Nebraska Unknown County Query List
Statewide Queries for NE
"Because of privacy issue, queries which
involve people which may still be alive will not be posted on NEGenWeb
Project pages. NEGenWeb recommends that you contact an agency that
locates missing people, if you can't find the person listed in online
White Pages, etc." If your primary interest is recent adoption
information (less than 70 years), we recommend you check Cyndi's List for
adoption websites - you are more likely to make meaningful contact
there than on genealogy pages.
Jan 1998 - NEGenWeb Project has a volunteer
available to research various material at the Nebraska State Historical
Society, Library Archives, Lincoln. His attention will be directed to
any query posted here with the intent of determining a county location
for further research.
You may hear from Bill Wever soon; we hope with
"good news" that will provide a NE location.
1999 - 2001: Our hardiest thanks to Bill Wever,
he's done wonders to help those who posted on this site. Look at the
number of redirected queries!
23 Jan 2001 - SPECIAL research request - info
on members of Sioux City Cavalry (Civil War time period, served under
Gen. Alfred Sully) Contact Patrick
Sullivan < drps484@siouxvalley.net > Some believed to
have gone to NE for homesteads. Seeking any old letters, diaries, etc.
for memorial on library website.
7 Mar 2004 - OFFER - I have some back issues of
Clues, AHSGR Journals, and AHSGR Workpapers that I will give to a good
home. Dates are mid 1970s to early 1980s. Please contact via email.
Rayma Shrader
Current Nebraska Queries
The most recent query is KEETON - December 26, 2011
To Change
your E-Mail address on posted queries
The queries are organized alphabetically by
subject surname and cross referenced for all surnames.
Other queries can
be found on the RootsWeb
NEUNKNOWN message board
Queries from
Queries from 1998.
Queries from 1999.
Queries from 2000-2001
I am looking to correspond with family of Leonard ACHEN who died in
1974, possibly Lancaster Co. Nebraska. I believe he worked for the
Corps of Engineers.
Catherine Dorsey
<cmdorsey@hotmail.com> 9 Jul 2004
I am looking for info about: Philetus Benson Alexander, Joseph Bynom
Alexander, James W. Alexander. Part or all moved to N.C. and I think
Joseph came back to NE. ...thanks in advance
Tom Alexander
<tomalexander@att.net> 6 Jan 2003
I am looking for Fred BLAIR who died somewhere in Nebraska. He was
killed by a team of horses just months before the birth of his 1st son
James Blair b. Feb 1908. Fred's wife was Anna Blair. That's all we
know. I know it's not much to go on, any suggestions will be
<taysgrama@yahoo.com> 4 Jan 2004
Looking for any information on Loyal Bly. I've attached a document that
describes his death in Nebraska. This was taken from an original
newspaper article. The article survived, the name of the newpaper,
unfortunately, did not. Research has Loyal in Indianola, Neb. in Sept.
1874. What happened to him between then and mid 1879 (his death) is a
mystery. Does anyone have any information as to circumstances of his
death? Thanks in advance.
Terry Betts <
tbetts@zinnianet.net > 24 Nov 2003
The Bly murder
Sunday morning as Mr. Samuel Ritchie, of the stock firm of Arnold and
Ritchie was traveling southward from his ranche on the Loup at about
eleven miles from the latter place, on the road to McPherson, he came
upon a wagon standing in the road in which was the sickening sight of
the dead body of Loyal Bly. The body was sitting on the wagon seat, one
foot hanging out over the side of the wagon and the head fallen
backward, and the top of the head badly torn, apparently by birds. It
was found that the man had received a wound through the chest made by a
large ??? passing through and a smaller wound in one heel seemingly
that of a pistol shot. In the wagon were a buffalo robe, blankets,
traps, bacon, flour and cooking utensils. The oxen had been loosened
from the wagon by the perpetrators of the deed, and were found in a
cattle herd a few miles away. Being alone, Mr. Ritchie left the body as
he found it and on Monday met Col. Webster's party and told them of the
affair. They repaired to the spot but could not bring the body in due
to the advanced stage its decomposition. The Colonel came in on Tuesday
with the news of the man's sad fate. On Tuesday afternoon, Sheriff
Brady and Deputy Sheriff Butterfield went over to the Loup country and
brought the body in and gave it a decent burial at Ft. McPherson.
Mr. Bly was last seen alive on Tuesday before
at Finch's ranche, where he sold his ponies and guns and started
southward. He had something over a hundred dollars when he left the
ranche. His home has been in Red Willow County until about ten weeks
ago when he moved his family to this place and started soon after to
the Loup country and was on his way home when he met his death.
DAHLHEIM *** Redirected to Madison County
I am looking for information on the BURNHAM family. The information I
have so far is:
Allen Clifford BURNHAM: b 28 Mar 1896, Kansas; d 24 Dec
1951, Casper, Natrona, WY
Married: 1915, Stanton, Stanton, Nebraska to:
Edna May BISHOP: b 13 Mar 1898, Gracian county, VA, d 22
Sep 1967, Casper, Natrona, WY
Parents: Andrew "Jack" BISHOP (1867-1932) and Myrtle
"Mertie" COLLINS (1875-)
Child: Raymond Earl BURNHAM: b 13 Nov 1915, Highland,
d 13 Apr 1991
Married: 30 Jul 1945, Thermopilis, Hot Springs, WY
Helen Darling DAHLHEIM b 30 Jul 1917 (Parents: Gustave
August DAHLHEIM (1895-1972) and Ida Mae SOVEREIGN (1897-1983)
Would like to know if
Highland is a town or county name.
