in the 1870 VA census as living in Petersburg. Robert Ruffin's grandson, a son of William M. Ruffin and Olivia Fitz, moved from Petersburg to Raleigh, NC and established a printing business there (there are a number of Ruffins now living in Raleigh that are descended from this line.) Appreciate any help. Lucy Ruffin Aug 2, 1997 - 23:52 - From: - Lucy Ruffin SAMMONS, JONES, WALKER - Searching for information about Richard SAMMONS bornFebruary 18, 1771, Petersburg, Dinwiddie County, Virginia. Died Augsut 31, 1844, Godfrey, Putnam County, Georgia. Married December 23, 1773 Patsey Martha JONES born Janaury 2, 1776. Died October 10, 1836, Putnam County, Georgia. Richard was the son of John SAMMON Sr. (1740-1812) and Betty WALKER (1743-). Hope Coslett Pees 11743 East Pacific Place Aurora, Colorado 80014-1133 jouett@aol.com Aug 6, 1997 - 22:55 - From: - Hope Coslett Pees WILKINS - I am searching for information on my g-g-grandfather Henry J. WILKINS, born on January 31, 1823. He married Mary E.L.? from North Carolina. I believe that he left Dinwiddie County, Virginia with his wife, and brothers, George Washington WILKINS, William E. WILKINS; ?; and sister Rebecca WILKINS?; and mother Martha Rebecca WILKINS? in the 1840's and settled in McNairy County, West Tennessee. Any information concerning them will be greatly appreciated. Aug 17, 1997 - 22:49 - From: - Robert E. Wilkins PARKER, POOLE, RICHARDS - In search of Thomas Arthur PARKER, b. 10/16/1822; Rebecca (Rebekah) Ann POOLE, b. 9/1/1825; P. P. POOLE; Mary Ann RICHARDS Aug 20, 1997 - 10:03 - From: - Wand Rasmussen SCOTT - Looking for the ancstors and descendants of ancestors of General Winfield SCOTT of Dinnwiddie Co VA. Lynn Olivier 1613 Hewitt Av St Paul MN 55104-1221. Aug 22, 1997 - 05:47 - From: - Lynn Olivier MITCHEWLL - MITCHELL, John Henry. Br. abt. 1750. Mar. Mary Ziegler. Son, Mitchell, Thomas Hardaway.Bn. 1792. Mar. Ruth Tillery. Son, Francis William. I am seeking information about John Henry MITCHELL. Who were his parents? When and where did he die? Who were his other children besides Thomas Hardaway MITCHELL.Did John Henry serve in the Rev. War? Any clues will be helpful. William G. Mitchell Aug 24, 1997 - 21:25 - From: - William G. (Bill) Mitchell MANLY - I'm seeking more information about RICHARD MANLY of Dinwiddie County, VA. There are two Richard's in the 1820 VA Census Index, both spelled "Manley." In the actual census I found one spelled "Manly" and indicating he was a blacksmith. No ages are listed. I'm hoping he could be the father of my 4th great-grandfather REV. JOHN MANLY born in 1789, VA (unknown county) and died 1831 Henry Co., TN. John had a brother Richard who appears in Henry Co. records. According to family legend, John Manly's father came with his six brothers from Ireland to Ohio>Virginia and fought in the Revolutionary War. If anyone has knowledge of the Manly family of Virginia or Richard Manly or John Manly specifically I'd appreciate hearing from you. Aug 25, 1997 - 22:00 - From: - Kathy Manley Nystrom MITCHELL, ZIEGLER - I am still seeking information about my Dinwiddie Co. MITCHELL relatives. A Thomas Hardaway MITCHELL was born in Dinwiddie Co. in 1792. I have been told his father was John Henry MITCHELL, and his mother was Mary ZIEGLER. I would like to verify that, and learn who John Henry's parents were. The local records were burned in the War of 1812. Anyone able to help? Bill MITCHELL Aug 29, 1997 - 21:39 - From: - MITCHELL, William G.