Churchill County Cemetery
(a.k.a. Fallon Cemetery)
These Listings are courtesy of the Fallon Genealogy Society.
The following people were involved in some portion of creating the Cemetery Index; Fallon Genealogy Members; Mary Louise Erb, Barbara Hodges & Vicky Tripp created the database (Cemetery Cards).
Contact: Vicky L. Tripp Submitter
These listings are provided for private, non-commercial use. These Records were UPDATED and posted: © by the Fallon Genealogy Society.
Kenny & Vicky Tripp matched the gravesites to the Cemetery database with Kathi Wilson, Peggy Ferrier, Carol Fitzsimmons & Yvonne Harrigan-Prettyman doing portions of the Cemetery sections.
Bunny Corkill (Museum), Kathi Wilson & Vicky Tripp abstracted obituaries from the newspapers.
Cemetery Email address is
The Public can go to & click on Library or Museum for their hours.
Churchill County Public Cemetery was originally the Fallon Cemetery. In 1945 the County took over maintenance and the Cemetery board consisted of local organizations that had interest in the Cemetery. They were known as the Fallon Cemetery Association. A 4 cent levy was imposed for improvements and maintenance by the County in June, 1944 and took effect in 1945.
In 2000 the Fallon Genealogy Club decided to create a database of the Cemetery as a project. They compiled the information provided by the Cemetery and came up with the basic index.
2001 The Cemetery was walked and the index was matched against the markers and lot book currently in use. 2002 The index was compared to Austin Funeral Home records that were available and County recorder records.
2003 - Current - the obituaries are being added. The obituaries were taken from local newspapers located at the Museum and on microfilm reels at the Churchill County Library.
This is an ongoing project that will require more time to complete. Most of the obituaries from 1905 to 1968 are available in the index.
Please realize that there are errors in the index that still need correcting. With the help of the Public, we hope to alleviate most of the problems.If you have personal information on a family member that is not listed in this index; such as birth/death date, or exactly where they are buried, please fill out the form provided in the kiosk. The kiosk is located in the Churchill County Public Cemetery. Rest assured that we do appreciate anything that you are willing to provide.
You may also email us with the corrections at the address listed in the address location on this website.
In 2003 the County hired a consultant to create an updated map of the Cemetery grounds.
County Newspapers - newspapers are located at the Churchill County Museum and microfilm reels of newspapers are at the Churchill County Public Library.
Museum newspapers
Churchill County Eagle 1904-1958
Churchill County Standard 1906-1961
Churchill County Courier Mar 1961-May 1962 & Jan 1963-Nov 1967
Fallon Citizen 1965-1967
Library newspapers
Churchill County Eagle Oct 1906-Dec 1957
Churchill County Standard Jan 1957-Mar 1957
Fallon standard Jan 1958-Jun 1961
Standard Jul 1961 - Sep 1985
Lahontan Valley News Jan 1985-current
abbreviations used in Cemetery index for newspapers
e - Eagle s or fs - Standard
es - Eagle Standard Courier
lvn - Lahontan Valley News
p - Page p1/2-3 indicates page number & columns of newspaper in the case you are using microfilm reels.
Austin Funeral Home records - burial permits & death certificates 1951-1968 are located at the Churchill County Recorders office.
The Family History Center at the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints (LDS) has abstracts of Austin Funeral Home records on microfilm 1931 - 1934. Film #0874347, phone #423-8888 The FHC is located at 750 E. Richards Street (the center is located in the back of the church with entry off center street)
The Museum has Austin Funeral Home record abstracts from the same film listed above.Newspapers are at the Churchill County Museum and the County Library.
Here are there email addresses;
Any corrections/changes that are requested please send to me, Vicky Tripp, at
The Cemetery email is
Do you have information to UPDATE and Correct? Please send it. Click here and submit your update.
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