In the summer of 1946 a group of ladies decided we would like to belong to an Extension Club. We had all moved to Wahoo from various places in the state of Nebraska due to the opening of the Nebraska Ordnance Plant at Mead. Most of us had belonged to an extension club prior to coming here.
We called the Saunders County Extension Office and with their help our Idyl Hour Extension Club was formed and we went to work.
Our first president was Mrs. Thomas (Helen) McMahon. Vice President was Charlotte Banks and Secretary-Treasurer was Allie Anderson.
We all knew the Collect and Club Creed and believed in it strongly.
We had many faithful members and our club has had six to fourteen members at various times. Our year of 1957 was the club's largest member year with fourteen members.
Death claimed four of our good, loving, and inspiring members. They are: Helen McMahon in 1963, Abbie Hughes in 1970, Emma Pospisil in 1976, and Bessie Nemecek in 1979.
We have donated to the Wahoo Public Library a book for each deceased member. We still have three Charter Members. They are Elvera Olson, Lucille Hoeven, and Charlotte Banks. The other club members now are: Clara Veskrna, President; Ruth Pallas, Vice President; Enola Larson, Secretary-Treasurer; Merna Moline, Frances Hallberg, and Frances Robbins.
Our club has received the Certificate of Recognition for completing all our club goals. We have kept a reading program through the years. We sponsored a little lady for six years at the Nebraska State Home in Beatrice. We have encouraged extension work, assisted in the 4-H camp work, gave work, food, and blood to the bloodmobile for many years. We have emphasized safety, nutrition in food, T.V. and movie censorship, made donations to the Halsey Forest, Library, Diabetic Camp, and have taken an interesting part in the Saunders County Fair and have won many ribbons in different departments over the years.
We donated money and books to the J.F. Kennedy College. We have attended many sewing lessons and fabric selection classes.
In July, 1970, The Idyl Hour Club was very active in helping in many ways with the Wahoo Centennial. They appeared as church people, Virginia Reel dancers, squaws, rode in the parade, made coffee, and doled out clothing.
In 1973, four members of our group received their 25-year certificates. Since then many more have gotten their 25-year certificates.
We have toured Joslyn Memorial a number of times in our 37 years. We are all still interested and going strong.
The Just Neighbors Extension Club was organized on September 9, 1941, at the home of Mrs. Joe Racek. There were 13 ladies present. Presiding and helping organize the club were: Mrs. Everett Barry, Mrs. Frank Hledik, and R.C. Russell, the county agent of Wahoo, Nebr. Officers elected were: President -- Mrs. Wilfred Wirka; Secretary-Treasurer and News Reporter -- Mrs. Otto Hines; lesson leaders were Mrs. Amiel Keller and Mrs. Joe Racek; music leader was Mrs. Lewis Racek; reading leader was Mrs. Edward Hines; and health leader was Mrs. Victor Hines.
Original members were: Mrs. Joe Racek, Mrs. Amiel Keller, Mrs. Wilfred Wirka, Mrs. Louis Racek, Mrs. Edward Hines, Mrs. Victor Hines, Mrs. Otto Hines, Mrs. Charles Fencl, Mrs. Albin Kavan, Mrs. Charles Beranek, Mrs. Ray Odvody, Mrs. Amiel Beranek, and Marie Hines. The very first lesson was on "Making Christmas Toys."
The club celebrated each couples' wedding anniversary on every fifth year with an evening party of cards, prizes, refreshments, and a gift to the honored couple. The members held a charivari for newly-married young people of parents who were members of the club.
During World War II, Christmas packages were sent to service men overseas.
It is interesting to note the amount allowed for bills incurred by the club officers at a meeting of the club held in 1954. The following expenses were allowed: a trip to Cedar Bluffs -- 50¢; a lunch and trip to Cedar Bluffs, -- 75¢; a greeting card and
postage -- l4¢. Club dues in 1946 were 10¢ per member.
The Just Neighbors Extension Club had a concern for those in need. Throughout the years, donations were taken and sent to such organizations as the Polio Fund, Cancer Fund, the 4-H Camps, Wahoo Hospital, and the Omaha Salvation Army Flood Relief in 1952. A Husking Bee was sponsored by the Just Neighbors Club for Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hines to help them harvest their crops during the hospitalization and death of their son. The meal was prepared and served by the club members to the workers at the Husking Bee.
