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Petersburg Cavalry, Company B, Thirteenth Regiment



Chambliss, John R., Jr. Colonel Heath, Oswald D. 2nd Sergt.
Jordan, John F. Captain Jeter, John 3rd Sergt.
Winfree, Joseph H. Captain Wimbish, Samuel P. 3rd Sergt.
Powell, John W. 2nd Lieut. Baxter, Benjamin F. Sergeant
Burgess, Lewis 2nd Lieut. Lucy, George T. 4th Corpl.
Carrington, Peyton R. 1st Sergt. Jordan, J W. Corporal
Page, Charles C. 1st Sergt. Faber, Paul Musician
Traylor, Thomas M. 2nd Sergt.    


Aldridge, George T. Crump, Oceola C. Phillips, W. H.
Allen, Randolph J. Cummings, James M. Pitt, Charles W.
Archer, John G. Dunlop, John M. Pitt, Thomas H.
Archer, William Dunn, Archibald W. Pruden, John
Bass, Robert G. Eley, Benjamin C. Pulley, Whitmel
Beasley, William E. Ellington, Charles E. Rainey, Thomas W.
Beck, John 0. Goodwin, William J. Reece, John E.
Bell, John Green, William P. Roper, Henry C.
Bissett, William Grizzard, J. W. Rowlett, Richard C.
Blick, Nathaniel J. Hannah, B. J. Rowlett, William M.
Bragg, D. W. Hargrave, Eppes Savage, John N.
Brantley, William B. Hobson, Richard J. Scarborough, J. W.
Britton, Edward D. Jeter, John R. Shay, Patrick S.
Britton, John W. Layne, W. H. Short, Charles H.
Brown, Stephen D. Leath, Thomas G. Stephenson, L. M.
Burgess, John Leathen, John H. Swett, J. L.
Butts, George W. Leonard, Robert H. Tatum, H. T.
Cain, Charles T. Martin, Alexander Thompson, Wilson J.
Carrington, Peyton R. McCandlish, R. M. Traylor, Thomas M.
Chadwick, William R. McIntosh, Alexander Vesey, William J.
Channell, George F. Mitchell, P. L. Walton, Thomas R.
Chapman, James A. Newsom, B. Ward, Thomas P.
Clark, Thomas J. Nicholson, D. W. Webb, J. H. T.
Clay, John Overturf, Alfred Webb, Richard
Coates, Berthen Owen, A. T. Whitehead, John
Corbell, John W. Page, C. C. Wiley, James
Cousins, Algernon S. Perkinson, Joseph E. Williams, J. B.
Cousins, Charles M. Phillips, James A. Williams, John E.
Cowling, Lemuel T. Phillips, John T. Williams, Quinton T.

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