
Bedford Co, VA, Marriage Records


Bedford Co. (VA) Marriage Register, V. 1 (1853-1869)


Bedford Co. (VA) Marriage Register, V. 2 (1870-1909)

V.2, p.155, #3646; 11 Nov 1885
John C PARKER, age 22, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, occ farmer, parents: - - - & Sallie M Parker Lucy A OVERSTREET, age 17, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Wm H & Julia A Overstreet
witness: wife's father
V.2, p.126, #2961; 20 Dec 1882
Thos PARKER, age 26, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, occ farmer, parents: - - - - $ Sarah A Parker Margaret D OVERSTREET, age 16, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Chas A & Pheobe A Overstreet
witness: Chas A Overstreet
V.2, p.164, #3870; -- Nov 1886
L. A. PARKS, age ---, (no other info) Rosa MITCHELL, age 17, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Joseph & Mary Mitchell
V.1, p.46, #1141; 23 Aug 1866
David Ralston PARR, Jr, age 21, sing, bp Baltimore MD, res Baltimore MD, occ: merchant, parents: David Ralston & Anne G Parr Fannie Ellen MITCHELL, age 19, sing, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Ro C & Lucy MITCHELL
V.2, p.284, #6398; 24 Feb 1897
Gilbert D PATTERSON, age 23, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, occ RR trackhand, parents: George W & Teresa Jane Patterson Ella M WITT, age 25, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Harvey L & Lockey Virginia Witt
wife's father present
V.2, p.2, #25; 27 Jul 1871
Amaziab R PAYNE, age 25, sngl, bp Franklin, res Bedford, occ silversmith, parents: Dudley & Susan H Payne Nannie Bell OVERSTREET, age 23, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Granville & Mary Overstreet
V.2, p.117, #2728; 21 Dec 1881
John B PAYNE, age 27, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, occ farmer, parents: John B & Elizabeth B Payne Dona A MITCHELL, age 22, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Thomas S & Ann Mitchell
V.2, p.285, #6419; 3 Apr 1897
Charles R. PEARCE, age 21, sngl, b. Campbell Co, res. _____; parents: Burwell R. & Martha Pearce, occ: farmer Emma M. SPRADLIN, age 23, sngl, b. _____, res. Bedford Co; parents: Thomas J. & Sarah Spradlin
by J.A. BARNHARDT; Patrick H. NESTER sworn as to age of both parties
V.2, p.53, #1214; 15 Dec 1875
A.E. PHILLIPS, age 25, sngl, bp Campbell, res Bedford, occ: ------, parents: Matthew & Mary Phillips Elire OVERSTREET, age 25, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Henry & Harriet Overstreet
V.1, p.46, #1131; 6 Aug 1862
Giles T PLEASANT, age 29, sing, bp Halifax Co, res Richmond VA, parents: Jno S & Ann W PLEASANT, occ: merchant Virginia D MITCHELL, age 22, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Robt C & Lucy MITCHELL
V.2, p.112, #2613; 30 Jun 1881
Jas R. PREAS, age 23, sngl, b. Bedford Co, res. Bedford Co; parents: Jos & Mahala Preas, occ: farmer Susan MEDLIN, age 22, sngl, b. _____, res. Bedford Co; parents: Jno & Julina Medlin
by John E. DANNER
V.1, p.47, #1163; 11 Jun 1868
Jno H. PREASE, age 19, sngl, bp Bedford, parents: Jos & M.L. PREASE, occ: farmer Eliza S. OVERSTREET, age 17, sngl, Bedford, parents: Benj T & Anne OVERSTREET
by G. Mitchell
V.1, p.46, #1134; 7 Oct 1865
Chas PRINCE, age 41, wid, bp Powhatan Co, parents: Primus & Fanny PRICE, occ: farmer Sarah WITT, age 19, sngl, bp Bedford, parents: Eliza WITT
by Alex EUBANK


Updated March 10, 2010