If you have a homepage or family newsletter relating to Caroline County you would like to have listed here send an email with the url and a description.

If you encounter a dead link, please let me know so it can be removed.

Visit Cyndi's List of Surnames, Family Associations, and Family Newsletters from all the world.

JOHN MORGAN Revolutionary War veteran who lived in Caroline from 1787-1815

ABRAHAM :This site deals with Mordecai Abraham who was a Caroline land owner from 1750-1800.

NORMENT: Diane Bender's site.

SELF, SELPH: This is a group of over 345 researchers founded in 1982 working in unison.

TAYLOR, PENDLETON: Janet Ariciu's homepage. You may also access her homepage through Rootsweb.

CARNELL: Dianne Blankenstein homepage.

WOOLFOLK, CHEWNING, CRAWFORD, JONES,CONNOR: Robert Woolfolk's homepage with lots of Caroline families

Visit Mark James's homepage on Tynes. He also has posted the will of Richard Davis who died in 1761. Click to see a copy of the will.

Click here to visit Virginia Thomson Baldwin's home page about the Goodloe/Goodlaw families.

SHEPHERD, SAMUEL, ARMSTEAD, WALKER: Census records, funeral programs, and marriage records all on this home page

LOVING, JETER: Charlie Lawing's website on Richard Loving and Mildred Jeter's marriage

PAVY: Jay Pavy's homepage


WHITTAKER, GREENSTREET, SHACKLEFORD, CARNEAL, HOWARD and EDWARDS: John Edwards's family and other Caroline families from the late 1700's until now.

BRUCE. Thomas Bruce has a family page for the Bruces.

BURRUSS: Cheryl Gunn Maxwell's Burruss Home page starts with Rev. John Burruss of Caroline Co. who married Rachel Terrell.

MEACHAM, CRUTCHFIELD: Chuck Meacham's home page showing Caroline County family information.

TAYLOR, PENDLETON: Carol Hauk-Sheedy's homepage to see reports on these families and others who lived in Caroline County.

GANT, HART: Mike and Cindy Gant Sopko have their gedcom online.

BURCH, GEORGE, JORDAN, MURPHY, NODEN, PEMBERTON, TERRY: Marty Grant's homepage has information on the above listed Caroline families.

This site lists all names Beverley and Charles Motycka are researching including a brief report of James Beazley of Caroline and his descendants.

Visit Mary Marshall Brewer 's website for online Caroline family history, including history of the MARSHALLS

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