Randy Wert <rjgw43@msn.com>
2 Feb 2003
Response: Highland is a town - there have been several with that name,
but none of them were existence in 1915 according to references we
could find. Please try posting on the Stanton website, perhaps somebody
there would know of a local "community" called Highland.
9 Feb 2003 Bill Wever
<negenie@inetnebr.com> found Andrew Jack Bishop & wife
Myrtle Mertie Bishop with some children were residents of Highland
Precinct in Madison County near the town of Battle Creek per the 1920
census. There are a number of Burnham families in various areas of
Madison county in the 1920 census.
I am looking for
information for John William Button and Margaret (Maggie) Reardon
married on 17 September 1883 in NE. Do not have a location. Thank you
for your help.
Ronald Capshaw
< rcapshaw@ec.rr.com > 15 Nov 2006
Clark/Clarke, Elsie M. born in Nebraska abt. 1898,
Married: Frank Landon abt 1912. I am looking for information about
C. Perrin
<pumkinpistol@pldi.net> 25 Jul 2002
Response: There is an Elsie M. Clark born 1891, with her parents,
Alexander & Rachel Clark - 1900
Census, Nance Co., Genoa Twp., ED146 p13b D212 F219. That census
extracted & posted.
F. CUMMINGS (married surname, her maiden name not known) was born 14
Jan 1906 and died 24 Jun 1992. She got her Social Security number in
NE. Where is she buried?
Ronald McCartney
< ronm@ruraltel.net > 23 Jun 2007
DELAR, Alice, born around 1903 in Nebraska. Mother from Norway, Father
from France, names unknown. Name may have alternate spelling. Looking
for *any* information that proves my grandmother existed prior to
marrying my grandfather in Washington state.
Sandi Larsen
<slarsen422@msn.com> 2 Feb 2003
9 Feb 2003 - Bill couldn't find this surname in any of the indexes.
Have you checked the Social
Security Death Index on RootsWeb? There are links on that page for
info, and for problem solving.
Raymond DUNCAN, b. 21-Jan-1915. Son of Bert B., b. 25-May-1889, and
Mabel, (unknown maiden name) b. 19-Feb-1885. Place of birth was listed
as Osh Gosh, maybe supposed to be Osh Kosh. Jack had a brother Ace,
real name Acel/Asa DUNCAN. First wife, Llwelyn, unsure of proper
spelling, McBROOM, second wife Betty Jane LARSON b. 17-Mar-1928,
Creighton, Knox Co., NE.
Rob Duncan <
robertrduncan@hotmail.com > 19 Apr 2005
I'm looking for anyone that has info on Martha M. Fair/Smith, she died
in Omaha Nebraska, or at least that what I was told. Her father was
Jeremiah Fair, and mother was Eliza Dryman. Her husband was William
Henry Smith, but he went by Henry Smith. Anyone haveing info on any of
the family please e-mail me. Thanks Donna
Donna Willis
<naxopana@yahoo.com> 10 Sep 2008
Did Rebecca Fannin, b. 1850 in Wayne County (now WV) end up in
Nebraska? After 30 years searching, I still haven't found out what
happened to my great grandmother. We were told that she "remarried and
moved away" among other things. People who told us that said they
couldn't remember to whom she remarried and where they moved. This
would be vital information to tracing her final years. This is why I'm
posting this message on as many "unknown county" queries as I can find.
I searched for her before there were computers and the Internet. My
grandfather searched (1915-1920) and couldn't find her. Here is the
basic factual information that I have for her.
Basic facts on my great grandmother:
Born: Rebecca Fannin, about 1850,
(Va./WV), d/o Silas and Mary (Ferguson) Fannin.
Married: 8 August 1868, Wayne, West
Virginia, Reece Carl Workman.
Their son, my grandfather, Benjamin
Freeland Workman, b. Wayne County, WV 2 April 1870.
My grandfather was taken from Rebecca by
Reece before 1874, never to see each other again.
Reece married his cousin, Margaret
Workman, in Mercer County, WV 2 February 1874.
Rebecca was granted divorce from Reece
and custody of their child in Wayne, WV in March 1877.
This (1877) is the last known (to me) record of Rebecca (Fannin)
Workman. Family stories say Rebecca remarried and moved away, but they
can't remember to whom and where. After my grandfather married, Reece,
Margaret, and the other children moved to Wright County, Minnesota
about 1895. Reece and sons established farms around Maple Lake and
Annandale. After Margaret died, he returned and married again living
near Crumpler, McDowell, West Virginia. He died in a car wreck in
McDowell County in 1928. I am hoping to locate a descendant of her
second marriage.
Ralph Sayre <
sayrehouse@juno.com > 8 May 2004
FOSTER, ENGELHAUPT *** Redirected to Deuel
Seeking place of birth and names of parents for this Nebraska native:
Vera I. FOSTER, mother's maiden name ENGELHAUPT. Date of birth
11/7/1896. Thank you, hope this was an easy one!
