Letter written during the Civil War by Edward Hudson Jeffress
CoK, 3rd Virginia Cavalry, grandfather of the submitter
Submitted 1-2-00 by Sallie L Hurt" etccrafts@yahoo.com
Calvary Camp Near Richmond June 22nd .62 Dear Sister, I received your most
welcome letter to day, and hasten to answer it. I was very glad to hear from
you all, that you were well. The greatest blessing any one ever enjoyed. I
have seen so much sickness & suffering Sister. I am really low spirited, but
I have enjoyed very good health most of the time since my return from home.
I have not missed one hour's duty since I have been back. I suppose you have
heard of J. Q. Ligon's death, a member of our Co. he died at home with
Typhoid fever, we have eight or ten men now sick in Camp and one in Richmond
in the hospital, (John Hunt). You said Ma had been to see you, what you
think of our "bro" Magmes(sic) Plenty? Dump wrote me word he was like
Brother Spencer, is it so? I see the boys of the 18th Regt very often they
are in camp about a half mile from us, and also the members of Green's old
Company, since the fifty sixth Regt has been put in Picketts brigade. I went
over to the 18th yesterday and the boys gave me the best eating I have had
in the longest time. They had just got boxes from home, Cakes, pies,
biscuit, butter, ham, & every thing that was good, it made me feel like old
times to have so much good eating, in such profusion. say any thing about
fixing me a box at Woodlawn? Did you hear Matt I wrote her word to go down
and see if Lucy could spare enough to send me a small box of some thing to
eat, any thing so it comes from home. I am actually tired of eating what we
get. I believe that is why the men are so sickly, not changing the diet at
all. I am very glad to hear that you are going to send me a bottle of
Brandy, it will be very acceptable, as we cannot get any at all down here
... We are having an
page 2 easy time now compared with what we have undergone for the last two
months. We are in camp one mile from Richmond on the Wmsburg turnpike,
40tii(sic) a little 9 duty is all that we doing(sic) now Tell Ma when she
sends my clothes, to send me some thing to eat and a bottle of Brandy also,
as I am hungry & thirsty. Send the box to my commision(sic) merchants and
write me word when it will be down, and who you sent it to and I will get
it. How is Nats crop looking, has he commenced cutting his wheat yet? My
love to him and tell to write to me sometimes and let me know the plans of
the Old Folks, and they are working. extracted. I am sorry little Blanche
had to have her tooth extracted. I know it hurt her so much. I hear from
Grand Pa right often now, he writes every week, and is very communicative in
his epistles, but I never hear any thing from Uncle Lee, I reckon he has
forgotten how to write Sister I will send you my likeness in a few days, but
will not promise you a good one for I dont(sic) reckon you would know me if you
were to see me I am so much sun burnt. Well sister it seems to me that it is
utterly impossible for me to hear any thing from our poor wounded Brother. I
have tried every way possible, and I can hear nothing reliable, but 1 hope he
will soon be with us again I must now say good bye as my paper is nearly out
write soon and a long letter to your affectionate brother P. S. My love to
aunt Eliza and the E children, may peace and happiness attend H Jeffress you
is the wish of your absent, but loving brother Ned