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Genalogical Records At The Augusta County Clerk's Office |
WILLS - Both original and will book copies -- I 745 to present. DEEDS - Deed Books begin November, 1745. There are some original deeds of 18th century which were never delivered to grantee. The notation on a deed book copy as to delivery of the deed means that the original deed is not on file. Deed Book copy is all that is available of that deed. MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1785 to present. The only earlier list is found in Volume II, Chalkley, Records of Augusta County, Virginia (has list of grooms only). Fee book from which it was made disappeared around I 912. BIRTH RECORDS - Begin in Virginia in 1853 and through 1896 only. Please remember that it was not mandatory to report vital records at that time if you do not find a record you are seeking. DEA TH RECORDS - Begin 1853 and end in 1896. From 1896 to June 1912, vital records were not kept in Virginia. VESTRY BOOK, AUGUSTA PARISH - Dates from 1745 to 1776 when vestry was dissolved. It does not contain church records, marriages or baptismal records. COURT MARTIAL BOOK - 1745-1812. COURT OF CLAIMS - 1782-1784- contains records of those persons who contributed supplies to the American Revolution. A typed copy also has an index. GUARDIAN BOND BOOKS - 1775-1850 are available. Typed copies of the books have been made, each with own index. PERSONAL PROPERTY - Tax lists are available from 1800- 1851 for the two tax districts (I - Southern District; II - Northern District). A few years are missing, 1808 and l809, and some in 1820's. LAND T AX RECORDS - From 1786. SURVEY BOOKS - Available from 1745- 1840. LAND ENTRY BOOKS - Available from 1745- 1825. JUDGMENTS - From 1745. In boxes in the basement of Clerk's Office. The only ones recorded are found in Chalkley, volumes I & II. There are many more on file than are found in Chalkley, however, they are not indexed. COURT ORDER BOOKS - Available from 1745 to 1904. MINUTE BOOKS - Available and begin 1745. ORDINARY BONDS - have been restored by Augusta County historical Society. they are not indexed. EXECUTIVE PAPERS OF THE COUNTY COURT - From 1745-1776 have been restored by the historical Society but are not indexed. CHANCERY RECORDS - Beginning 1800. DISTRICT COURT RECORDS - on file from the 1790's. CF:NSUS RECORDS OF AUGUST A COUNTY - 1850, 1860, 1870 are available. NATURALIZATION RECORDS - From 1753-1902. They are recorded in Court Order Books. All naturalizations before 1906 in the United States were recorded in local courts where person resided. REGISTER OF FREE NEGROES OF AUGUSTA COUNTY - July 20, 1810-February 26, 1860. There are records of free blacks in Augusta County from 1752. FREEMEN'S BUREAU REGISTER OF BLACK MARRIAGES 1866 is also in Clerk's Office; has been restored, but not indexed. WEST AUGUSTA RECORDS - A compilation of records found in Augusta County (the western part of the original county, including Pittsburgh). REGISTER OF REVOLUTIONARY W AR SOLDIERS who died in Augusta County, VA. |