NEGenWeb Project
County Unknown
"I know the name, and some
Three brief lists are provided below. The first is
ethnic groups, those that immigrated to Nebraska directly
from the "old country" and settled in one community.
The second listing is for those groups that migrated
from other states and localities. If you know your ancestors
moved to Nebraska from within North America, take a look at
the second list.
The third is religious
Yes, the lists will be "improved" with time.
You will want to become familiar with the various terms
that have been used by ethnic groups as their countries of
origin changed over time. Many changed their response to
census questions depending on what was happening "back
There are Swiss who became "Germans" and then were again
"Swiss". We have "Moravia" given as birthplace, but changed
(by that same family) to "Bohemia" on the next census &
then to Czechoslovakia ten years later. The progression may
read Germany, Prussia, Poland. There are enumerators that
did not hear the difference between "Russia" and "Prussia".
In at least one census, the enumerator of one township wrote
"Australia" instead of "Austria".
The information handed down in your family about the
ethnic group may be more reliable than what you find in any
ONE census.
Check the responses on EVERY census for your family; on
occasion the province will be named rather than the
Buffalo Co. - Pleasanton, NE (many surnames in
common with those found in Butler and Polk
Butler Co. - Bellwood, NE (about 1880, land
promoter was Franz Mueller of Römerstadt,
Mahren, Austria).
Polk Co. - Island Pct, NE (these people are
often referred to as residents of Duncan, Platte,
NE - but actually lived on farms in Polk
Co - Spring 1874, French Canadians from Quebec
by way of IL
Howard Co - Spring 1872, "Canada Hill" colony.
Researcher says many of these "Canadians" were born
in British Isles, had lived briefly in Canada.
Group from Brussels, Ontario, Canada setteld in
Warsaw Twp.
Platte Co - settled at Lindsay (came from
Lindsay, Ontario, Canada)
Polk Co. - group settled in Canada Pct.
Box Butte Co - Running Water, Lawn and Liberty
Butler Co - "Bohemians" to NE corner of Butler
Co, to Abie & Bellwood, NE
Colfax Co. - about 1870, especially Clarkson
& Schuyler
Knox Co. - 1869 (group originally settled in
Chicago, IL; moved to NE)
Saline Co. - Wilbur, NE about 1870, officially
the Czech capitol of NE
Saunders Co.- Prague, NE about 1870
See the GNIS and the Nebraska locations search
for places including the words,
"Bohemian","Czechoslovakian", or "Moravian"
READ "Bohemians
in Nebraska" from NSHS Publications Vol XIX
Frontier Co. - Curtis, NE - "pocket" of
Howard Co. - 1871 Dannebrog, NE (many from
Milwaukee, WI)
Nuckolls Co - ~1875, SE corner of county
Kearney Co. - 1876: Fredericksburg, NE
NE ("pocket" of Danes, south of town)
Washington Co. - Orum, NE
Platte Co - Rosenberg/Rosenborg, NE
Twp, Platte, NE
Ansgar's Church, Danish Lutheran, (1884)
Danish Evg Lutheran Church, (1879)
Valley Co.- settled north of present Ord, on
Dane Creek (had lived in WI)
Nemaha Co., NE
Antelope Co. - about 1870
Franklin Co. - about 1873, near Little Blue
Nemaha Co. - before 1870 (click for story of
French families)
Richardson Co. - about 1857
Cuming County - 1857
Eustis, Frontier, NE - settled in 1886,
incorporated in 1888; large number of German
Hall County - 1857 (many had lived in Davenport,
Madison Co. - Jul 1866: 40 families, had been in
WI previously
Nemaha County - Febing, NE
Nuckolls Co. - Lawrence [St Stephen's
Otoe County - 1857
Pierce Co - Fall of 1866 - a portion of the
German colony from WI, settled mainly on the North
Fork of the Elkhorn, a little above the present
town of Norfolk, Madison County. (Andreas)
Platte Co.
Bismark Pct, Platte Co - settled by many Germans
from Oldenburg, Germany. Some had lived
temporarily in PA, IL & WI before moving
to Platte Co., NE 1860's
Grand Prairie Twp, Platte, NE - they were members
of St. Mary's Catholic church on sect 5
or of St. John's German Luth Ch on sect 13
Richardson Co about 1857
Sherman Co - WILHELM SHOHE, NE - 75 families
that were natives of Germany organized in Brooklyn,
NY and moved in 1878. (Andreas)
Stanton Co. - about 1870
Thayer Co - about 1870
Wayne Co - 1870, along Spring Branch (sw portion
of county)
Germans from Russia
(Mennonites & other relig.)
Adams Co. - Hastings, NE
Cass Co. - abt 1875, near Louisville, and South
Bend, NE
Clay Co. - Sutton, NE
Franklin Co. - west of Campbell, in North
Franklin & Buffalo Twps.