The Just Neighbors Club has met for the past 42 years with emphasis on the educational and learning aspects of the lessons given at each meeting. Not only has this group benefited from the information received, but enjoyed a social time of fellowship.
Mrs. Ed Virka, who joined the club on March 18, 1952, was president for the past eleven years and was the current president at the time of her death on April 6,1983.
The Lamp Liters Extension Club of northern Saunders County and Fremont was organized in 1957. Mrs. Bob Koehler entertained the first meeting with the following women present: Mrs. Francis Conrad, Mrs. Otto Hespe, Mrs. Bill Blankenbeckler, Mrs. Jack Manzel, Mrs. Charles Wild, Mrs. Rolland Rasmussen, and Mrs. Ernest Baltz.
The Club has continued through the years.This year, 1983, the following women are members: Mrs. Ernest Dolezal, Mrs. Bill Pageler, Mrs. James Wirka, Mrs. Lynn Settles, Mrs. James McClean, Mrs. Frank Jirovsky, Mrs. Wayne Riggs, Mrs. Les Torrens, Mrs. Tom Lamb, Mrs. Elfrieda Hickson, and Mrs. Jack Manzel, the only charter member who is still a member of the club today. The 1983 president of the club is Delores Dolezal of Fremont.
The club has donated funds to the Salvation Army, the Diabetes Fund, and 4-H Camps.
A group of neighbors met at the home of Mrs. Ed Dauel of Malmo in 1948, for the purpose of forming an extension Club. Mrs. Elizabeth Wild met with them. She was the County Extension Agent. Mrs. Ed Dauel was elected president and they chose Malmo Homemakers for the name of their club. The first members were: Mrs. Ed Dauel, Mrs. Johnny Barry, Mrs. Frank Houfek, Mrs. Edward Person, Mrs. George Huddle, Mrs. Emil Pospisil, Mrs. Stanley Swartz, Mrs. Gifford Anderson, Mrs. Warren Lindgren, Mrs. Bohumil Dvorak, Mrs. Vedor Ockander, Mrs. John Hauschild, Mrs. David Nel-
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son, and Mrs. Ted Simanek.
They met in the members' homes in the afternoons. Some of their projects were crafts of all kinds. One was aluminum trays. Others were baking, homemade ice cream, and preparing meats. Mrs. Emil Pospisil and Mrs. Leona Ockander remember preparing prime rib and serving it to the members. Mrs. Ed Dauel made ice cream using several different recipes and members sampled them.
Some of the former West Side Home Extension members were interested in continuing an extension club in the Malmo area. Mrs. Frank Jacobs called a meeting at her home in the fall of 1962 and organized the Malmo Matrons Extension Club. Mrs. Jacobs was the first president.
We enjoy the lessons from the Extension Service, some of which were: home decorating, fondue cooking, crock-pot cooking, and quilting. Other activities include: favors for the county hospital, bingo at the care centers, club tours, county club tours, nite-out, and Christmas party, the county Extension tours.
We were instrumental in getting the club "Ladies of the Eighties" started in 1982.
Malmo Matrons Extension Club |
Our hearts were saddened at the sudden death of an active and dear member, Jean McPeck, in February of 1979.
Current members are: Crystal Hauschild, Agnes Fujan, Mrs. Francis (Blanche) Booth, Mrs. Bernard (Margaret) Chvatal, Mrs. Ivan (Darlene) Barry, Mrs. Wayne (Marion) Vermeline, Mrs. Joe (Gladys) Cihal, Mrs. Warren (Debris) Lindgren, Mrs. Edwin (Eleanor) Swartz, Mrs. Eugene (Anna May) Person, Mrs. Ermin (Susan) Snitily, Mrs. Don (Norma) Chvatal, Shirley Holtorf. Marion Vermeline and Deloris Lindgren
On January 20, 1948, eleven women met at the home of Mrs. Carlos Shires, who later became the first president, for the sole purpose of organizing an Extension Club. Mrs. Elizabeth Wild, Home Extension Agent, was present to explain the meaning and goals of extension work.
The "Merri-Ettas" was chosen the official name. The new members resided in Marietta precinct north of Mead, Nebraska. The first demonstration was making pancakes and preparing and serving fruit for breakfast.