(Bill) ROYALL/ROYAL, NUNNALLY, CHILDERS, CONANT, BRACEY, JONES - I'm looking for information about the following ancestors: 1)William W. ROYALL b. 1800-1815 m. Ann; 2) George B. ROYAL b 1832 m. 1856 Mary P. NUNNALLY b. 1832; 3) Henry Thomas ROYAL b. 1861 m 1886 Mary Elizabeth CHILDERS b. 1869; children Frances Lillian m. CONANT; William H. b. 1887; John Martin b. 1891 m. 1912 Essie Maude NUNNALLY b. 1891; George Lester b. 1893 m. BRACEY; Emma May b. 1895 m. JONES; Henry Bryan b. 1897; Gannie L. b. 1900; Roger P. b. 1901; Watson G. b. 1905. Sep 1, 1997 - 22:40 - From: - Nancy Claudine Beck NUNNALLY, JONES, ROYAL, CONNALLY, MOORE, CHANDLER, ATKINS, BUTLER - I'm looking for information about the following ancestors: 1) Grief NUNNALLY b.1800-1815 m. Martha JONES; child: Mary P. b. 1832 m. 1856 ROYAL; Harriet B. 1837 2)(Thomas) Armstead b. 1837 m. CONNALLY /m. 1882 Lucy Ann MOORE b. 1847; child: Thomas Armstead b. 1868 m. 1889 Nettie Louisa CHANDLER B. 1867; children: Edward Allen; Grover Thomas b. 1890 m. ADKINS; Essie Maude b. 1891 m. 1912 ROYAL; Mary Ann (Mamie) b. 1892 m. ATKINS; Luther b. 1893; Gracie b. 1895; Jessie Louise b. 1896 m. BUTLER; ... Sep 1, 1997 - 23:08 - From: - Nancy Claudine Beck HOOD - Seeking information on Thomas HOOD of Dinwiddie Co. According to the Person Co. NC deed Books 1792-1825 by Katherine Kerr Kendall, Deed Book E pg. 298 Charles Bostick to Thomas Hood of Dinwiddie County Va., for 10 pounds, 100 acres on Flat River, 14 Mar 1807. If you are connected to or have info regarding Thomas Hood I would love to hear from you. Thanks for all replies. Sep 3, 1997 - 20:47 - From: - Beverly Thomas RUFFIN - RUFFIN, John. Seeking info on his family and their burial. Born: 9 Oct 1795 Dinwiddie Co. married 1)Jamina Wheelhouse 2)Ann Audas. Jamina Ruffin "interred in family burial ground of father, John D. Ruffin". Where is this? John buried in Blandford Cemetery, Petersburg, April 8, 1867. Would like more info about family buried in that plot. Sep 8, 1997 - 11:47 - From: - Virginia Crilley HOOD - I am seeking information on Thomas HOOD of Dinwiddie Co who purchased for 10 pounds, 100 acres In Person Co NC, 16 Nov. 1795. Looking for wife and children, parents/siblings, Thanks for all replies, Bev Sep 11, 1997 - 20:26 - From: - Beverly Thomas KEY - Researching William KEY, who was born 1761 in Chesterfield County, Virginia. He moved to Dinwiddie Co, VA and enlistsed in the Virginia troops in May of 1779. He was allowed a Rev. War pension in 1832 and then moved to Warren County, North Carolina. He was married to Elizabeth Gaines and eventually settle in Sumner County, Tennessee. William had a brother named Bingham and a sister, Mildred who moved with him to TN. He had a brother John, who stayed in Virginia. I would love to find the father of William...any "clues" would be GREATLY appreciated!! Sep 14, 1997 - 13:38 - From: - Key Gresham-Blab RAINEY/RAINY/RAYNE, ROTTENBERRY - RAINEY/RAINY, Francis, is listed in 1759 as a resident of Dinwiddie Co. purchasing 100 acres on the north side of the Roanoke River, on a fork of the Great Creek (this later became Mecklenburg Co.) form John Rottenberry and wife Mary of Lunenburg Co.. It is commonly believed that Francis Rainey married Ann Rottenberry (dau of John and Marry) sometime around 1750. Francis is thought to have be born 1730/35, place of birth, parents, and other relatives unknown. Would appreciate any information. Richard Rainey Sep 16, 1997 - 23:37 - From: - Richard Rainey RUFFIN - Ruffin, Thomas Smith, (1843-1873) m. 1867 Alice Lorraine. His parents were Edmund and Mary Ruffin. Am searching WHERE he is buried. