Saunders County NEGenWeb Project

Ceresco History Special Section, November 6, 1975. Page 3.

Ceresco village school
(Use the small picture to link to the large version)
Eighty-five teachers and pupils of the Ceresco village school assembled for this photo.

   In 1908 Fred Mostrom, John Carlson and Charles Ericson purchased the Hardware, Implement, Windmill and Will business from Chalres Dahlstrom and called it Carlson and Company. Ericson also served as teh village's undertaker. Has Swanson and Albert Hedlund purchased the Carlson and Company building in 1913. A Ford dealership by Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Swanson offered the first automobiles in Ceresco in 1909.

   At one time a feed mill was operated by Olaf Mattson on the street east of the present Village Hall. It was also Johnson and Medlen Grain and Coal at one time. Mrs. Alfred Nelson operated a millinery shop and her father, John Carlson, operated a jewelry store.

   One of the main forms of entertainment in Ceresco in the 1910's was the Saturday night silent picture show in Turney Hall with admission $.l5. Those who dared dance also used Turney Hall under the supervision of a local dance club.

   A Light and Water Plant bond election was held on December 8, 1914 and the bonds were approved. On August 15, 1925 the plant, at an original cost of $15,000, was completed and put into operation. Later the plant was remodeled and changed to alternating current.

   Due to the increased use of electricity, REA current was brought into Ceresco in 1944. In November of 1965 the entire electric system was sold to Omaha Public Power District. The building houses the fire department today.

   The first issue of the Ceresco News, the second newspaper to be located in Ceresco, was printed and distributed on December 4, 1924 by Mr. and Mrs. Otto Olsen. The paper continued to be a part of the community for 31 years. A Chrysler-Plymouth dealership was located in town by Rollo Benting after he purchased a filling station in 1928.

postcard photo
Hannah Olson, Alice Blodgett, Susie Turney, Mary Nelson, Nellie Martin
and Florence Belk Larson are all smiles for a postcard photograph.

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