Thru the years the club has had as many as 21 members, but at the present time we have 10. In 1959, four ladies from the Yutan vicinity joined our club.
Over the years our club has helped with relief to foreign countries, donating gifts to the less fortunate, cash donations so that others would have a nicer holiday, and going to the care centers for game days.
Members of the club at the present time are: Mrs. Darwin Arnold, Mrs. Emma Ecklund, Mrs. Henry Johnson, Mrs. Victoria Johnson, Mrs. Irving Lorenz, Mrs. Ben Malchow, Mrs. LeRoy Nelson, Mrs. Cliff Nelson, Mrs. Roland Nelson, and Mrs. Pauline Witte. All have been in club work for over 25 years. Mrs. LeRoy E. Nelson
Several women, new to the community of Valparaiso, decided to organize a club in January, 1963, and thereby the Newcomers Extension Club was formed. There were thirteen members. Presently, Mrs. John (Darlene) Albin is the only remaining charter member. Fifty women have been members during the past twenty years.
Our club has been involved in many activities through the years. Fund raising projects such as silent auctions provided the means for the various donations the club has made to worthy causes.
Members have learned many interesting things in foods, clothing, health, crafts, etc., and on club tours to Lincoln and Beatrice.
Community projects have included painting the library and park tables, participating in 1967 Centennial and 1976 Bicentennial events, sponsoring an annual party at Care Center in Wahoo, and helping families following house fires.
Members have enjoyed family picnics, salad luncheons, tenth anniversary potluck, coffees, secret pals, showers, birthday, and Christmas parties.
The Nite Lites Extension Club, made up of ladies in the Valparaiso, Touhy, and Weston area, originated when the Stardusters Club was divided into two clubs and each chose a new name. Starting the year 1964 as the Nite Lites Extension Club were eight members: Mrs. Anthony Osmera, President; Mrs. Richard Komenda, Vice-president; Mrs. Raymond Furasek, Secretary; Mrs. Valerian Rezac, Treasurer; Mrs. Larry Woita, Music Leader; Mrs. Delano Strizek, Publicity Chairman; Mrs. Marvin Strizek, and Mrs. Alvin Kubik.
Others who were members at one time include: Mmes. Reynold Vanicek, Gordon Ohnoutka, Sue Lorenz, and Gordon Ratkovec.
Present members are: Mmes. Ron Burkland, Ray Furasek, Richard Komenda, Alvin Kubik, Don and Roman Maly, Larry Masek, Anthony Osmera, Louie Tesinsky, George, Ludvik, and Reynold Walla, and Larry Woita.
Worthwhile projects toward which our club has donated money include: Rock-a-Thon, 4-H Camp, Diabetic Camp, Valparaiso Rescue Unit, Valparaiso Library, Wahoo Hospital for the croupette and magazine subscription, Prague Bloodmobile, and Boys Town. Others include: used books to Valparaiso Library, cookies to Wahoo Bloodmobile, children's pajamas and tray favors to Wahoo Hospital, baked goods to Wahoo Hospital Auxiliary sale, hospital gowns to Ashland Nursing Home, terry cloth slippers to Haven House, toys to SCORE, and centerpieces to Wahoo Care Center. We also collected recipes for the Saunders County Extension Club Cookbook.
In 1967, Nebraska's Centennial, the members wore their centennial dresses to various functions.
In 1969, we helped start a new club located east of Touhy and south of Weston, which became the Green Acres Extension Club.
In 1972, we had a guest at each meeting. In 1976, the nation's Bicentennial, we sang a patriotic song at each meeting. Life Pacs were distributed throughout our community in 1981. Several members completed the CPR class.
Each summer we tour various places of interest. For several years a family picnic was held. We recognize each member as she reaches 10 years of membership. Surprise anniversary parties were held for the 3 members who celebrated their silver wedding anniversaries.
For money making projects we have a hostess raffle, silent auction, donate birthday pennies, and collect annual dues of $2.50.
A salad supper and plant exchange are held in May. Secret Pals are remembered throughout the year and especially at our Christmas gift exchange.