Kerry Sullivan
<kerry.sullivan@pharma.novartis.com> 10 Apr 2002
14 Apr 2002: Bill Wever found in 1900 Census - Deuel County, NE, ED 97
Sheet 6 Line 61
Charles Foster b May 1864 NY; Alice Foster b October 1867 NE; Hattie
Foster ...dau .. b February 1888 NE; Jessie Foster ....son...b June
1889 NE; Vera Foster ...dau..b November 1896 NE.
Also in household Moses Wetherly b July 1867 South America
*** Redirected to Butler & York County
I am looking for any info on Johann Lambert GIER (b 17 Feb 1850, d 27
Jan 1941 in Kansas City, MO).
He was married in Germany to Barbara Anna SCHORNSTEIN (b 13 July 1848,
d 19 Dec 1928).
Their children: Barbara Gertrude Gier (b 1877, d 1880), Henrietta
Gertrude Gier (b 1880, d 1913),
Bonaventura Rosa Gier (b 1884, d 1897), Aloys Lambert Gier (b 1886, d
1919) married Frances E. SPOHN in 1914,
Joseph Peter Gier (b/d 1891), and Mary Elizabeth Gier (b 1893, d 1998)
who married to Kenneth "Casey" CLARK.
I would like to know if those who married had kids and what their names
are. This is all I have.
Johann was my great great Uncle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jean Gier-Knight <royinmimbres@gilanet.com>
16 Apr 2002
18 Apr 2002, from Bill Wever: 1900 Census Butler Co., NE ED 13, p8,
line 21
Lembroth GIER, b February 1850. age 50, Germany; Barbara, wife, b July
1848, age 51, Germany; Henrietta, b July 1880, age 10, NE; Louis, May
1886 14, NE; Mary, b Feb 1893, NE
1920 Census York Co, NE, ED 208, p5, line 64
Mrs. Frances GIER (widow) was enumerated with Charles Spohn as
daughter. In the household were 3 children, surname GIER. ... Jerome
age 4, son of Frances; Aloyse, son of Frances, age 4; and Larue age 1,
daughter of Frances.
Couldn't find anything on the Clarks.
Need Info on GILL family migrated from NE to CO end of 1800's with the
CARVER family. Settled in Southeast Colorado.
Elmer D. GILL (b.8/19/1881 Nebraska, d.5/27/57 Bent Co. Colorado) Son
of Isaac T. GILL and Permelia (last name unknown). Elmer married
Dorothy Olive WARD STEVENS (STEVENS adopted name).
Elmer GILL's siblings: Ross, Joe and Mae. Will share info from Colorado.
Shellene Gill
<shellene_gill@hotmail.com> 07 Mar 2002
Response 9 Mar 2002 from Bill Wever: The only Isaac Gill I was able to
locate was on the 1885 census for Clay county. The wife's name was
incorrect and this couple was of the age to be grandparents. I believe
this couple was in Thayer county in 1900. I did come up with a Ross
Gill, b Aug 1872, Illinois as a hired hand in Cheyenne county in 1900.
I am seeking information on Karl & Marie GORR. They immigrated from
Russia in 1907 and listed their destination as Lincoln, Nebraska. They
lived in Nebraska at least through 1920. Any help would be appreciated.
Marlin Miller <marmil4@juno.com>
3 Nov 2003
trying to find information on May C. Hanson, born 1890, in
Nebraska. Her parents were Chris Hanson and Carrie Kelley.
Christy Reed
(christy-reed@sbcglobal.net) 4 August 2009
Response from S.
Brakenhoff on 5 Aug 2009 - She supplied extracts of census for 1900:
West Fork, Woodbury, Iowa and 1925 Woodbury, IA. Christy will be
checking the originals, ... thinks this might work out to be her
I am looking for Vilhelmine Marie Jensen, known to be in Bancroft,
Nebraska, in 1893 and 1895. She was married to Peter Jensen, she came
from Denmark, probably in the 1880´s.
Kaj Nissen
<kaj@kajnissen.d> 14 Jan 2005 Email
bounce, 15 Jan 2005.
I am trying to locate Keetons who at one time lived in Nebraska. I
have recently posted some unidentified Keeton photos to
www.deadfred.com/ Run a search for the surname Keeton. I am
hoping these photos will help someone AND I'm hoping someone can
identify the people in them for me!
thanks, Liz DuBois < ddubois@sinclair.net > 26 Dec 2011
Looking for information on a State
Industrial School in Nebraska for the years around 1935. Is there any
kind of registration listing the children that attended there and is
there any way that we can get records pertaining to my Grandfather,
Gilbert Johnson, who was there sometime between 1935-1938. Would
appreciate any assistance that you can provide.
Bob Brinkley
<Bob.Brinkley@cexp.com> 9 May 2002
years I have searched for the date of death and place of death of
Lucius M. JOHNSTON. In 1880 Lucius M. Johnston, then 16, was
living in his parents' home in Belle Prairie (Strang), Hamilton Pct.,
Fillmore County. In 1888 he married Jennie E. SELBY.
Perhaps they moved from the county.
At different times I have contacted a
lady who lives in the area but she cannot find the death information
that I need. I believe Lucius died prior to 1900.
There is a possibility that Lucius and
Jennie had a daughter named Bernice Johnston. If so, she was born
in 1892.
