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First National Bank

Wahoo, Nebraska

   The First National Bank of Wahoo, Nebraska, was organized on the 15th day of July, 1882 -- one hundred years ago -- with a capital stock of $50,000.00. This organization took over the building and business of the firm of Anderson and Griffith, private bankers, and continued to operate in the location of their predecessors on the corner of Fifth and Linden streets.

   The first stockholders were Henry Anderson, James Young, John Beermaker, Joshua B. Davis, Lars Anderson, N.B. Berggren, Joel D. Cook, Thompson Bissell, William Fletcher, Peter Anderson, Arthur Perry, George H. Stocking, William Wallace, J.W. Gannett, Cyrus T. Condit, Thomas Ostenberg, Claus F. Knutzen, Joseph M. Chapman and J.D. Lehmkuhl.

Old Bank

   Henry Anderson, the first president of the First National Bank, was a splendid organizer and a thorough business man of great foresight and sound judgement. During his tenure of office from the time the bank was organized until the date of his resignation, in January, 1886, his able guidance was such as to form a stable foundation for the bank's ever-increasing growth and prosperity. His successor, A. Blakestad, remained in office for only one year.

   Charles Perky was elected to the presidency in January, 1887. He directed, to a large extent, the financial policy of the institution and its business activities. His sound judgment, discrimination and enterprise have made this bank one of the most solid financial institutions of the state. No man ever enjoyed a more profound respect and a greater general admiration from the people of his community, for he was truly a good man.

   Oscar Hanson was elected cashier and a member of the Board of Directors on January 9, 1906, and served as cashier and director until January 1, 1920. He was elected and served as president and director until January 1, 1927.

   Ed Lehmkuhl was elected vice-president in January, 1913, and served in that capacity for fourteen years until January, 1927, when he was elected president. He served in that office for five years until January, 1932.

   Louis J. Kudrna was affiliated with the bank in January, 1888, in charge of the real estate loan and insurance business of the bank. The First National Bank, during that period, engaged in making real estate mortgages and continued in the insurance business for their customers and for the community. Mr. Kudrna was elected vice-president in 1920 and served in that position until the date of his death in September of 1944.

   E.E. Placek was elected to the Board of Directors in January, 1932. He occupied that position for twenty years until he became chairman of the board in 1953.

   James L. Kudrna, son of Louis Kudrna, came to the bank in September, 1919, as bookkeeper and teller and in January, 1921, was elected assistant-cashier. He served in that capacity until 1940 when he was elected cashier. In January, 1953, he was elected president and held that position until his death in 1959.

   Kenneth A. Tool became affiliated with the bank in 1931 having charge of the collection department, and January, 1934, was made assistant to the president. He was elected executive vice-president in 1952 and became president in 1959 following the death of Mr. Kudrna.

   Evald C. Brodd came to the bank in August, 1930, as a bookkeeper and teller. In January, 1940, he was elected assistant-cashier and in 1952 was promoted to cashier. When he retired in 1975 he was holding the office of vice-president. Evald was a member of the Board of Directors and served for many years as their secretary. He has a keen interest in old coins and his collections are well-known throughout the state.

Henry Anderson
Henry Anderson, first president of bank

   The presidency was again taken by E.E. Placek in 1960 and 1961. Kenneth Tool was re-elected president in 1962 and served in that capacity until his retirement in 1971. It was during his reign of office that extensive remodeling was done.

   Edward J. Carlson, doing business as Bank Management, purchased the controlling interest in First National in January of 1969. Following the retirement of Kenneth Tool he served as president until July, 1972. He was elected chairman of the board in 1979 and held that position as long as he was owner of the bank.

   Raymond J. Fiala came to the bank in April, 1951, as a teller and bookkeeper. In January of 1952 he was elected assistant-cashier. He became president in July, 1972 and served in that capacity until May, 1978, when he was elected vice-chairman of the board, a position he still holds.

   Paul Cernik, currently holding the position of vice-president began his career as a loan officer in 1976. He is primarily in the agricultural loan department and most agricultural loans to the farmers from our outlying area pass over his desk.

   Jerald Volin joined the bank in 1956 as a teller. After a short stay in the service he rejoined the bank and served in various capacities until May, 1978, when he was elected president. He had the honor of serving as the bank president during the Centennial celebration in 1982.

   At the present time there are five women holding officer's positions at First National. Donna Jensen, who joined the bank in 1960 in the bookkeeping department, was elected assistant-cashier in 1967. She was promoted to cashier in January, 1980, a position she still holds along with supervisor of the teller area. Tillie Basel, who also started in the bookkeeping area, was later transferred to the teller area. She was promoted from teller to assistant-cashier in 1967. Elsie Cernik, serving in the bookkeeping area and later in the loan department, since she began in 1960, is currently the operations officer in charge of

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First National Bank
First National Bank

the bookkeeping department. Jacqueline Bergman, hired in November, 1971, and Beverly Johnson, who began in July, 1972, served as tellers for several years. They were promoted to loan officer in October of 1978.

   During the month of July, 1982, a three-day celebration was held commemorating the 100th anniversary of the bank. Approximately 2,500 customers and friends, some from many miles away, gathered to join the bank in refreshments and extend their best wishes. Employees dressed appropriately in dresses and suits depicting days gone by and thoroughly enjoyed the celebration.

   The great progress which has taken place during the past 100 years in the banking business is nowhere better depicted than in the contrast between the little old building on the corner of Fifth and Linden and the present modern structure in the same location. The present bank building was erected in 1919 and an addition to the south was added in 1955. An open-house was held in 1965 after the east side was extended, drive-up and walk-in windows were added and the interior was remodeled.

   E.J. Carlson sold the Holding Company (Bank Management) to the Johnson family of Tecumseh, Nebraska, in June of 1982. The Johnson family, owners of several banks in the Tecumseh area, have made few changes since their purchase, but plans are in the making for extension of the offices to the upstairs area and for redecorating. With the available use of computers and many changes in the banking industry the employees are looking forward to working in a very modern bank, in order to keep pace with our ever-growing community, as we look and plan ahead.

1st National Employees
1st National Employees

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