Hamilton Co. - Henderson Twp, NE
Jefferson Co. - Colony of 350 settled near what
is now Jansen in 1874.
York Co - Henderson, NE
The American
Historical Society of German's from Russia
is headquartered in Lincoln, NE. Besides being an
historical society with a membership of 5000, it
also has a substantial library, and probably the
largest collection of books and documents relating
to German-Russians in the world. AHSGR'S home page
is at <http://www.ahsgr.org/>
Co - 1874-5, Highland Twp
Dakota Co - 1856
Dixon Co. - 1856, South Creek Valley
Greeley Co. - 1877 (O'Connor)
Holt Co. - 1874
NE - officially the Irish Capitol of NE
Platte Co. - Shell Creek Twp, NE (west of the
meridian) |
Butler Co. (Bellwood)
Roseland Twp, Adams Co.
Nuckolls Co - abt 1875, SE corner of county
Nance Co. - Krakow, NE (near Genoa)
Platte Co - Tarnov, NE
Polk Co. - Pilsno, NE
Saunders Co. - Prague, NE
Burt Co. - Oakland, NE about 1880
Colfax Co - Leigh, NE
Kearney Co. - Keene, NE
Nance Co. - Genoa, NE - and adjacent areas in
Platte County
Salem Evg. Lutheran Church in adjacent
Walker Twp, Platte, NE
Lookingglass Swedish Methodist
Episcopal Church (1880) on sect 4
of Monroe Twp,
Platte, NE
Phelps Co - about 1880
Polk Co. - Stromsburg, NE about 1870, "Little
Sweden" of NE
Saunders Co - about 1870
Washington Co. - Orum, Washington, NE
READ "Swedes
in Nebraska" from NSHS Publications Vol XIX
Platte Co. - Columbus & Duncan, NE
(7 families from Aarwangen, Bern
- and many others as well) |
Co - 1873, Little Blue Twp
Platte Co - Joliet Twp., NE (many w/prior
connections to Red Oak, IA)
First Welch
Calvanistic Methodist Church/Cemetery
Co - 1859-67, Prairie Union community
There are many organizations for ethnic groups on the
web. You may be able to find your surname in their lists,
and get clues about the where members of your family group
settled. Several are listed on the Nebraska Research Help
(see state page).
A sample of the ethnic organizations involved in
American Research on Cyndi's List
Genealogical Society Int'l
Federation of East
European Family History Societies
North American Immigrant Groups
Came from
Settled in NE at
Canada (see above)
United States
Stark Co, IL
Platte Co, NE
1854 group organized at
Quincy, IL as "Nebraska Colonization Company"
Fontanelle, Washington, NE
LaSalle Co., IL
1855: Tekamah, Burt Co, NE
?, IL
1866: Madison Co, NE
?, IL
1870: Wayne Co, NE along Coon Creek
1856: Johnson Co, NE
Davenport Co., IA
1857 to Hall Co, NE
Harrison Co, IA
abt 1857 to Cedar Co, NE
Tama Co., IA (many had been
res.of IN before living in IA)
Mead Twp, Merrick, NE
Fayette Co., KY
Nemaha Co., NE
?, MI
1871-2: 100 families to Adams Co.
New York
Attica, NY
1854: Tekamah, Burt, NE
Catarraugus Co., NY
Mead Twp, Merrick, NE
Cayuga Co., NY
Merrick County, NE
Columbus, OH
Columbus, Platte, NE
Miami County, OH
Brownville, Nemaha, NE
Pittsburgh, PA
1879-80 Columbus, Platte, NE
Philadelphia Colony (incl
some from NJ & OH)
1872 Dawson Co, NE, settled at Plum Creek (now
Mayville, WI
Platte Co, NE
Milwaukee, WI (many Danes)
1871: Howard Co., NE
Sauk Co., WI
Holt Co, NE
(Grayson County)
Cherry & Hooker Counties, NE
Immigrant Religious Groups
Mennonites |
See Germans from Russia |
Latter Day Saints = "Mormons" |
1845: "Winter Quarters" = Florence, Douglas
County, NE
abt 1855: Douglas, Washington and Dodge
Counties, NE (Danish)
1857: near present location of Genoa, Nance
County, NE
1857: Sheldon Pct, Buffalo County, NE |
"Quakers" - Friends |
Established a college at Central City, Merrick,
NE |
Seventh Day Adventists |
1875: Church organized in Seward Co., NE |
Seventh Day Baptists |
1871: Grp from WI, near present location of
North Loup, Valley Co., NE (Andreas) |
© 1998-2004 for
NEGenWeb Project by Ted & Carole Miller