Sincerely, Ken Gibbons
< kengib@zoominternet.net > 17 Dec 2006
Dec 2006 - "Laurels to Bill Wever ... He found the obituary for Lucius
Johnston in NEBRASKA SIGNAL, Geneva, Nebraska. The obit states
that his only child was seriously ill with typhoid which had killed her
father. ..." Ken Gibbons.
am looking for relatives of my grandfather, David Kehn. He was b. 23
Aug 1894 in Russia. Married Katie Fuss in 1914 in Grand Island. His
father's name was George Kehn and mother was Margaret Reiter (various
spellings). I think they settled in the western part of Nebr but can
find no trace. I also believe there were two more children. Please send
any info to me.
Janette Lofing
< jlofing316@aol.com > 12 Nov 2005
Nov 2005: Recommendations from some NEGenWeb Project coordinators:
If this person came from the Black Sea region, then the web site for
villages from that region of Russia is the Germans from Russia Heritage Society:
http://www.grhs.org/ (subscribe to the Ger-Volga mailing list and post
the message there.)
I would suggest this person look at the LDS site at
I found the following. The zipcode is obsolete, but they should be able
to figure
out something by the rest.
David KEHN *Birth Date:* 23 Aug 1894 *Death
Date:* Oct 1968
*Social Security Number:* 506-09-5689 *State or Territory Where Number
Was Issued:*
Nebraska * Actual Death Residence:* Nebraska *Death Residence
Localities* *ZIP
Code:* 68953 *Localities:*
KEHN Birth Date: 6 Apr 1895 Death Date: Aug 1974 Social
Security Number: 506-38-6973 State or Territory Where Number Was
Issued: Nebraska Death Residence Localities ZIP Code:
Check Lincoln, NE records, 1908 - K. Fuss (with a child), wife of
Conrad Fuss, filed desertion charges that year. There is a George Kehn
there in the 1950's, 60's and 70's, could be a son or grandson of the
George the poster is seeking.
I wonder if KUEHN might be a spelling variation of the surname worth
In my research a obituary states that one of my ancesters is buried in
Blacksmith. This would have been in or around Plattsmouth, Cass Co in
the 1850's. but I can't seem to locate it. Can you help.
Barbara DeZuani
<bmdezua@yahoo.com> 21 Jul 2003
Response: Nothing found in Cass County list of "Perkey's Nebraska Place
Names". Please contact the coordinators of the Cass County website -
perhaps they know about this early location.
I am researching some lost "Kumetz" or Kummetz family members. We
found August Kumetz buried in a pauper's grave in Pierce, NE...and have
not yet found his wife nor evidence of how she died or where.
August Kumetz was a widow in 1916 at the time of his death in Pierce as
he was traveling through. His son picked up his wallet, etc. with
horse from their leased farm at August's death. Also missing is
one of their sons...family stories has him searching for gold perhaps
in the gold rush, and a runaway
from home...no evidence of this..his name is Otto Kummetz. Also
have a missing Kummetz that married PH Knotts? 1939 in Iowa. All
records of this Kummetz have also been lost. I thought if I could
find this married Kummetz someone might have records of their children,
etc. All Kumetz has changed to Kummetz in Nebraska. Also
cannot find New York entry
into the US or the ship or train they took to Nebraska. (Albion area) I have
inquiries posted and have been searching for about 15 yrs.
I'd love anything I could search through for names or information this
summer...as I teach art K-5 during the year. I've been to the
Lincoln historical building many times...just do not know where to
look. Thank You! I'd also like to know where in Germany they came from.
Michelle L Hansen
Daberkow (mdaberk@lps.org)
on Saturday, March 26, 2011
Response: There was a Herman & Olga Kumetz with 4 children listed
in Boone County 1900-1930 census.
- see DUNCAN
William L.Lozier was born 30 Mar 1906 and died 31 Jan 1989. Need his
place of birth, parents, siblings and marriage date. He married a Hayes
County Nebraska girl named Dorothy Loriane Posson (my grandmother's
sister). Also need his place of death. It may have been Denison,
Crawford, Iowa.
Susan Lynn Chase
<SusanLynnChase@usa.com> 9 Mar 2004
LUND, GENTRY *** Cherry County
Looking for parents of Ross LUND, born circa 1895 in Nebraska (county
unknown). I believe he moved first to Oregon where he married Rose Anna
GENTRY in 1913, then moved on to Washington sometime before 1930
census. Ethnic group unknown. Any help appreciated.
Valerie Booden
<vajordan@alum.mit.edu> 26 Feb 2003
1 Mar 2003 - Checked the entire 1900 soundex and did not find any child
named Ross Lund. Sorry, BW.
4 Mar 2003: Rec'd death certificate. He was born in Brownlee, Cherry
Co., NE. Parents: Paul LUND and Johanna PETERSON were born in Denmark.
Possibly left NE before 1900. - Valerie.
I hope someone can help me find the county that Anna Elizabeth (Betty)
Luschei and unknown male Lindstrom married. Anna Elizabeth Luschei was
born about 1860 in East Prussia. Mr. Lindstrom was born in Sweden. They
married in Nebraska in about 1895. ANY help is appreciated very much.
Lynn Goins
<lynngns@aol.com> 23 Apr 2003
I am trying to locate
any information and possibly a birth certificate for Jeanne Iris
MARKERT. I know she was born somewhere in NE about 1913 or 1914.