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sep 18, 1997 - 12:06 - From: - Patricia B. Buck RUFFIN - Ruffin, Thomas Smith, (1843-1873) m. 1867 Alice Lorraine. His parents were Edmund and Mary Ruffin. Am searching WHERE he is buried. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sep 18, 1997 - 12:07 - From: - Patricia B. Buck COUSINS, TAYLOR - Looking for information about James A. COUSINS (1846-1923 and Fannie TAYLOR COUSINS (1859-1936). James moved to Tazewell, VA from Dinwiddie County sometime before 1880. I believe James' parents were William and Ann COUSINS; Fannie's mother was Eliza Francis TAYLOR, born 1827 in Tennessee. Sep 18, 1997 - 15:09 - From: - Ellen Hufnagel EPPES/EPPS - We are looking for the Family of Eppes/Epps. John Eppes in the late 1700 with 397 acres of land in Dinwiddie. If you have ANY information please respond. Paradox650@aol.com Sep 20, 1997 - 15:46 - From: - PK Winn VAUGHAN - Enoch VAUGHAN fought in Rev. Lived in Dinwiddie Co., VA Children were born between 1793 and 1813. Issue: Robert Winn, Littleton R., Georgianna, Tarlton, Martha, and Oscar F. Wife was Mary ? I would very much like to find his place of birth, his parents, his siblings, and date and place of death. Sep 25, 1997 - 09:54 - From: - Joan H. Slater MITCHELL, TILLARY, ZIEGLER - My earliest known MITCHELL ancester was Thomas Hardaway MITCHELL, born 1792 in Dinwiddie County, VA. He married Ruth TILLARY.What I'm seeking now is information on Thomas' father, John Henry MITCHELL. John Henry married Mary ZIEGLER, who was German.I need dates on both Thomas' parents, as well as any link to earlier generations.I have all the information from Thomas to the present. The problem is that the Dinwiddie County Court House was burned by the British in 1812. Can anyone out there help me? Bill MITCHELL Sep 25, 1997 - 09:55 - From: - Bill Mitchell FERGUAON, FUQUA - Request anyone with information on the Ferguson family and the Fuqua family of Dinwiddie county, please contact me. Edmond Ferguson born about 1760, married Elizabeth Fuqua for Cumberland county 23 April 1782, Would like to know who the parents of both were. Sep 25, 1997 - 17:46 - From: - Richard L. Hyatt BYERS - BYERS, John who married Maggie Alena Price around 1910. Their 3 children were Grover, Nell and Ella Victoria. These children were later placed in an orphanage. Possibly the father was a traveling minister. Both Maggie and John Byers are buried in Petersburg. Any information b/d/m would be appreciated. Oct 2, 1997 - 03:18 - From: - Drew W. Weeks MITCHELL, ZIEDLER, TILLERY - I am searching for additional information on John Henry MITCHELL, who was born about 175-6- in Dinwiddie Co. He married Mary ZIEGLER. They had a son, Thomas Hardaway MITCHELL, who was born in 1792. He married Ruth TILLERY, and they moved to Georgia. Would appreciate any help with this