Chesterfield County, Virginia


Adm. Acct. of Thomas D. Howard, 1829, Chesterfield County, VA  -  Submitted by


BOOK 11, 522-524
SEPT. 12, 1829

The Estate of Thomas D. HOWARD In account with Henry HOWARD his exec.

Beginning.......... Oct. 1824 with.....Cash paid Ro. HARRIS for coffin.........
Ending............... 1829...............Amt. due the Estate..................

In Compliance with an order of the worshipful County court of Chesterfield hereto annexed your Commissioner has examined the account of Henry HOWARD as administrator of Thomas D. HOWARD deceased and report that upon examination he finds that the funds which have come to the hands of the said administrator have been property disbursed and there remains now is his hand a balance of $345..-- of which ....$275.00 is principal and $69.69 is interest. Your commissioner deems it proper to report that a clock belonging to the said Estate has been added into the a/c of sales at $40 its appraised value. But the admin. informs your commissioner that several attempts were made by him to sell the said clock without eceipt but subsequently a sale was affected to me of the ....of $16..Now if the court shall agree with your Commissioner in the sale at $16.00 then the balance due said Estate will be $3...... of which $251.61 is Principal and $66.79 is interest~Your commissioner ....begs leave also to report that Independent of the foregoing ........sum are due said Estate by the distributees. and clearly appear by inspecting the foregoing account. which is respectfully submitted.

Geo. W. COLE, Comr.

September 12th, 1829

Names mentioned in the above account:

C. Amonett                           Dr. Archer                            Haley Cole
Cheatham                            Lancaster Denby                   Thomas Depp
Green Hall                           Robert Harris                        Jn. Woolridge
Sally Taylor                         Peter Porter                           Zeph McGruder
A. S. Woolridge                  Anthony Taylor                      Littlebery Taylor
Betsy A. Spears                   Jn. Rozell (Royall?)               Anderson Johnson
Jn. Roper                            B. Watkins                            Wm. Taylor
Milton Cary                         L. Taylor                               Patsy Howard
John Depp                           Lund Hopkins                        Henry W. Turpin
Jn. Bransford                       Stephen Howard                    Gordon Cloyd
Thomas Howard                  Jabez Watkins                        Beverly H. Woolridge
James Taylor                        Geo. B. Moody

(Thomas D. Howard was the son of James Howard and Ann " Nancy" Depp. He died in 1824 in Chesterfield Co. VA, unmarried. Children of James and Ann Howard were: Henry, John, William, Marhta (Patsy), Thomas D. and Stephen)

Cont'd on page 524 thru 525 of Book 11

The Estate of Thomad D. Howard on a/c with Sundry Disbributees

Beginning ........... Jan. 1829 with...To Stephne HOEAR for 16 1/2 buschels of wheat
End ...... (dates at end state Jan. 1824??)...interest due.......division at this time.....

In Compliance of the duties assigned to your Commissioner by ......... of your worshipful court before referred to , begs leave to report that by reference to the foregoing a/c will be .... a statement of all the debts due the said Estate of Thomas D. HOWARD dec'd. also the debts due by said Estate is the persons thus Indebted. It will also appear by said account tht there is now a balance due by said administrator to said Estae of $329.80 to be disposed of hereafter. But if the view entertained by your commissioner in relation to the sale of the clock shall be sustained by the court then and in them .... the balance will only be $303.60.

Which is respectfully submitted

Geo. W. COLE, M.C.

September 12th, 1829

In Chesterfiled County Court September 14th 1829 This statement of reports of the settlements of the account of Henry HOWARD as one of the executros of James HOWARD deceased, the said Henry HOWARD as adminstrator to Thomas D. HOWARD deceased. The said Thomad D. HOWARD deceased as one of the late executors of the said James HOWARD deceased and as the exector of Patsy HOWARD deceased, were presented in court and ordered to be in the clerks office one month for exceptions---and in said court the 12th day of October following, no exceptions being filed is said accounts and reports order that the same be accepted and recorded.

Teste: Parke Poindexter, Clk.

Individuals mentioned is second portion:

G. Hall
W.W. Woolridge
Stephen Howard
William Howard
Henry Howard
Thos. D. Howard
James Howard, Estate
Ann Howard Estate


This page was last updated on November 27, 1999