Saunders County NEGenWeb Project

Wahoo Democrat Banner

Wahoo Democrat 50th Anniversary Edition

September 17, 1936
This images for this issue were donated by Bruce Schwenke. His Mother was Bernadine Bruce Schwenke. Her Father was Eric Petrus Bruce and her mother was Edla Eskelson. After Eric died, Edla married Dave Anderson. Eric is buried at Malmo and Edla and Dave are buried in Wahoo.

These images are very large and may take a while to download on a slow connection. I hope to eventually OCR the images so that we will have searchable text files available.

Section A | Section B | Section C | Section D

Pawnee Tribe Roamed Hills Of This County
First Land Patent In Saunder County
Sam Bumgarden And Miss Hooker Get 1st License
First General Election Held In October 1866
Bissells One Of First Families
Over Half Century In The Newspaper Field
Saunders County Center of World's Finest Garden
Lewis And Clark Crossed Country
R. Warbritton First Settler Arrives 1856
First Deed Filed On Dec. 1, 1857
Charles S. White Buys Democrat In Year 1896

Section A, Page 1
Thomas Bissell Is Very Prominent In Early History
Wahoo Precinct At A Glance
German Lutheran Church Ithaca
Farm House Burned

Section A, Page 2
Historical Data About Ithaca In Early Days
The Ithaca Bank Was Established
Severe Windstorm At Ithaca In 1893
Lee Brothers, Wahoo
Moses Stocking Pioneer In This County In 1865

Section A, Page 3
Pawnee Tribe Roamed Hills Of This County (cont.)
Wahoo In 1880, North Side Of Street
Commissioners Met First Time Nov 10, 1866
First Settler Arrives 1856, R. Warbritton (cont.)
First Saunders County Fair, 1876
Saunders County Center of World's Finest Garden (cont.)
Justice In Every Precinct; Stocking 2

Section A, Page 4
Pioneer Tells Of 'Hopper Invasion; Early Day Trials
Bohemia Precinct In Early Days
Now Raising Sorghum Cane
Pioneers Cut Grain With A Scythe
Records From The County Court, 1876
Relates Facts In History of Rescue

Section A, Page 5
Green Precinct And Its Citizens
Moses Stocking Pioneer In This County In 1865 (cont.)

Section A, Page 6
Early History of Valparaiso
Third Graduating Class - Wahoo
A Disastrous Prairie Fire
Facts Pertaining To Oak Creek Precinct
Ekedahl Lutheran Church, Valparaiso

Section A, Page 7
Ashland Named By Mr. Argyle; Organized 1870
Some Highlights About Ashland
Ashland Man Prizes Curios
Granger Still Has Trained Oxen
Still Teaching After 42 Years
Miss Granger Has Valuable Relics
Ashland Womans Club
Mrs. Mary Doon picture
Early Publisher of Ashland Gazette
Worst Flood In Local History
An Interesting Landmark Gone
First Paper in Ashland
Forty Years A Teacher
Witnessed Fifty-two Deer At One Time
Helps Survey Burlington Railroad
Mormon Trail Marker Unveiled
First Funeral
John Granger A Hardy Pioneer
Celebrate Fiftieth Anniversary 1924
Charles Whistler Was Drowned
Ashland Store Building Crumbles
First Record By District Clerk

Section A, Page 8
Ashland School Erected In 1880
First Officals To Hold Office 1866
Disastrous Prairie Fire
The First Saunders County Court House
Commercial Hotel Early Land Mark
Not A Bad Road In Saunders County
Certificate Of Marriage - Mr. Samuel Bumgardner & Miss Lucinda Hooker
Ashland City Officers
Dr. A. E. Sheldon State Historian
Disastrous Prairie Fire
Walkup Shot Lewis
Removal Of Dam Takes Landmark
Do You Recall The Blizzard Of 1891
Ashland-Wahoo Early Business Men
Lone Elm Tree Early Landmark
Burlington Train Killed Man in 1891

Section A, Page 9
Moses Stocking Statesman Of County Affairs
Early Facts Of Stocking Precinct
Swedish Lutheran Church, Pioneers of Malmo, Neb.
First Windmill On J. D. Cook Farm

Section A, Page 10
Newman Precinct Named After Geo. Newman In Sec. 29
Touhy Named After An Irish Section Hand
Court Records Disclose Wahoo Citizens Law Abiding
Wheat Statistics

Section A, Page 11
National Facts Of The World War
Boundary Of Saunders County

Section A, Page 12
Interesting Facts Of Chester Precinct
Pertinent Facts About Civil War
Alfalfa Principle Forage Crop Here
Justice Reader Is Kept Busy
Section Of Land Sells at $9.06 Acre

Section A, Page 13
Pohocco Was To Have had Capitol of Nebraska
Prof. Searson, High School Ball Team
Pohocco Baptists Dedicate Church September 2, 1928
Early Railroad Interesting Subject
Early Saunders County Election Vote Is Polled

Section A, Page 14
Saunders County Advantages Limitless Says Governor
First Graduating Class - Wahoo
First Capitol Was Located In Omaha
C. & N. W. Reaches Omaha In 1867

Section A, Page 15
First Business Houses In Prague
Three People Killed Near Prague, 1927
Prague One Of The Oldest Villages
Early Day Progress Of Saunders County
Old Wahoo Creek Dam, 1880

Section A, Page 16

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