Chesterfield County, Virginia

Will & Appraisement of Peter Furquron


Transcribed and submitted by Dorothy England
CHESTERFIELD COUNTY WILL BOOK #5, page 243.  (LDS Film #0030874)
Will of Furquran
I Peter FURQURAN of Chesterfield County being of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner & form following (that is to say) after my debts & funeral exenses is paid I give to my loving wife Caty FURQURAN my whole Estate both real & personal to her and her heirs forever ---and my desire is that my Estate be not appraised.  Lastly I do appoint my loving wife and Thomas B. Clay my Executor of this my last Will & Testament.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the fourteenth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and Ninety Eight-
Signed & sealed in the presence of
Thomas Lafon
CHESTERFIELD COUNTY WILL BOOK #5, page 369.   (LDS Film #0030874)
February the 14th 1801 -- Peter FURQURON'S Inventory
In Obedience to an order of the worshipful Court of Chesterfield we the subscribers have made the following appraisement --
1 Negroe Woman Ginney & two Children
    Amelia and Tom.....................................................125.0.0
1 Horse.......................................................................30.0.0
   Mare & Colt...............................................................21.0.0
3 Cow & Calves............................................................15.0.0
1  Ditto...........................................................................2.0.0
12 Head of Hogs............................................................4.16.0.
1 Bed & furniture.........................................................12.10.0
1 Small Walnut Table.....................................................1.4.0
1 Cross cut saw and Coopers tools................................2.4
                                                               (Total)  £ 214.4
Leonard Nunnally
Ths Lafon
Wm Beasley