Chesterfield County, Virginia

Division of Estate - John Furqueron


CHESTERFIELD COUNTY VIRGINIA.  COURT ORDER BOOK 12, pgs 404 and 405. (Filmed and housed at the Courthouse in Chesterfield , VA. Transcribed and submitted by Dorothy England.)


March Court 1798.

Peter FURQUERON, James FURQUERON, Samuel FURQUERON, Bartlett, FURQUERON, William FURQUERON and John FURQUERON, sons of Jno. FURQUERON, dec'd.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .Complts.



Daniel FURQUERON and Major WINFREE admrs of the said John FURQUERON dec'd, Judith FURQUERON widow & relict of the said deceased, Sarah FURQUERON, Mary FURQUERON, and Nancy FURQUERON infant Daughters of the said decsd.  John NEWBY admr. and late husband of Martha NEWBY formerly Martha FURQUERON also a daughter of the said deceased John FURQUERON and Miney NEWBY and Edmund NEWBY -  infant children of the said Jno NEWBY by the decedant Martha NEWBY.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  Defendts.


This Cause having come in________it is ordered, adjudged and decreed by the court that Eleazer Clay, William Fendley, Thomas Burfort, Arthur Graves and John Baker / son of Thomas / or any three of them do first, assign and allott to the defend’s Judith Furqueron her dower in the lands whereof  her late husband John Furqueron died seized and possesed including the mansion house ___ and that they also allot and lay off to her, her dower in the slaves and other personal property whereof he died possessed and her giving Bond and security to indemnify the administrator...and that then the said Commissioners do divide the residue of the personal estate among the Children and Grand Children of the deceased John Furqueron giving to Edmund Newby and Miney Newby his Grand Children the share to which their mother Martha Newby would have been entitled had she survived her father and to each of his Children an equal share and proportion subject to this restriction, that the Complts. William, John, Bartlett and Daniel shall bring into hotch-pot according to law the property real and personal advanced to them respectively by their father in his lifetime before they shall receive any part of the estate and that if they fail or refuse to bring such advancement into hotch-pot the estate real as well as personal be divided among the other

pg 405

Children and the said Grand Children representing their Mother that the share of each of the said infant defendts be delivered to his or her Guardian respectively on bond and security being given to indemnify the said administrators -- and it is further ordered & decreed that the Court Commissioners or any three of them as aforesaid do audit, settle and examine the accounts of administration of the said Defendts. the admrs of the goods Chattles and ___ which were of the said deceased John Furqueron at the time of his death as soon as the accounts shall be ready and that the sd administrators do pay to the said legal clamants their repective proportions of such money as they may have in their hands after such settlement ---made and that the said Commissioners do make report to this Court how they have executed this _________.


Ordered that the Court be adjourned till tomorrow Ten OClock in the morning.

                                                                        Signed Edwd. Moseley