All members take their turns holding office. Club meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month except in June, July, and August. Submitted by Blanche Walla
The Nite Owl Extension Club was organized in April of 1951 at the home of Mrs. Edward Kucera. The name of "Nite Owl" which was submitted by Mrs. Don Hudkins was unanimously accepted by all members present. It was decided to meet in the evening on the second Thursday of the month. We have always met our goals and received an achievement award each year. One of the highlights of our club was having a 25-year Antique Float in the Centennial parade held in Valparaiso in July of 1976.
Some of our earlier lessons were on yeast breads, casseroles, and cheese spreads. We have continued to have a craft lesson in September and we have taken an educational tour almost every year. Several times we had planned an entertainment for the elderly ladies of this town.
There are still five charter members in our club, Mrs. Theresa Hawkinson, Mrs. Emory Henrichson, Mrs. Martin Quinlan, Mrs. Marie Christensen, and Mrs. Millie Keane.
The Modernettes Extension Club was organized Oct., 1964, with Mrs. Jack Nitz as president. There were twelve original members.
In 1966, they organized and sponsored Brownie Troop #442 and Girl Scout Troop #215.
The Modernettes were responsible for getting flashing signal lights installed at the railroad crossing on the south side of Cedar Bluffs in 1967.
In April, 1973, Mr. and Mrs. James Williams and family were featured as the Farm Family of the Week on WOW-TV in Omaha. The following year, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Otte and family were also featured in April, 1974.
The club has gone on several tours over the years. After the new Cedar Bluffs High School gym was built, they purchased and donated a large U.S. flag to be hung in the gym.
The club has donated every year to the Community Auction since it was started. It has also donated cookies several times to the Bloodmobile and has contributed to the Roll-a-Way Bed Project at the Saunders Co. Hospital in April, 1979.
Nut cups have been made for the Wahoo Care Center and Haven House. Several of the members have also gone to the Sr. Citizens' Center in Cedar Bluffs and played Bingo with them.
At the present time there are 11 members in the Club with Mrs. David (Linda) Hull as President.
On June 18, 1948, a group of ladies met in the afternoon at the home of Mrs. Winsor Johnson for the purpose of organizing a Home Extension Club. Miss Elizabeth Hornung, who was the Saunders Co. Extension leader, organized the new club. The name, Richland Center Extension Club, was chosen since most of the members belonged to Richland Center School District 100. The club decided to meet in the homes on the second Tuesday of the month at 2 P.M. This practice is still followed.
In September, 1948, the following officers were elected for 1949: President, Mrs. Theodore Lindquist; Vice President, Mrs. Winsor Johnson; Secretary, Mrs. Clemens Almquist; Treasurer, Mrs. Richard Brodd; News Reporter, Mrs. Howard Norris; and Music Leader, Mrs. Frank Wedberg.
Other members were Mesdames Elder Almquist, Wilbur Boquist, Walter Carlson, Herbert Edstrom, R.A. Hanke, Carl Heiser, Raymond Isaacson, Quentin Johnson, Joe L. Jonas, Elving Lilja, Fred Martinson, Carl Nilson, Victor Soder, Emor Swanson, Norvin Swanson, and Fred Wedberg.
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Over the years, study lessons and leader training lessons were used, as well as book reviews, seasonal parties, and picnics. Usually, husbands were guests at the Christmas parties. Secret pals were enjoyed for a number of years. The kinds of lessons used changed with the times, but were usually helpful and interesting.
In 1982, the Club had only 10 members but has remained an active club. The members were Mesdames Sidney Anderson, Vira Basel, Hazel Beaman, Irene Burns, Fritz Heiser, Winsor Johnson, Adam Laden, Albin Olson, Rosa Otto, and Inez Samuelson. The officers were Mrs. Fritz Heiser, President; Mrs. Adam Laden, Vice President; Mrs. Sidney Anderson, Secretary-Treasurer; Mrs. Vira Basel, Reading Leader; Mrs. Adam Laden, Greetings; and Mrs. Sidney Anderson, News Reporter.
Mrs. Winsor Johnson has remained a member over the years since she helped organize the club.
Officers for 1983 include; Mrs. Sidney Anderson, President; Mrs. Adam Laden, Vice President; Mrs. Fritz Heiser, Secretary-Treasurer; and Mrs. Vira Basel, Reading Leader.