Her mother's name was Iris May (____) Markert who was born in CO about
1891. Iris married _____ Markert. I would like to locate their marriage
information, but I do not know for sure that they married in NE or when
they married. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
Best Regards, Linda
Osterhouse <lindarogerohfl@webtv.net> 1 Jun 2005
McALPIN, DARBY (follow-up on query
from 2000)
13 August 2005
- Vera's parents were John W. Matson and "Nettie" McAlpin. Found
living in Calif. in the 1930 census. Still don't know specific
birthplace in NE for Vera. Michael
D. Bright <mdbright@webtv.net>
I am trying to locate a great great aunt, Nancy (Nanne) Mays, b. about
1867 in Washington Co., VA to Fleming Mays and his second wife, Deborah
Denton. Nancy married James Richardson and according to family members
left Virginia to settle in Nebraska. I have never been able to find
them in Nebraska and have no clue as to what county they may have
resided in. Any help is appreciated.
Ruby Coleman
<rcoleman@inebraska.com> 14 Feb 2003
URL: http://www.inebraska.com/~rcoleman
Response: 1920 census for NE
- Webster Co, Glenwood (Roll 1003, ED 202, p 9B)
Richardson, Nancy - b. Virginia, Age: 70
- Gage Co, Island Grove (Roll 986, ED 65, p 2B)
Richardson, James C - b Virginia, Age: 39
(Checked this online......wife's name is
Caroline; b NC, 26 yrs old) Hope this helps - SB
I am researching the following McGuire families. Francis McGuire b.
1800 Tenn., Squire b. 1805 Tenn. Both of these McGuire's are seen in
the 1830 Missouri Census and then again in the 1850 Iowa Census with
their families. John McGuire b. 1810 or 12 Tenn. also seen in 1830
Missouri census. I understand that some of our McGuire's emigrated to
or through Neb on the way to Oklahoma. As we have many missing
McGuire's some may have stayed in Nebraska. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you for your time,
<OneIrish@MyFamily.com> 17 Feb 2003
1 Mar 2003 - No McGuires on the 1860 or the 1870 census with that given
name. BW
I'm looking for the parents and siblings of my grandfather Albert Leroy
(Roy) Mitchell, born in August, 1892.....he later moved to Ray county
Missouri and married Jenny V of Geniveve Elliott.
Lisa Boehm
<daxpuppy@mei.net> 11 Aug 2003
I am looking for my grandmother's brother Wallace
Mullen. He is listed in his father's obit (dated July 14, 1931) as
living in Nebraska at the time of his death. He came to NE from
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. His sister, my grandmother, was Cecelia
Mullen. She was living in Cincinnati, OH at this time and died in 1963.
She never mentioned his whereabouts to my mom. Any help greatly
Christy Helfrich
<Cincy2Tennessee@aol.com> 15 Jan 2005
My favorite Great Uncle was Paul Newell. I obtained a copy of his death
certificate and found his birthplace was listed as Beaver Falls,
Nebraska. He was born in May of 1895 and his father was Joseph Newell.
His mother's name was Martha Wood. That is most of what I know of him.
He married my grandmother's sister Lillie Vearil. They lived in
Cincinnati, Ohio. He loved to hunt and I know he worked on the railroad
but I am not sure which line. I also found on his death certificate
that he was in W.W.I. If anyone can help me with the family I would
much appreciate it. Judy C Crowder <JuPree1@aol.com> 07
May 2002
Note: We have not been able to find a location called "Beaver Falls" in
Response from BW: Couldn't find Paul Newell, or his parents - anywhere!
ADDENDUM to my recent PETERSON, CARLSON, SWANSON query (see 1999). Recent updated information
on the Peterson family. Johan August PETERSON b. 13 Jul 1858, in
Velinga, Skaraborg, Sweden and emigrated to Omaha, NE, in 1887. His
wife was Augusta Bäck b. 12 Feb 1856, in Sweden. They allegedly had
about 9 sons. The first two sons were born in Sweden. They were Karl
Johan Rickard Peterson b. 15 May 1884 and Erik Peterson b. 25 Jul 1887.
I do not know where this PETERSON family finally settled. If anyone has
any information on this family, please let me know.
Linda Swanson
<chushoo@juno.com> 16 Jun 2003
Response 21 Jun 2003: They were not in 1900 census of Omaha, NE. Found
a name match in Burt County, but wrong ages. -
BW. Additional note: Cannot find them in cemetery
extracts for Polk County (large Swedish population around Stromsburg).
PORTER, FIELDING *** Redirected to Boone County
My grandfather Ernest PORTER Jr was born July 13, 1918 in Nebraska. His
father Ernest PORTER Sr. was born December 9, 1887 - also in Nebraska.
Ernest Sr's father Albert Marion PORTER married Rosella Caroline
FIELDING Nov. 21, 1880 in Fairmont, Fillmore, Nebraska. I've been
trying to find out if my grandfather and great-grandfather lived in
Fillmore County, or another county. The PORTER family lived in Nebraska
until the 1930's when the family moved on to Oregon.
Thank you very much for your help. TL Porter <
writerporter@mindspring.com > 19 Jan 2002
26 Jan from Bill Wever - The Albert M Porter family found in 1900
census in Boone Co., NE in Manchester Pct. Ernest Porter Sr. family
found in Boone Co. on the 1920 census. 27 Jan: Extracts sent.
