January 6th, 1807. Mr. Samuel Cash, Barnett Cash, Luke Ray and Richard Slaughter for ourselves and in behalf of our wives vis Luke Ray husband to Pamelia Cash, daughter of Robert Cash, dec'd, and the said Slaughter husband of Frances Cash daughter of the said decedant have this day received of William Sandidge and Tamsey his wife executor and executrix of Robert Cash dec'd vis: I Samuel Cash have rec'd my full quota of land and three negroes Easter, Jinny and Jack, also my proportion of stock in full of my claim from my fathers est agreeable to his Will also which receipt includes all my interest in the estate of Aaron Higginbotham deceased. I Barnett Cash also do agree I have rec'd full in the said estate vis my interest in the land agreeable to my fathers Will also two negroes vis Tom and Milley also my full proportion of stocks in sd estates as above recited to. I Luke Ray for myself and my wife late Pamelia Cash have rec'd also two negroes vis George and Amy also my full proportion of the stock in full of any claim which I may have vs the estate above recited to in consequence of my intermarriage with the said Pamelia Cash. I Richard Slaughter for myself and my wife late Frances Cash have also rec'd three negroes vis Eve, Perry and Caroline also my full proportion of the stock in full of any claim vis the said estate above recited to which I may in any wise be entitled to in consequence of my intermarriage with my wife late Frances Cash, the afore mentioned property to be more fully understood being in full of all claim. The interest which we may have or be entitled to from the estate of Robert Cash, dec'd, and Aaron Higginbotham also dec'd. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and before mentioned.
Wiatt Smith
Joseph Higginbotham
Barnett Cash
Cornelius Sale
Luke Ray
Richard Smith
I Sophie Cash daughter of Robt Cash, dec'd, have also rec'd three negroes vis Joice, Parker, and Harriott also my full proportion of stock in full agreeable to the terms of the within receipt. Witnesseth my hand and seal this 6th day of January 1807.
Wiatt Smith
Joseph Higginbotham
Cornelius Sale
Richard Smith
At a court held for Amherst County the 15th day of June 1807 these receipts were proven by the oaths of Wiatt Smith and Cornelius Sale witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
BOOK K, pp 582-583, Amherst County, Virginia
Submitted by John R. (Randy)
Martin (Contributed November 24,
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