History of Campbell County Federation of Leagues

Submitted by William T. Crews, Jr.



This history was found in a letter from Ms. Rosa Gilliam to Mrs. W. W. Daniel. The letter was dated Nov 12, 1951. In the letter, Ms. Gilliam states that she had to go back in her old records to find this history and has Ms. Gilliam's signature on the cover under the title.

History of the Campbell County Federation of Leagues.
Early in the Spring of 1927 Mr. J. H. Montgomery, Executive Secretary of the State Community Leagues called a meeting at Rustburg of representative men and women of the County. The purpose of the meeting was to effect an organization of all of the civic and social organizations in Campbell. It was decided to form an organization which was to be called the Campbell County Federation of Leagues. The following officers were elected: President, Miss Fay Moorman, Vice President, Mrs.. W. P. Williams, Secretary Mrs. C. I. Anderson, Treasurer Miss L. May Brandt. It was further decided that meeting should be held annually at which time reports were to be heard from all organizations.

For unknown reasons, no meetings were held until September 1929. In order to revive interest in league work, Miss Rosa Gilliam, who was then President of the Campbell County Teachers Association, appointed one representative from each school district to look after the league work in his respective district and hold an annual meeting. This committee did constructive work by organizing several new leagues. No annual meeting was held.

In March 1932, at the request of our State Executive Secretary, J. H. Montgomery, Mrs. H. P. Morgan of Gladys called a meeting of representative citizens and league workers to meet at Rustburg. Speeches advocating the revival of the County Federation were made by the following: Superintendent J. J. Fray, Stalla Pitts and S. F. Grubbs. A vote was taken and it was unanimously decided to organize and carry on the work more systematically.

The following officers ere elected; President, C. L. Carter of Leesville, Vice-president Mrs. Robert Garbee, Secretary Mrs. M. M. Moseley of Gladys, Treasurer Mrs. C. I. Anderson, Rustburg, and Historian Miss Fay Mooreman, Rustburg.

The district chairmen appointed were Brookneal, Mrs. Pearl Foster, Brookville, Mr. W. A. McDonald, Falling River, Miss Lucy Steptoe; Otter River, Miss Annie Arthur; Rustburg, Mr. C. I. Anderson and Seneca, Miss Rosa Gilliam. In March 1933 an annual meeting with all organizations represented, was held at Rustburg. Mr. J. H. Montgomery spoke and outlined the work to be carried on.

On the first Saturday in February 1934, a meeting was held at Gladys with all leagues except Hat Creek and Rustburg represented. The annual election of officers resulted thus: Miss Rosa Gillian). President, Mr. R. L. Coffey, Vice-president, Miss Grace Epperson Secretary and treasurer, Mrs. A. H. Light, historian.
In April 17th the District meeting was held in Robert E. Lee High School in Lynchburg. The meeting was presided over by J. H. Montgomery who introduced Omer Carmichael, Paul Glick and Jere Burke. The Junior Leagues put on an attractive program. The executive committee adopted a constitution and by-laws.

In October 1934 the County held its semi-annual meeting at Brookneal. Interesting speeches were made by Hon. A. H. Light in which he paid high tribute to a number of outstanding teachers and community leaders who had kept alive the work of the leagues, had worked for, built and developed better schools and broader minded citizens.

Rev. J. L. Hunphreys of Concord spoke of the great advantage of league work to Church, school and entire community.

Mrs. H. P. Morgan of Gladys as chairman of the committee on objectives, gave such excellent ideas that the body adopted them as a whole and voted to have them published and a copy placed in the hands of each league. An interesting feature of the meeting was a musical program rendered by the Brookneal School.

At a called meeting at Rustburg in the Spring of 1935 during the time of the District meeting, the same officers namely, Miss Rosa Gilliam President, Mr. H. L. Coffey Vice-president, Miss Grace Epperson Secretary and Treasurer and Mrs. A. H. Light, Historian were re-elected for their second term.

At this meeting (District) Campbell County Leagues had excellent reports and attractive posters of work done. The posters designed and executed by Mr. W.. A. Gillespie of Gladys were accorded first place in the exhibit. Miss Koontz took these and exhibited them that summer at various institutions of learning. This year our Junior Leaguers won a County Banner. The Community Leagues failed by two points of being a Banner County in their work.

Mrs. J. R. Gardner, president of Rustburg High School, was appointed as program director for the High School Junior League work for 1935-1936.

In October 1935 the Gladys League was hostess to the County Federation. Miss Fay Moorman, President of the Lynchburg District outlined the objectives for the year.
A short talk was made by Supt. J. J. Fray. The speech by Mrs. John H. Davis of Lynchburg on "The Home" was excellent. After the program refreshments were served the group in the Home Economics Cottage by the Junior League.

In March 1936 the Federation held its meeting at Concord High School. Mr. H. 0. Price welcomed the visitors. The Seventh Grade presented a part of the operetta, Cinderella which was greatly enjoyed. Speeches were made by Supt. J. J. Fray and Dr. B. B. Bagby of the State Board of Health. Good reports were submitted by the leagues.

The following officers sere elected: Mrs. W. P. Williams, President, Miss Rachel Whitlow, Vice-president, Miss Lottie Marsh, Secretary Treasurer. The County Federation paid the expenses of the delegate, Mrs. W. P. Williams to Norfolk and a student of Altavista as delegate to Junior League meeting in Richmond.

In April 1936, Campbell was well represented at the Lynchburg District meeting held at Appomattox. Representatives from Concord, Rustburg and Naruna Leagues took part on the Junior League program. Miss Rosa Gilliam gave the consolidated report for the Community Leagues. Miss Fay Moorman was re-elected for her second year. Miss Marian Hale was elected Secretary for the Junior League group of elementary workers.

In October 1936 the County Federation held its meeting at Rustburg. Mr. Ted Reese, business manager of the Virginia Baptist Hospital of Lynchburg, made the main address. The delegated appointed to attend the State Meeting at Bristol were Mr. T. D. Evans of Gladys and Mr. Haywood Wingfield of Naruna. The expenses of both delegates were paid by the Federation.

On March 18th the Federation met at Brookville High School with Mrs. W. P. Williams presiding. Dr. J. L. Montgomery was the principal speaker. Excellent reports from the leagues were heard.

The Lynchburg District meeting was held at Montvale Saturday April 10th. The Gladys Junior League took part on the program in the panel discussions

Last Updated: 03.26.2020