1900 Census - Manchester Pct, Boone, NE
ED 19, Page 19, Line 42
1920 Census - Manchester Pct, Boone, NE
ED 23, Page 5, Line 36
Albert M. Porter, b Ohio Mar. 1858
Rosella Porter, b Iowa Aug 1862
Edith M Porter, b NE Oct 1883
Amos H Porter, b NE Sep 1885
Ernest Porter, b NE Dec 1887
Donavin F Porter, b NE Mar 1890
Katie A Porter, b NE Aug 1892
Robert J Porter, b NE Jan 1894
William M Porter, b NE Jun 1898
Ernest Porter, 32 b NE
Anna Porter, 25 b NE
Dorothy Porter, 2 yr 9 months b NE
Ernest Porter, 1 yr 6 months
REIBER *** Found in 1910 Missouri (Worth County)
Seeking date of death and burial place for Clement Reiber, born 1850
Miami County, Ohio resided in Marshall County, Iowa ca 1856-1880,
family story is that he went to Nebraska, he had deformed arm, do not
know how he supported himself, he grew up on a farm. His mother Anna
Burns, b. Ohio, father John A. Reiber, born Pennsylvania, both died in
Marshall Co., Iowa. He had two sisters, Alice, b. 1855 Ohio, Anna, b.
1859 Iowa.
<mmmikkimac@aol.com> 15 Sep 2002
3 Feb 2003: from Lori Laird, CC of Gage County, NEGenWeb Project.
"Clem Reiber" found in 1910 Missouri, Worth County, Fletchall Twp,
Grant City ED 148 Sheet 7B (see 174, 174) with Dr. O. P. M. Mills -
Line reads - "Reiber, Clem, w, m, 59, s, OH, PA, OH."
Note from Mikki - Dr. Mills was Clem's brother-in-law!
other variations - see KEHN
I am looking for info on the George L Rice family - wife Martha or
Mary, sons Silas E, Mark D, Charles L & daughter Ian. They migrated
from Lincoln Co. KS in the late 1899's. Another family genealogist says
they moved to NE. It is known from online Civil War records that George
filed for a pension in July 1890 in NE, but it does not give the county
(file on Ancestry). George does not appear in any of the Civil War
records listed on this site. With George was his mother & step
father an Asa & Rachel Myers. Asa & Rachel may have had other
Myers children in NE. Rachel was a sister of my gt Grandfather. Asa
& Rachel do not appear in the 1900 census indicating they may have
passed away (in 1890 they would have been 78 yrs. old).
Thank you - Harmon Orsborn
<kolh@hotmail.com> 7 Mar 2003
Response: Have not been able to find members of this family in files at
NSHS. Sorry. - BW
I am looking for information on an Albert RICHARDS. He was born in 1881
at Ottumwa, Wapello Co., Iowa. He moved to NE., not sure when. He
raised his family there. I have lots of information I would like to
share with anyone. It is believed that he moved to Omaha, NE. Can
anyone give me any information on this gentleman. His parents were:
Albert Richards and Ida L.Woolley. His wife's name was Elizabeth
Finnegan. On May 2, 1901 they had a son Albert Arthur Richards in
Ottumwa, IA. Another son in 1910 Walter Henry Richards.
Jeannette Haynie
<haynie@iowatelecom.net> 11 Mar 2003
Cannot find members of this family. Sorry. - BW
RUBY *** Redirected to Adams County, &
possibly Dawson County
Looking for ancestors of my 4th g-grandfather Charles Ruby (b: Abt
1785, Kentucky?) who married Susannah Burns (b: 1787, North Carolina).
Can't seem to find Charles' ancestry. He had a brother Jacob (b:1780 in
Maryland) and married Catherine Burns. Both Charles and Jacob were
married in Kentucky. Jacob and Catherine eventually moved to Illinois
where they both died. Charles and Susannah died in Kentucky. Charles
was also known as Charles, Jr. Charles and Susannah had several
children. My direct decendant was George W. Ruby (b:1815 KY; d:1877 IA)
who married Lucy "Tacy" Riley (b:1818 KY,d: 1901, IA). George and Tacy
had several children, one of whom was my 2nd g-grandfather John William
Ruby (b: 1842, Louisville, KY). My g-grandfather Edward Franklin Ruby
(John's son) was b:1866, St. Louis, MO; d: 1925, Iowa City, IA. John
and family eventually moved to Nebraska and then to Iowa. If anyone has
any information on the ancestors of Edward, John, George, Charles and
Jacob Ruby, please contact me.
Kevin Ruby
<krubyusa@netscape.net> 5 Jun 2002
6 June 2002 - There was a John Ruby (with family) in 1880 Census for
Adams County. Extract sent to Kevin, by Sherri B. of Platte website.
C.W. Ruby found in 1890 Gazetteer, Dawson County.
Follow-up from Kevin. One of John W. Ruby's children was Edward
Franklin Ruby (b: 11-1-1866, St. Louis, MO; d: 5-3-1925, Iowa City,
IA). His marriage to Elizabeth Cantwell (b: 5-15-1869, Mt. Pleasant,
IA; d: 1-5-1932, Albert City, IA) was found in Pauline, Adams Co., NE
(date: October 8, 1884). Edward was my g-grandfather!
I have relatives that lived in Helman, Nebraska. What county would that
Ruth Ann Buck
<rabuck@frontiernet.net> 02 Mar 2002
Response: Cannot locate Helman, NE.
List of towns from 1895
Atlas includes Hollman (Holt Co).
"features" list - no Helman...
