Saunders County NEGenWeb Project

Minnie F. White photo
Minnie F. White and friends.
Image is a link to a larger version.

I have attached a photo of my grandmother, Minnie F. White. I'm not sure when it was taken, but estimate around 1890.

Listed in the photo are:

Standing left to right: Myrta Nicodumus, Mollie Randolph, Nellie Taylor, and seated is Minnie White (1875-1966) and Nellie Russell. Sorry I don't know anything more about the other women, other than my aunt was named after Myrta.

About 1885, Minnie's father, Francis G. White (1847-1914) moved his family to Nebraska where members of her mother's family, Mary Ellen (Mitchell) White (1856-1920), had settled. Mary Ellen's sister, Eliza Ann Mitchell (1846-1919) married Zachariah Cameron at Carasco, Nebraska (wondering now if this is Ceresco, Nebr. where the photo was taken.) I'm not sure what other Mitchell's had moved to Nebraska.

My grandmother, Minnie F. White was married December 09, 1896 in Rosston, Texas, so assume the whole family had left Nebraska before 1896.

If anyone knows more history on this family or photo, I would love to hear it.

Submitted by Lynne Downing,

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