puzzle. Oct 4, 1997 - 20:09 - From: - William G. MITCHELL WHITE - Need information on Jeremiah WHITE of (originally from Spotsylvania Co.),married to Jane ____. Moved to Dinwiddie Co., then in 1778 moved to Pittsylvania Co. Died in 1788, Pittsylvania Co. Children Wm. Jeremiah, John, Hamilton, Robert, Nancy, Mary, Jane. Any Information on Jeremiah WHITE or any children born in Dinwiddie Co. appreciated. Oct 10, 1997 - 22:42 - From: - John R. Hudson,Jr. LIPFORD - I am researching the LIPFORD family name. Amos Lipford and his family lived in Dinwiddie County in the 1700's. Does anyone have any record of this family? Oct 20, 1997 - 22:35 - From: - Beverly Lipford Yeager MITCHELL, ZIEGLER, TILLERY - I continue to seek more information about my ancester, John Henry MITCHELL, who was born in Dinwiddie County about 1750-1760. He married Mary ZIEGLER, and they had a son, Thomas Hardaway MITCHELL, who was born in 1792. He married Ruth TILLERY. They moved to GA., and are burried there. I need something to help me differentiate among the three Johns who lived in Dinwiddie Co. at the time my GGGF John Did. Anyone have any infor to help? Oct 27, 1997 - 20:35 - From: - William G. MITCHELL WELLS - THIS IS A LONG SHOT, BUT MY MOTHER VIRGINIA JACKLYN WELLS WAS BORN IN DINWIDDIE COUNTY VA IN OR AROUND OCTOBER 20, 1928 TO MOTHER VANCE WELLS WHO AT THE TIME WAS BETWEEN 15 AND 20 YEARS OF AGE. THE FATHERS NAME IS UNKNOWN. VIRGINIA JACKLYN WELLS WAS GIVEN AWAY AND WAS RAISED WITH A OTTIE MAE KING, WHO IN TURN GAVE VIRGINIA OVER TO HER MOTHER LIVING IN TOCCOA GEORGIA WHERE SHE LIVED UNTIL 18 YEARS OF AGE. THE VERY SKETCHY INFORMATION WAS ACCUMULATED FROM NUMEROUS QUIRIES FROM CALIFORNIA WHERE VIRGINIA SMITH NOW LIVES, TO THE OFFICE OF VITAL STATS. THERE IS NO LISTING ON VANCE WELLS BIRTH CERTIFICATE IN DINWIDDIE COUNTY, BUT THERE IS A LISTING FOR VIRGINIA J. WELLS BORN TO VANCE WELLS IN DINWIDDIE COUNTY, AND ON THE CERTIFICATE GIVES VANCE WELLS AGE AS APROX 17 OR 19 YEARS OLD. THIS IS A AMENDED BIRTH CERTIFICATE, AND 1 OF 3 THAT WAS SENT WITH THE MOST INFORMATION. MAYBE VANCE WELLS HAD A DAUGHTER PRIOR TO GIVING BIRTH TO VIRGINIA, AND HER NAME IS UNKNOWN, OR IF SHE WAS BORN IN DINWIDDIE COUNTY. (PAST HISTORY HAS SAID THE NAME OF PREVIOUS DAUGHTER MAY HAVE BEEN KATHEREEN). VANCE WELLS WAS UNMARRIED, AND MAY HAVE BEEN LIVING WITH HER PARENTS NAMES UNKNOWN. ONLY OTHER INFORMATION KNOWN IS THE NAME WILKINS MAY HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH VANCE WELLS. I KNOW THIS IS A LONG SHOT, BUT I WILL TRY IT ANYWAY. MY MOTHER HAS SPENT HER LIFE NOT KNOWING WHOM SHE WAS BIRTHED TO, AND IF SHE HAD ANY SIBLINGS. MY MOTHER NOW VIRGINGIA SMITH WILL BE 69 YEARS OLD AND STILL IN GOOD HEALTH. SHE HAS A VERY RARE BLOOD TYPE, WITH A RH NEGATIVE FACTOR IN IT. IF ANYONE HAS ANY INFORMATION, OR CAN ASSIST WITH ANY RESEARCH INTO THIS MATTER, IT WOULD BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. ALL THE PEOPLE MY MOTHER (VIRGINIA SMITH) WERE REARED BY ARE OF COURSE DECEASED IN TOCCOA GEORGIA, AND SHE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ANY INFORMATION SHE CAN FIND OUT A AT ALL ABOUT HER BIRTH MOTHER, POSSIBLE SISTERS OR BROTHERS, AND ANY LITTLE PIECES OF INFORMATION WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION TO THIS NOTE SINCERLY A LOVING DAUGHTER OF VIRGINIA