Chesterfield County, Virginia


Will of Martha (Patsy) Howard, 1823, Chesterfield County, VA  -  Submitted by



JULY 8, 1823

I Martha HOWARD of the County of Chesterfield do make and ordain this my last will and testament.

As _______________ form as follows, that is to say:

First I give unto my brother Thomas HOWARD all my estate both real and personal during his natural life and at his death (provided he leaves no lawful issue) to be equally divided between my brothers.

I desire that my executors hereafter named not to be held to security and Lastly I do hereby appoint my brother Thomas HOWARD executor of this my last will and testament hereunto revoking all other or former wills and testaments to me heretofore made. In witness thereof I hereby set my hand and affix my seal this eighth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three.

Wit: Peter PORTER Martha (X) HOWARD (Seal)
Thomas DEPP
Anthony TAYLOR

In Chesterfield county the 10th day of November , one thousand eight hundred and twenty three....will of Martha HOWARD dec'd was presented by Thomas D. HOWARD, Exec.....opposed by Henry HOWARD and by consent...the same is continue to next court...........8th of December 1823 ....... again presented for probate by Thomas D. HOWARD and on motion of Henry HOWARD the same was continued until next term and a commission is awarded him to take the deposition of Susanna HOWARD as witness for him to be read__________ reasonable notice of the time and place of taking said deposition to be given to the said Thomas D. HOWARD--------And in said county court......12th day of February, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four....again Thomas D. HOWARDfor probate and on motion of Henry HOWARD ordered to court.

And...county court 10th March one thousand eight hundred and twenty four....return.....presented for probate by Thomas D. HOWARD, Exec. and upon hearing the evidence of Peter PORTER, Thomas DEPP and Anthony TAYLOR subscribing witnesses' thereto as will and desire....sworn and examined arguments of counsel.....circumstances of caseweighted of the court as the case appears to them that the said writing is the true last will and testament of the said Martha HOWARD, deceased. And it is further considered by the court that Thomas D. HOWARD accept.....the......Henry HOWARD him expended as obtaining the probate of said will. On the motion of Henry HOWARD the .......

(Patsy (Martha) HOWARD was the child of James HOWARD and Ann "Nancy" DEPP, <who died in 1821 and 1822 respectively> and sister to the Thomas D. and Henry HOWARD above mentioned. She died in 1823, was unmarried. Brother Thomas D. HOWARD died in 1824. Children of James & Ann HOWARD were: Henry, John, William, Patsy (Martha), Thomas D. and Stepehn )


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