Chesterfield County, Virginia


Noncupative will of Thomas D. Howard, 1824, Chesterfield County, VA  -  Submitted by



OCT. 11, 1824, WILL BK. 10 PAGE 344

Noncupative will of Thomas D. HOWARD....Chesterfield county court....11th of October, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four. Anthony TAYLOR being sworn saith that Thomas D. HOWARD, dec'd on last Tuesday.....a week at the dwelling house in this county...... that during his last illness about three weeks before his death he called on witness's to take.....that he wishes to give his watch to his youngest brother Stephen HOWARD also a horse called Major, To his brother Henry he intended to give a horse called Snapp. To his brother William he intended to give a nice....old colt.......Thomas D. HOWARD at the time was of sound..... mind.

Anthony TAYLOR

William TAYLOR being sworn that....the will of Thomas D. HOWARD....before his death the said Thomas D. HOWARD called on witness's to take notice that he intended to give a part of his property as follows: to his brother Stephen HOWARD the watch and a horse call Major, to brother Henry HOWARD a horse called Snapp and to brother William HOWARD a three year old colt and his waggon gears....said Thomas D. HOWARD at the time was of sound and disposing mind.

William TAYLOR

In Chesterfield county , October 11, 1824 Anthony and William TAYLOR..affidavits.........

Teste: Parke Poindexter, Clk.

(Thomas D. Howard was the son of James Howard and Ann " Nancy" Depp. He died in 1824 in  Chesterfield Co. VA, unmarried. Children of James and Ann Howard were: Henry, John, William, Martha (Patsy), Thomas D. and Stephen)


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