Chesterfield County, Virginia

Will of Elam Farmer, Senr.

Transcribed and Submitted by Dorothy England.


Will Book  # 7  pg 632

LDS Film #0030874

pg. 632

E. FARMER Senr Will

In the name of God amen I Elam FARMER Senr of Chesterfield County being in perfect mind and sound memory thanks be to God for the same do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following to wit.  Impremis, I give and bequeath to my wife Polley FARMER twenty dollars to her and her heirs forever.  Item, my will and desire is that at my wife Polly Farmer death the negroes in her possession, to wit Sarah, Hall and Stephen and their increase descend to my daughter Anna FARMER to her and her heirs forever.  Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Anna FARMER one negro by name of Cesar to her and her heirs forever.  Item I give and bequeath to my son George FARMER’s children my land and plantation whereon I now live also two negroes, to wit, Dick and Abram to be equally divided amongst them all to them and their heirs forever.  Item I lend to Mary BLANKENSHIP during her natural life, one negro by name of Matt and one feather bed and furniture which I now lye on also I lend to her four acres of land which I purchased of her sons William & George and at her death the four acres of land to descent to her son William BLANKENSHIP him and his heirs forever and the negro Matt and Bed and furniture to descend to Pagy BOLES and Dorcas BOLES them and their heirs forever.  Item, I lend to my daughter Tabitha BOLES four negroes to wit, Peg, Kate, Dolly, Sharper and (?) and their increase during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided amongst all her children.  Item, I give and bequeath to Pagy BOLES and Dorcas BOLES four negroes, to wit Isbel, Lydda, Spencer and Pall and their increase also to each of them a feather bed and furniture to them

pg. 633

and their heirs forever, and if either of them should dye before they come of age or marry the one living to have all that is given to them both.  Item I give and bequeath to Pagy BOLES and Dorcas BOLES, two hundred dollars each to them and their heirs forever...Item, I give and bequeath to Mary BLANKENSHIP one white cow to her and her heirs forever...Iem, my will and desire is that all my estate both real and personal that is not already given away be sold and my just depts paid and the balance be equally divided amongst Tabitha BOLES, Anna FARMER, Pagy BOLES and Dorcas BOLES them and their heirs forever.  Lastly, I nominate and appoint Benjm GOODE whole and sole executor to this my last will and testament.  In Witness whereof  I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twentieth day of March one thousand eight hundred and eleven.


Signed by his mark Elam FARMER Senr (seal)


Acknowledged in presence of Joseph GOODE, Isham CHEATHAM, John GOODE Junr.

P. S. My will and desire is that Benjm GOODE be and he is hereby appointed guardian for Pagy BOLES and Dorcas BOLES to take charge of their legacy and have the (?) and management of them until they come of age or marry.  Given under my hand and seal this eighteenth day of September one thousand eight hundred and eleven.


Signed by his mark  Elam FARMER (seal)


Test. Joseph GOODE, William BLANKENSHIP Senr and Wm GOODE. 

In Chesterfield county court December the 14, 1812.  The last will and testament of Elam FARMER Senr deceased was proven by the oath of Joseph GOODE and Isham CHEATHAM subscribed  witnesses, and the codicil a(?)  was proven by the oath of the said Joseph GOODE and William GOODE subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. 


On a motion of Benjamin GOODE executor named in said will who took the oath prescribed by law and entered into bond with security conditioned as the law directs, a....

pg. 634  (Note:  While making copies of the will I omitted this page in error. dle).


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