Neal (used various spellings) SCOTT, born Meigs Co Ohio abt. 1831, died
during Blizzard of 1873. Son Thomas Emery SCOTT, born 1861 Missouri,
was with him and survived, left an orphan. Last known residence: left
Crawford Co., Kansas, 1872. Thomas was on Easter Break from school,
being only 12. He had an (unknown) guardian until at least 1920.
Bettie Cholakian,
Bartlesville Oklahoma <Bchlakian@aol.com> 28 Sep 2003
Looking for info on Grand Falls, Neb. My husbands grandfather was born
there July 27, 1916. His name was Roy Lee Scott. His mother had
multiple children and he was adopted out to a family in Colorado. I
haven't been able to find his parents name. The siblings I know are
James, Steve, Isabella.
Carolyn Scott <
cscott77@anv.net > 07 Feb 2002
16 Feb 2002 Response from BW: Cannot find a place in NE called Grand
Falls. (There are locations of that name in MN and TX). Attempt to
locate group of children with these given names, by using soundex code
was not successful.
NEW: 12 Sep 2002: There is a Grand Falls, New Brunswick, Canada.
Possible that abbreviation for New Brunswick - NB was interpreted at
Nebraska? Lori Laird (Gage County, NEGenWeb Project).
SIMON - see
I am looking for Catherine Smith Rubleman born 1861 in Marion County,
Iowa. She married unknown Rubleman. In the probate for Catherine's
Mother, Emerenthia Smith in 1894 in Marion County, Iowa Catherine
listed her address as Scranton, NE (the cr looks like it could be a w
or two v's. That would be Swanton, Svranton. Is there a town in NE by
that name. I see Scranton.
Thank you for any help? Beverly
Jones <bajones@lisco.com> 05 Nov 2002
Response: Perhaps "Swanton", in Saline County?
STAYTON, ESWORTHY, MEADE - Query forwarded to
Douglas County
Seeking information on Jesse Ray Stayton, b 1893, IL, s/o Bowman David
and Lula Mae Esworthy Stayton. When/where died he die? Married Ruth
Meade, b 1896. She listed in sister's 1967 obit as living in Nebreska.
Think Ruth died 1992 in Omaha. Thanks in advance for any help or leads.
Nancy A. Sanden <Bowlernapw62@aol.com> 27 Jan 2002
NOTE: Requested this query be posted to Douglas County, but email
bounced - so Emmett has copied it over to Douglas County in hopes of
some response from viewers there.
for any information on the family of John STEWART (born 12 Jan 1882 or
12 Jan 1884 Iowa - died 26 Apr 1971 Fresno, CA) and his wife Martina J.
WICKSTROM (spelled Vikstrom in Sweden) (born 6 Dec 1885 died 8 Oct 1970
Fresno, CA). John STEWART was living in Nebraska with a number of
brothers and the family was ranching. John STEWART had moved to
California and was working in the Oakland shipyards by 1908. John's
sister was Elvessa STEWART.
The WICKSTROM family was Swedish and
Martina may have been born either in Sweden or in Nebraska. Martina's
siblings Hannah, Lillian and Esther. Cousins William WICKSTROM and
Any help would be appreciated.
Susan Cannell
( scannell2006@comcast.net > 25 Apr 2008
- 1 May 2008
Wever found a Stewart Family at Platte, Dodge, NE in 1900 Census
(Source - Ancestry):
James Stewart (47);
Ediza Stewart (47); Elvissa Stewart (22); Fred D. Stewart (19); James
L. Stewart (17); Ida M. Stewart (14); Chester A. Stewart (12); Bart
Stewart (9).
Looking for any information of James or Timothy Stucker living in
Nebraska about the 1915 through 1920. He perhaps married and or had a
boy or a girl. They would be direct relation to me and I very much want
to know anything about them or their families. Please let me know
anything you know about them. I have looked for them for years. Thank
you for your help.
Aug 2002
Seeking information on the marriage of Carl R. Tagtow and Fredericka L.
Wilhelm. Probably sometime around 1888. Thanks.
Delores Huemiller
<ddhuemiller@lycos.com> 1 Oct 2004
am looking for a county location for a place called Barda in Nebraska.
I have an 1893 article from the Bluegrass Clipper Woodford County
Kentucky about two brothers Robert and Charles Taylor who lived there
at that time but died of suffocation in a well during a prairie fire.
This prairie fire would have been about first of July 1893. It is my
understanding that there were three Taylor brothers that went to
Nebraska and I would like to see if I could locate any further
information. Many thanks.
Susan Buffin
< foster4188@aol.com > 9 Jan 2008
10 Jan 2008:
Response from a NE County coordinator - Barada seems a
good possibility but neither Robert nor Charles Taylor appear in the
listing of tombstones for Richardson County. ... (later same day)
The solving is well under way. The third brother was John. He left many
descendants in Richardson county - one of whom wrote family stories for
the 1985 Richardson county history book. Copies will be going to the
lady inquiring.
I am searching for a marriage of Eldridge Howard THOMPSON and Lena (?)
STEFAN in Nebraska between 1884 and early 1890. They settled in Omaha
in 1890 but there is no record of their marriage in Omaha or Douglas
County. I have tried a few places in Iowa as well. Any ideas
Susan Leighton <
sll260A@aol.com > 9 May 2004
TOWNSEND, Walter Page, Probably born in NE, 1900/1910. Died Aug. 1962,
Sedro Woolley, Skagit, WA. Married Rosa ORTEGA, about 1924. Rosa was
born 30 Aug 1908, El Paso, El Paso, TX, died 30 April 1990 Reno,
Washoe, NV. They were divorced. Walter then married Lorna (?). There
were four four children from these two marriages, all living. Walter
had two brothers, Daniel and Oliver, and a sister Verda. I am trying to
find Walter's parents.
