Subgroup Seven

District Court, 1876 - 1951

Series One

Naturalization Records, 1876 - 1951

Roll #A	Card Index to Naturalizations, 1876 - 1951
	NOTE:  Remainder of Series One was microfilmed under
	MP4218 as part of the Genealogical Society of Utah's
	Nebraska Microfilm Project, January 1994.

v.1	Naturalization Record #1
	Declarations of Intention
	pp. 1 - 167 (May 29, 1876 - Sept. 25, 1906)
	pp.167 - 224 are blank
	Naturalization - Final Papers
	pp. 225 - 424 (July 10, 1878 - Dec. 18, 1903)
	pp. 425 - 448 are blank

v.2	Declarations of Intention, Vol. #1
	(Vol. #6 on Index Cards)
	#1 (11/24/1906) - #100 (4/3/1912)

v.3	Declarations of Intention, Vol. #2
	(Vol. #7 on Index Cards)
	#101 (5/31/1912) - #200 (1/15/1918)

v.4	Declarations of Intention, Vol. #3
	(Vol. #8 on Index Cards)
	#201 (1/28/1918) - #299(6/18/1929)

v.5	Declarations of Intention, Vol. #4
	(no Vol. # on Index Cards)
	#300 (12/2/1929) - #388 (11/3/1949)

v.6	Petition & Record, Vol. #1
	(Nat. Record v.2 on index cards)
	December 17, 1903 - p.40 only (Dec. 19, 1905)

v.7	Petition & Record, Vol. #2
	(Pet. & Rec. v.3 on index cards)
	#1 (11/12/1906) - #40 (3/1/1911)

v.8	Petition & Record, Vol. #3
	(Pet & Rec. v.4 on index cards)
	#51 (3/6/1911) - #149 (12/11/1920)

v.9	Petition & Record, Vol. #4
	(Pet & Rec. v.5 on index cards)
	#151 (2/19/1921) - #216 (6/20/1929)

v.10	Petition & Record, Vol.  #5
	(loose leaf on Index cards)
	#217 (11/1/1929) - #274 (3/19/1951)

v.11	Oaths of Allegiance, 1940 - 1947
v.12	Lists of Petitions Granted, 1930 - 1951
v.13	Miscellaneous Naturalizations
v.14	General Correspondence,  1908 - 1927
	(Federal Circular letters)

Microfilm Record 	MP4218

Reel #1		Item #1
GSU Project	Naturalization Record, Vol. #1
GSU Roll #1	Declarations of Intention, 1876
#26,224		thru
			Item #8
		Petition & Record, Vol. #3
		#55 (May 2, 1911)

	NOTE:  Item #3 - target in error.  This item is repeat of
	previous volume 1906 - 1912.  Sequence continues after
	this volume with Item #3, 1912 - 1918.

Reel#2		Item #1
GSU Project	Petition & Record, Vol. #3 cont.
GSU Roll #2	#55 (May 2, 1911)
#26,230		thru
			Item #6
		Miscellaneous Naturalizations,
		Vol. #13 on inventory.

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