Saunders County NEGenWeb Project

Saunders County
By-Gone Days

This page will have photos that show how Saunders County looked in by-gone days. You may submit your Saunders County Landscape Photos for posting to this page. We can only post photos that are older than 1923, or where you have written permission to post them. Thank you for following these guidelines. Submit your photos by first contacting Connie Snyder   Please do not send images without first contacting me.

** Note: These electronic pages are provided for your personal use, and may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual. They may be freely copied for your personal use.

Each small photo is a link to a larger version.

postcard     Can you help identify this farm? We think it is located near Swedeburg. Click on the image to see more information.

  1. Ashland, 1908 - Ashland in 1908. Submitted by Lanny Robbins.

  2. Ashland Depot, 1909 - Ashland Depot, 1909. Submitted by Lanny Robbins.

Fifth Street, Wahoo, then and now.

Fifth Street, Wahoo             Fifth Street, Wahoo

Photo on left submitted by Lanny Robbins. Unknown date
Photo on right submitted by Karen Steele. July, 2001

St. Vitus Catholic Church in Touhy, Nebraska
circa 1905-1910

Photo submitted by Kathie Harrison

The following photos were submitted by Suzanne Shaw from the Ashland Gazette.

  1. Ashland Football 1904

    Back: Earl Chamberlin, manager; Attabery, Sub. Full Back; T. Christian, center; G. C Christian, Sub. L.G.; Barnes, L.G.; Pearson, Sub. C.; Grubb, R.G.
    Center: Wollen, R.T; Atwood, R.H.B.; Hanold, Capt. F.B.; Hall, Sub. L.E.; E. Chamberlin, L.T.; Willard Fowler, mascot.
    Front: R. LaChaperlle, R.E.; H. LaChapelle, Q, B.; Tarpenning, L.H. B.; Wright, L.E.

    I am assuming that the letters after the name are the positions that these men played.

  2. Memphis Baseball 1912

    This picture is of the Memphis Champion Base Ball Team Saunders County 1912.
    According to some hand written stuff on the top of the picture, this was a three county team involving Saunders, Butler and Dodge. For the final championship game the score was Wahoo 2 - Memphis 3

    Back: Ivan Rogers, 3rd base; Red Martin of Ceresco, short stop; Alva Owens, field; Roy Owens, pitcher and field; Allen Gilkeson, catcher; Clarence Ulstrom, 1st base.
    Front: Doc Hall, 2nd base; Jess Owens, manager and coach; Bill Clouse, pitcher; Harkinson, of Ceresco, pitcher and center field; (A ceresco man who is unknown).
    Not pictured according to the picture was Tad Mays

  3. Ashland basketball team, county champs 1929

    This picture has only two identified people in it. It is of the Ashland basketball team, county champs 1929
    On left, back row next to the coach: Merle Martin and in the middle front row: Jerry Barger

  4. Football team, 1922

    This picture is of a football team from 1922. There are no identifications and we are not even sure if it is from Ashland or not.

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