We have been challenged by our club activities but feel well-compensated. Submitted by Mrs. Fritz Heiser
The "Rural Belles" Extension Club was organized in late 1963. Since then, we have participated in a number of community projects, including donations of equipment at the Weston Community Park and Ball Park, Saunders County Hospital Auxiliary, purchase of books for the local schools, special activities for Senior Citizens, adopting a child at the Beatrice State Home, and the Bloodmobile. Among our activities are a family picnic, celebrating anniversaries, annual Christmas party and handicraft projects. At present our membership is 14, including Mrs. Kenneth Barry, Mrs. Warren Barry, Mrs. Alden Havelka, Mrs. Eugene Kadavy, Mrs. Paul Pleskac, Mrs. Roland Pospisil, Mrs. Alfred Potter, Mrs. Ed Stuchlik, Mrs. Dan Svoboda, Mrs. Don Virgl, Mrs. Reynold Woita, Mrs. Lumir Maly, Mrs. Eugene Maly, and Mrs. Ray Meduna.
If six ladies from near Colon wanted to find a name for a newly organized club, what would be a better name than "Semi-Colon." The first meeting was held in 1955, and the Home Extension Agent, Gladys Fossum, acted as temporary chairman.
The following officers were elected: Mrs. Eugene Rochford, President; Mrs. Bud Wittmersehouse, Vice-President; Mrs.Bill McDermott, Secretary; Mrs. Andrew Murren, Treasurer; Mrs. Max Barlow, Publicity Chairman; and Mrs. Vernon Kirchmann, Reading Chairman.
The goal of becoming "Better Homemakers" had been adopted as we became involved in the lessons and projects offered by the Home Extension Council of Saunders County.
Our membership has changed from time to time. At the present time we have seventeen members. They are: Mrs. Burneil Chvatal, Mrs. Andrew Murren, Mrs. Richard Benal, Mrs. Jim McDermott, Mrs. Bill Hunter Jr., Mrs. John Noonan, Mrs. Bob Meduna, Mrs. Bill McDermott, Mrs. Vennie Meduna, Mrs. Bill Hunter Sr., Mrs. Eugene Rochford, Mrs. John Sanderson, Mrs. Al Grueness, Mrs. Richard Meduna, Mrs. Roger Noonan, Mrs. Agnes Paseka, and Mrs. Joe Chmelka. Sharon Skipton is our Home Extension Agent.
Our meetings are now held at the members' homes on the fourth Tuesday evening of the month. They are opened with music or reading of the Nebraska Home Extension Club Collect or Creed. We answer roll call with interests of the month, news items, or references to our lessons. We all participate in the classes given on the lessons and teach them to the other members. During the year we involve our husbands and families in different events. Individuals or the group have attended such events as: the Unicameral Legislature, Children's Hospital in Omaha, estate planning, C.P.R. courses, working at the Blood Mobile, and entertaining and making tray favors for nursing homes and our local hospital. We have contributed towards the 4-H camps, the Bilirubin Light at the Saunders County Community Hospital, and for several years we sponsored a child at the Beatrice State Home.
Recognition for being active for twenty-five years was presented to some of our members in 1980 at the achievement party sponsored by the council yearly.
We are proud of our Extension Club, and find it a joy getting together with our friends, making new acquaintances, and inviting new members. Submitted by Angela McDermott
The South Cedar Extension Club was organized in 1936, originally under the name South Cedar Homemakers Club. There were 12 members. Prior to that time, from 1928 through 1935, the Farm Bureau sponsored the county agent who made lessons available to women from the community who belonged to the Farm Bureau.
Through the years, with its basic theme of "continuous learning," South Cedar has contributed to the betterment of the community and the improvement of family and home life. In the 1940's, members participated in paper, tin, and rag drive and aided in the war effort. The club was instrumental in the organization of a PTA for School District 61 in the 50's and community beautification was a project of the 60's. The 70's and 80's have been devoted to health and safety and cultural arts awareness. From its beginning, South Cedar has donated to libraries, schools and hospitals, and contributed to many charitable organizations throughout the state.
South Cedar Extension Club group attending the Centennial Picnic in 1967 where all charter and former members were honored. |
South Cedar is proud that numerous members have represented it by serving as officers on the county board and that it has been represented at the state level as well. Mrs. Merlin Wittmereshouse served as Chairman of the Safety Committee and Director of District E and Mrs. Harvey Eggers served as Historian of the Nebraska Council of Home Extension Clubs.
