Chesterfield County, Virginia

Transcription of the Will of Daniel McLarren, Sr.

Chesterfield County, Virginia

Will Book No. 12 Pages 326-327


In the name of God, amen, I Daniel McLarin, Senr., of the county of Chesterfield XXX

being sick in body but of sound mind and memory, do make, ordain and dXXXXXX I

by endowment to be my last will and testament, hereby making all XXXXXXXXXX N

fore by me made in manner & form following: XXXXXXXXXXXX K

Imforcmis(?), I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife NXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

whole of my estate real and personal, during her natural lifeXXXXXXXXXXXXXX B

which I shall dispose of hereafter. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX L

Item, To my daughter Jane, she intermarried with BenjXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX O

of my wife, I give two acres of land whereon they are now livXXXXXXXXXXXXX T

to her son John Kent. I also give said Jane Kent, at the decease of my wife, oneXXXX

one ? one loom and gear? belonging thereto & one spinning wheel during her naturalXXX

at her decease to ___Kent infant daughter of said Jane. I give the loom and gear? and

spinning wheel, to her and her heirs forever.

Item, At the decease of my wife I give and bequeath to Susanna Kent , another daughter

of said Jane, one feather bed and furniture to her & her heirs.

Item, At the decease of my wife, I give to my son Daniel McLarin, Jr. the whole

of my land except the two acres already devised and one-half acre which I desire

to be kept for a burial ground; where all my friends and relatives may be

interred, and which I desire never to be sold. At my decease, I give him one sorrel

colt, and at the decease of my wife I give the residue of my personal estate not already

devised to him and his heirs. And if the said Daniel McLarin, Jr. should die without

an heir I give the portion allotted to him to my grandchildren Louisa, Jane, Harrison

McLarin, Susanna Kent, John Kent, ___Kent, to them as the survivors of their

Father’s heirs. Lastly, I nominate, constitute, and appoint my son Daniel McLarin,

Jr. executor of this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto

set my hand and affixed my seal this twentieth day of January one thousand eight

hundred and twenty-seven. his

Signed, sealed, acknowledged and declared by said Daniel X McLarin (seal)

Daniel McLarin, Senr. As his last will and test- mark

ament in presence of

Robert Belcher

Henry McClarren


Ludion(?) X Andrews


John Dyson



In Chesterfield County Court June 11, 1832, The last will and testament of

Daniel McLarren, Senior, was proved by the oath of Henry McLarren and John

Dyson, subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded. On the motion of

Daniel McLarren, Junr., who made oath to said will and entered into bond

XXXXXX conditioned as the law directs; a certificate is granted him for

obtaining probate thereof in due form.

Teste. P. Poindexter, Clerk


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