Chesterfield County, Virginia


Will of James Howard, 1822, Chesterfield County, VA  -  Submitted by

Chesterfield Co., VA Will Book 9, Pages 536-538

I James HOWARD of Chesterfield County, do hereby make, and publish the following as my last will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills or declarations, as such, herefore made by me Viz.

1st I give and bequeath unto my son Henry HOWARD and his heirs forever, four hundred and twenty two acres of land, with the improvements thereon, being the old plantation or place on which I formerly lived. I also give him the following negroes (and the increase of the females from this day) to wit - Sall, and her three children Viz., Amey, Becky & Fanny, and a lad named Stephen, also one horse, called Elie and one bed and furniture _ It is to be understood that the cotton gin or machines, and the still on the land aforesaid is included in the bequest of the land. _

2nd I give nothing by this Will to my son John HOWARD having made a previous provision for him by deed of Gift. _

3rd I give and bequeath unto my son William HOWARD and his heirs forever. _ the land I purchased of William WOOLDRIDGE, lying on the North side of the hundred road, together with the tract I purchased belonging to the Estate of Thomas STANFORD decd. And eighteen acres on the North side of said road I purchased of John MURCHIE, the three parcels supposed to contain two hundred and sixty acres, be the same more or less_ I also give him the following negroes (& the future increase of the females from this day_) Viz. Milly, Jacob, Suckey and Kate, and one bay mare called Peggy, with one bed and furniture. _

4th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Patsy HOWARD and her heirs forever, all the land I purchased of John GODSEY, Senr. John GODSEY Jr., Henry GODSEY, Benjamin TRENT, and Erasmus REAMES, supposed to contain Two hundred and thirty two acres, be the same more or less. I also give her the following negroes ( and the future increase of the females from this day) To wit, Sam, Tipsay, Linny, Alsy, and Caroline and one bed and furniture, I also give her six hundred dollars, to be raised out of that part of my estate not specifically given away _ three hundred dollars to be paid as soon as it can be reasonably done, after my decease; and the balance upon the death of my wife should she survive me, but In case I am the longest liver then at my death, the whole sum as aforesaid to be paid her by my executors herein after named. _

5th I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas D. HOWARD and his heirs forever, all the land purchased of Daniel MICHEAUX called Hallsborough and the land I purchased of John MORGAIN, with their improvements, supposed to contain three hundred and eighty four acres, be the same more or less, with this reservation that my wife Ann, is to have and enjoy a life estate, in all said lands and improvements, given to my said son Thomas during her natural life_ with the exception of one hundred acres which is to include the Red house, and to be laid off next to John ROPERS V of which said hundred acres he is to have immediate possession_ I also give to him three Negroes (and the future increase of the females from this day) to wit Mason, Smithy and Meklin and one bed and furniture, and one bay mare called Poll and her colt called sheriff likewise one Gigs and harness._

6th I give and bequeath unto my son Stephen HOWARD and his heirs forever, all the balance of my land attached to the old tract and which I purchased of John MURCHIE. Richard NOELL, and Henry BOWLES supposed to contain five hundred acres, be the same more or less, after laying off the four hundred and twenty two acres, before given to my son Henry, which is to be done by a line running due east & west, the said land in case I do not mark off or run the dividing line during my life_ I also give him four negroes (and the future increase of the females from this day) to wit. Charlotte, Jack, Betsey and Polly_ one bed and furniture one sorrel mare called Nell and her two colts and all my blacksmiths tools. _

7th I give and bequeath unto my wife Ann HOWARD and his heirs forever, the following negroes and their future increase from this day Viz. Rose and Hannah_ I also give her during her natural life the use and enjoyment of all the land and improvements, before given to my son Thomas with the exception aforesaid of the said hundred acres of land & Red house._

8th It is my will and desire that all my debts be paid out of the residue of my estate as well as the legacy of six hundred dollars to my daughter Patsey._ after which I lend all the remainder and residue of my estate to my wife Ann during her natural life, and at her death it is my will and desire that the same be equally divided between my children, Henry, William, Patsey, Thomas, & Stephen and in the event of their deaths before their mother dies then their parts to go to their heirs._

9th I do lastly name and appoint my sons Henry and Thomas executors of this my Will _ and desire the court before whom they qualify, as such not to subject them as to security as executors._

In testimony whereof I James HOWARD hath this 20th day of July one thousand eight hundred & twenty one caused this my last Will and testament to be duly made, sealed, signed and published_ And attested in my presence by three subscribing witnesses_ before whoever I have in due form of xxx acknowledge the same._

Tester. his

William BARNES mark

In Chesterfield county court February 11th 1822

This last Will and Testament of James HOWARD deceased was presented in court and proven by the oath of A. L. WOOLRIDGE, William BARNES, and James TAYLOR three subscribing witnesses thereto and order to be recorded.

On the motion of Henry and Thomas D. HOWARD executors therein named who entered into bond.


James HOWARD D1821-22 -m- Ann "Nancy" DEPP (dau. of Peter DEPP & Susannah HARRIS of Powhatan Co.)

Ann "Nancy" Depp HOWARD D-C1822-23 Chesterfield Co., VA (Inventory of Estate of Ann HOWARD, Will Bk 10, pg. 73 Chesterfield Co., VA)

1. Henry HOWARD D C 1840 Chesterfield Co., VA -m- Melinda PEMBERTON (dau. of John) of Powhatan Co. (Inquest for Melinda Pemberton HOWARD, Chesterfield Co., VA July 1835/ Will Bk. 13, pg. 238)

2. John HOWARD B1779 VA D1855 Putnam Co. GA -m- 1) Lucy CROSS D 1819(dau. of Reubin & Lucy CROSS of Chesterfield Co. -m- 2) Ann "Nancy" Pryor FARLEY (dau. of Arthur FARLEY and Ann Berry TINSLEY of Powhatan Co., VA .)

3. William HOWARD D1852 Chesterfield Co., VA -m- Mary TAYLOR of Powhatan Co VA (Appraisal of Estate of Wm. HOWARD, Will Bk 20, pg. 72-74 Chesterfield Co., VA)

4. Martha "Patsey" HOWARD D1823 Chesterfield Co., VA unmarried. (Will of Martha HOWARD, Will Bk. 10, pg. 242 Chesterfield Co., VA)

5. Thomas D. HOWARD D1824 Chesterfield Co., VA. Unmarried. ( NoncupertiveWill of Thos. D. HOWARD, Will Bk 10, pg. 344)

6. Stephen J. HOWARD D1860 Jasper Co. GA -m- Judith Faudree THACKER (dau. of James THACKER and Judith FAUDREE of Powhatan Co., VA.)


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