Present members of South Cedar are Mrs. John (Sandy) Dammann, Mrs. Ronald (Jolene) Dunn, Mrs. Harvey (Ruth) Eggers, Mrs. James (Connie) Ehlers, Mrs. Jerald (Ruth) Holtorf, Mrs. Melvin (Leona) Holtorf -- Treasurer, Mrs. Norman (Norma) Kavan -- President-elect, Mrs. Mylan (Corrine) Kruse, Mrs. Calvin (Mary Jane) LeGrande, Mrs. Edward (Ruth) Rood, Mrs. Arnold (Dorothy) Sukstorf. Mrs. Loyd (Sue Anne) Sukstorf -- Secretary, Mrs. Ronald (Sandy) Sukstorf -- President, Mrs. Rudolph (Frieda) Sukstorf, Mrs. Alden (Aurzella) Thiesen -- Vice President-elect and Mrs. Gary (Marilyn) Zeilinger -- Vice President. Submitted by Sue Anne Sukstorf
The Southside Homemakers Extension Club was organized on February 6,1948 and met in the home of Mrs. Henry Rood. Eleven ladies joined and six of the original women are still members. They are Mrs. Malvin Person, Mrs. Oliver Cameron, Mrs. Wallace Person, Mrs. Percy Olson, Mrs. Elmer Nyquist, and Mrs. Henry Rood. Mrs. Percy Olson was the first president and Mrs. Elizabeth Hornung Wild was the Extension agent that helped us form the club. We have met once a month since 1948 and have fifteen members. The Southside Homemakers are very active in Extension work.
The Spice of Life Extension Club held their first meeting on April 8, 1980. Charter members of the club included; Kathy Anderson, Sharon Deerson, Toni Ecklund, Deanne Johnson, Cindy Lorenz, Suzan Kruce, Kellee Rasmussen, Kim Rasmussen, Melinda Rasmussen, Margaret Stoakes, Kim Thorson and Julie Trost. In naming our club we found quite a variety of interests. Some of our members lived in Mead, others in Yutan, Colon and Fremont. Some of our members had children, some did not. Some of our members held jobs outside the home, others did not. In this variety we found our name, "The Spice of Life".
In the three years since our organization we have welcomed six new members, Ann Borer, Rita Buller, Cheryl Burosh, Margaret Iossi, Gail Johnson and Jodi Nelson. We have celebrated the births of twelve babies and, at this writting, are expecting four more. We have joined the Rasmussen family in their struggle to keep their son Mark alive. We have shared their happiness in Mark's gains and sorrow in his losses. We felt anxiety and fear during his kidney transplant, for Mark and for his father who was the donor. We will continue to share our prayers with this family, and the joy of seeing this now happy and healthy two-year old. Our group has mourned the loss of charter member and friend Julie Trost. Julie died on June 21, 1982 at the age of 26. We were saddened by our loss, but look forward to seeing Julie again in our eternal home.
The women in our group are friends. We come together to learn and share fellowship. Through our experiences we have found friends to be a great source of strength and support. We look forward to our times together. Submitted by Toni R. Ecklund
The Sunshine Hour Extension Club was organized in January, 1938, by Sylvia Johnson and Mabel Eggers.
The first club president was Sylvia Johnson and the meetings were held once a month. The programs were Count Extension Service lessons.
The club celebrated its 25th anniversary in 1963 with a dinner at a Fremont restaurant. Past members of the club were invited as guests.
The club disbanded in 1980 as an extension club, but still meets monthly as a social club. Submitted by Mabel Eggers
The Town and Country Gals Extension Club organized October, 1960, with ten members. Through the years we have had many interesting and informative lessons. We have helped the hospital, nursing homes, library, parks, scholarship funds, charity funds, and our county fair. We helped organize The Hints and Helpers Extension Club. Besides being a learning and service club, we are having fun too. We have a tour, family picnic, and entertain our husbands at an annual Christmas party. Our present members are: Mrs. Henry Bachand, Mrs. Darwin Cox, Mrs. Gary Cox, Mrs. John Goeschel, Mrs. Lawrence Jelinek, Mrs. Leroy Luers, Mrs. Donald Machovec, Mrs. Cecil Nordstrom, Mrs. Louis Nietfeld, and Mrs. Del Wilke.
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