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Thomas County

Nebraska State Gazetteer

Business Directory and Farmer list for 1890-1891

Omaha: J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block, 1890

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe  & Co,
in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.


Business Directory

Thedford is the county seat of Thomas county, and is situated about the center of the county, on the G. I. & W. C., a branch of the B. & M. R. R., and has a population of 400. Here may be found well represented business and occupations of all kinds. The country around is unequaled for agricultural purposes. The very best water is found at a depth of 20 to 30 feet. Its citizens are enterprising and united in everything in the way of public improvements. Their liberality in this respect is shown by a fine brick court house, costing $10,000 and good school house. Among the prominent features is the Thedford Bank, authorized capital, $25,000, a good hotel, lumber and coal yards, and two newspapers, Thomas county Veteran and the Thedford Tribune. The Methodists hold regular meetings in the school house.

    Brown S M, harness.                  
    Cowles W W, postmaster, county judge and pub Thedford Tribune.    
    Cutter E S, meat market.             
    Dana & West, pub Thomas county Veteran.                           
    DeBrown John, hardware, lumber.      
    Dill B F, prop Thedford House.       
    Edmunds C H Dr, druggist.              
    Evans John H, attorney-at-law.         
    Evans R F, carpenter and justice.      
    Farrell & Drew, genl mdse.           
    Gilbert M C, barber.                 
    Grate Wm, sta, tel and ex agt.
    Harper W R, real estate.             
    Joy J E, county clk.                  
    Layman J, plasterer.                 
    Layman M M Mrs, restaurant.          
    Long Charles, clothing, etc.         
    McCown R D, lumber and coal.         
    McGinnis J S, atty.
    Mundy Wm, drugs.
    Russell Geo M, well borer. 
    Scott J W, livery.
    Sigler Stephen, painter.
    Steele George, photographer
    Swingle W E, hardware.
    Thedford Bank, authorized capital $25,000, E W Rankin pres, 
      J C Martin vice-pres, J M McMillan cashier.
    Thedford House, B F Dill prop.
    Thedford Tribune, W W Cowles pub.
    Thomas County Veteran, Dana & West pubs.
    Tuttle J H, watchmaker.
    Walters J P, county atty.
    West John, genl mdse.  
    Wiles W R, blacksmith.
Seneca, a small town on the B. & M. R. R. in Thomas county, in the Middle Loup valley, has a population of 100. It is a section station, and a round-house is located here. A school house costing $800 has lately been built. The newspaper is the Seneca News. The country around is well adapted to herding cattle.

    Carney John W, justice.              
    Heath F D, sta, tel & ex agt.        
    Holmes J A, ed Weekly Seneca News.   
    Mary George, county surveyor.
    Ong I C, hotel.
    Talbot Bros & Co, genl mdse.
    Talbot M, postmaster.
Natick, a flag station on the B. & M. R. R., in the eastern part of Thomas county, eight miles from Thedford.


Farmer List
Algoe D J, Thedford		Harper J W, Thedford
Allen Geo t, Thedford		Harper S H, Thedford
Anderson Theo, Thedford	        Harper W R, Thedford
Bailey W D, Dunning		Hildebrand Chas, Thedford
Bander D E, Thedford		Hildebrand Geo C, Thedford
Barnes J S, Thedford		Kesterson, Thomas, Halsey
Barnes T E, Thedford		Ley Joseph, Thedford
Beetle David, Thedford	        Long Charles, Thedford
Belden Geo C, Thedford	        Lyman D W, Halsey
Bivens L K, Purdum		Lyon M D, Thedford
Bivens S W, Purdum		Martin A, Halsey
Bowen C W, Halsey		Maseberg Fred, Thedford
Bowen J T, Halsey		Matthews Geo L, Thedford
Brown Frank, Halsey		Melvin John, Thedford
Buckles A J, Thedford		Miller Geo W, Thedford
Buckles J W, Thedford		Miller W E, Halsey
Calhoun W H, Purdum		Mills D O, Thedford
Callender C E, Thedford	        Mills F W, Thedford
Callender D N, Dunning	        Moberly J T, Thedford
Carney J W,Seneca		Murphy C R, Thedford
Clark Andrew, Thedford	        Osmon S H, Thedford
Coffman W J, Thedford	        Oller Ed, Thedford
Cossey W C, Thedford		Palmer E A, Seneca
Crawford Jas M, Thedford	Parker J W, Thedford
Crow Henry, Thedford		Perkins D E, Halsey
Crow H J, Thedford		Peterson R, Seneca
Crow Wm, Thedford		Pierson H S, Halsey
Dahmer Fred, Halsey		Purdum J W, Thedford
Dana Charles, Thedford	        Roberts H A, Halsey
Dill B F, Thedford		Rush R A, Halsey
Downey H S, Dunning		Russell Chas R, Thedford
Doyle John, Thedford		Russell Geo M, Thedford
Edelman B, Thedford		Russell I W, Thedford
Edelman W F, Thedford	        Sigler S A, Thedford
Emry R A, Halsey		Spurgin John, Thedford
Evans, Robert F, Thedford	Stearns Amos L, Thedford
Ewing J C, Halsey		Stearns I W, Thedford
Ferrell, P F,Halsey		Tharp A, Halsey
Fountain J G, Thedford	        Trussell M B, Halsey
Gilbert M C, Thedford		Utterback D L, Thedford
Gilbert Richard, Thedford	Utterback M O, Thedford
Gilson J M, Thedford		Walters J P, Thedford
Grable Thomas, Thedford	        Walters Wm M, Thedford
Graham John, Halsey		Wright C C, Thedford
Hardy Wm, Seneca		Zorger S D, Thedford

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