Chesterfield County, Virginia

Will of Barlett Furqueron


Transcribed and submitted by Dorothy England

CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, VA WILL BOOK #11, Pg 599 (Source LDS Film #0030876.)
(Margin Note.)  B. FURQUERON'S WILL
In the name of God Amen, I Bartlett FURCRON being of sound mind and memory but as it regard health very much indisposed, I make and ordain this my last will and testament, renouncing all others heretofore made by me after manner and form following (to wit) ---
It is my will, wish and desire that after all of my just debts are paid that my dearly beloved wife Fanny FURQUERN hold the land on which I now live during her life or widowhood and at her death or marriage, it is my will, wish and desire, that my land should be equally divided between my two sons Daniel FURQUERN and John FURQUERN that half of it on which my dwelling house now stands I give and bequeth unto my son John the other half to my son Daniel, furthermore it is my will, wish, and desire that my daughter Readly Furquern, Sarah Furquern, Martha Furquern, Ann Furquern and Nancy Furquern be allowed the privaledge of being on this land as long as they remain single.  The balance of my property I wish to be equally divided between my daughters Readly Furquern, Sarah Furquern, Martha Furquern, Ann Furquern and Nancy Furquern. -- I do hereby appoint my two sons Daniel and John Furquern executors to this my last will and testament given under my hand and seal this 28th day of October one thousand eight hundred twenty nine.
     Signed Bartlett (his x mark) FURQUERN (seal)
Nathaniel NEWBY
Newman NEWBY
By way of codicil to this my last will and testament I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth SMITH the sum of one dollar and fifty cents as witness my hand and seal this the day and date above mentioned. 
     Signed Bartlett (his x mark) FURQUERN (seal)
Newman NEWBY
In Chesterfield county court February the 8th 1831, This last will and codicil of Bartlett FURQUERN deceased was proved by the oath of Newman NEWBY a subscribing witness and continued for further proof --- And in said county March (?) 1831,  this same further proved by the oath of Nehemiah FARGUSON also a subscribing witness and ordered to be recorded--
     Teste. -- Park POINDEXTER Clk

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