JACKLYN WELLS ROSEMARY SMITH Oct 29, 1997 - 01:02 - From: - Rosemary Smith THOMPSON, RIVES, PARKE, MITCHELL - Looking for John THOMPSON, probably born in the early 1770's in Dinwiddie Co. His father was Stith THOMPSON and mother ? RIVES. Full brothers: Doddridge, Richard, Reeves, Stith, William and Charles. Half brothers James, Sterling and Stephen (children of second wife Elizabeth PARKE). John THOMPSON married Sarah Shipley MITCHELL, b. Dec. 31, 1778 on Jan. 16, 1800 in Washington Co., KY. Oct 29, 1997 - 08:17 - From: - Sarah Shaw Tatounova BASS CEMETARY - I am trying to find the location of the BASS CEMETARY in the Sapony District of Dinwiddie County, VA. Any help appreciated. Russell. ruslaw@bellatlantic.net Nov 8, 1997 - 10:55 - From: - Russell L. Lawrence GREEN - Searching for information on Lewis GREEN born May 05, 1751 in Dinwiddie, VA. Married Easter Kilgore in Washington County, Virginia in 1782. Enlisted in Rev. War in Russell County, VA. Nov 13, 1997 - 10:36 - From: - Betty Green GOODWYN - Am researching Goodwyn family history, especially Peterson Goodwyn and family tree Nov 14, 1997 - 11:13 - From: - Jim Goodwyn WELLS - I am searching for Vance or Van Wells born somewhere around 1910 who game birth to Virginia Jacklyn Wells in October of 1928. Dont know birth location of Vance or Van wells, but she did have a previous birth of a daughter prior to giving birth to Virginia Wells. Anyone that has information please contact Rosemary Smith daughter of Virginia Wells now Virginia Smith. May also have relation to wilkins somehow. Nov 18, 1997 - 00:18 - From: - Rosemary Smith WELLS - I am looking for information on Vance Wells of Dinwiddie co. Had a daughter born on Oct. 20, 1928 named Virginia Jacklyn Wells. Vance may have been about 18 yrs old in 1928. Nov 30, 1997 - 00:31 - From: - Rosemary Smith HITE/HIGHT, HIGHTOWER, BEAL - Joseph Hite, Hight, or Hightower 1740 on s/s Nottoway and associated with John Beal on n/s Nottoway at Rocky Run of Stoney Ck about 1755. Charles Hite, 301 Downey Place, Gastonia, NC 28054 Dec 1, 1997 - 14:19 - From: - Charles Hite CHANDLER - Attempting to locate information on my great-great grandfather, William Chandler. His wife's name was Elizabeth K. ......, and their children's names were: William W., Sylvester, Alge(?), Isadore, Mary K., Benjamin B. and Martha Ann. William died in 1848. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Dec 14, 1997 - 22:01 - From: - Robert Roy Chandler PEGRAM, MANSON, HARPER - Seeking information on Maj. BAKER PEGRAM, who died in Dinwiddie Co. about 1829. His first wife was Mary Manson, daughter of Captain Peter Manson, also of Dinwiddie. Does anyone know where he is buried? or the site of his home? Any info welcome. Also seek ancestors of NATHANIEL HARPER whose plantation was on Nottoway River. He died in Brunswick Co.in 1799. His son Joseph Wells Harper was living on the Dinwiddie plantation. Believe Nathaniel son of JOSEPH HARPER who patented land in Dinwiddie 1739. Dec 21, 1997 - 11:48 - From: - Phil Alfeld DANCE, ELDER, LAMB - Seeking information on Thomas Dance married Nancy Elder and William Dance Married Nancy Lamb all Dinwiddiw County Removed to Pendleton, County Kentucky about 1805. Dec 28, 1997 - 13:18 - From: - Frank Hussung |
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