Doug Batten
<dbatten@vfw-online.com> 20 Sep 2003
name is Mike Trainor born in Lincoln Nebraska 1962. We are trying
to locate my grandfathers family. He was from a New York catholic
orphanage that burned to the ground with no records long ago. He
was one of the orphans on the train and a family adopted him by the
name of Trainor. He remembers having at least two sisters and a
brother. The sister may have been named Joan and their real
name was maybe OLHER (sp?). I would like more information on the
orphan trains if you have it and I will try to find more info. My
father is also Mike Trainor and is turning 70 this year and would like
to find his long lost family.
you. Mike Trainor < erapidwash@aol.com > 20 May 2007
Project Orphan Trains website.
VAN HAUER *** Redirected to Douglas County
Looking for any more information on: John Joseph Waltman, b 1888/89,
m Feb 18, 1914 - Marie Louise Vanhaur or Van Hauer, b Aug 11, 1889 in
Omaha, NE
Scott Strain <
strain@netzero.net > 20 Jan 2002
25 Jan from Bill Wever - Maria Vanhauer found in Omaha City
Directories, 1914-1916. J. J. Waltman found in 1915 & 1917.
Add. info 26 Jan 2002:
Douglas Co Marriage Bk 30, Lic 261: Married 2-18-14, John Woltman (age
25 b Omaha, parents: Michael Woltman/Anna Duffek) and Marie Vanhart
(rect) Vanhauser (age 25 b NE, parents: Anton
Vanhart/Catherine Skodil. Performed by Pastor John Vranak of St.
Wenceslaus Church of Omaha. Witness: Frank Vanhauer.
Looking for a marriage/birth/death records for Marie Okie Sutton (born
about 1930) to Robert Glen(n) Watson (born about 1924), possibly in
eastern Nebraska, or any recent relations thereof.
Debi Frank
<dfrank@dol.state.ne.us> 30 Jan 2004
6 Feb 2004: Addition of approximate birthyears to query above. This is
not Debi's family, she is assisting the person seeking info.
WITBECK*** Redirected
to Saunders County
I am looking for information on my grandfather any information would be
appreciated beyond believe. I can't find any information on him. His
name is: Fredrick Raymond WITBECK - born: April 1885, Nebraska (county
?): died: 1953, Los Angeles Co., CA
katie pennington
<badboybillys1@aol.com> 06 May 2002
Response from Bill Wever: Surname found around St Paul (Howard Co.),
but wrong ages and no match on given name. Other WITBECKs found in
Saunders County in 1885, two couples - one with young children but no
baby! Search of newspaper index for later years indicates your man
probably was from Saunders County. Please post query there.
*** Redirected to Richardson and Cass Counties
I'm looking for information on Mary Frank Whittier and her parents. All
I know is that Mary was born in 1879 somewhere in Nebraska. Sorry I
don't have more. Any info will be appreciated.
Thank You, Eileen Hanks
<shadow@tscnet.com> 27 May 2002
31 May 2002 Response from Bill Wever: Found two posibilities for Mary
FRANK in 1880 NE Census:
1880 Census Richardson County, NE
Humboldt - ED 321, Sheet 4, Line 19.
1880 Census Cass County, NE;
Plattsmouth - ED 263 Sheet 11 Line 47
Aug Frank 27, b Prussia;
Mary Frank 28, b Illinois;
Emma 4, b Nebraska;
Mary 2, b Nebraska;
Lillian, (no age reported);
Lizzie, sister to Aug Frank, 22, b Wisconsin.
George Frank 42, b Baden
Susan 33, b Wurtenburg;
Katie 11, b Illinois;
Mary 2, b Nebraska;
Infant b NE.
WICKSTROM (Vikstrom) - see STEWART
Researching my Schoon family roots. Mary Schoon married unknown Wissel
or Weisk lived in Nebraska. She was born in the last 1850's early
1860's Tazwell County, ILL. I do know in 1916 she lived in
Nebraska I got this info from her fathers obit. I appreciate any help
location Mary Schoon Wissel she is the last of the children I need to
find. Thanks,
Sharon <Sharonkn@msn.com>21
Oct 2002
Response: The lookup volunteer in Lincoln reports he cannot find these
surnames in the (huge) obit files at NSHS Library. The closest surname
is "Wessel", but none of those obits showed a maiden name of Schoon (or
anything close to that). Sorry, no specifics could be found to
determine a location for Mary.
Fridolin Zipfel (*1819) and wife Catharina nee Simon (*1824) &
child Franz Anton Zipfel (*1845) moved to America in Mar 1847.
Apparently they first lived in PA, later in Nebraska. All were born in
Guendlingen, Freiburg, Baden. Looking for info about this family in the
U.S. & for descendants.
Fridolin is a brother to my gg-grandfather Martin Zipfel from
Guendlingen, Freiburg, Baden.
Andreas Zipfel-Waag,
Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany <andi.waag@web.de> 09 Dec 2002
Queries from
Queries from 1998.
Queries from 1999.
Queries from 2000-2001.
contact the query page coordinator.
1998-2009 for NEGenWeb Project by Ted & Carole Miller