Saunders County Farmers 1890

Saunders County NEGenWeb Project



    Business Directory and farmer list for 1890 - 1891

Omaha: J.M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509 - 510 Paxton Block 1890

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J.M. Wolfe

& Co., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C.

Wahoo --- County Seat



~ L ~

Ladenberger J, Morse Bluff      Lee Jno R, Fremont            Lindquist O S, Wahoo 
Ladenberger M, Prague           Lee Jno, Cedar Bluffs         Lindstrom J P, Wahoo 
Lafallett Joseph, Mead          Leendberg Jno, Ceresco        Lingren A A, Malmo 
Lambert G L, Ceresco            Lees A, Colon                 Lingren F E, Malmo 
Lambert J P, Ceresco            Lehmer Jacob, Morse Bluff     Lingren F F, Malmo 
Lambert Levi, Ceresco           Lehmke Max, Morse Bluff       Lingren H W, Malmo 
Lampert M, Cedar Bluffs         Lehmkuhl Jno D, Weston        Lingren P M, Malmo 
Langrin F A, Weston             Lehmkuhl Jno, Weston          Linn E,  Weston 
Lanik Jos, Wahoo                Lehr Wm, Mead                 Linn Peter, Malmo 
Lansing Peter, Yutan            Leigh Edward, Ceresco         Lippincot Martin, Ashland 
Larson A G, Malmo               Leigh Penj, Ceresco           Lippincot Samuel, Ashland 
Larson A P, Malmo               Leman C M, Mead               Lippolt John, Morse Bluff 
Larson A, Ashland               Leman I B, Mead               Lister Geo H, Ashland 
Larson A, Ithaca                Lemkul A, Wahoo               Loder John, Memphis 
Larson C J, Ceresco             Lemkul John, Wahoo            Lofdahl Nels, Ceresco 
Larson Chris, Fremont           Lemon Leroy, Ithaca           Lohry Frank, Memphis 
Larson Erickson, Malmo          Lemuel Joe, Fremont           Long H, Ithaca 
Larson Gust, Malmo              Lemuel John, Fremont          Longanecker Jacob, Wahoo 
Larson Gustaf, Wahoo            Lent Arnold, Ceresco          Loomis F H, Ithaca 
Larson Guzt, Yutan              Lent George, Ceresco          Loomis John, Ithaca 
Larson John, Linwood            Leonard Patrick, Ceresco      Lorenson A, Cedar Bluffs 
Larson John, Malmo              Leu B, Ceresco                Lorenson C, Cedar Bluffs 
Larson L P, Mead                Leutheuser A Rev, Cedar BluffsLorenson J, Cedar Bluffs 
Larson Lars O, Weston           Levy M, Morse Bluff           Lorenson T, Cedar Bluffs 
Larson Louis, Wahoo             Lewis Ed, Fremont             Louis G O, Ceresco 
Larson Martin, Colon            Lewis J J, Morse Bluff        Lovelady Siegel, Ashland 
Larson Martin, Mead             Lewman C, Ithaca              Lubker H, Malmo 
Larson N, Ithaca                Leyon John, Malmo             Lucas Wm B, Ashland 
Larson Nels, Ceresco            Leyrand John, Cedar Bluffs    Ludeman Henry, Mead 
Larson Peter, Memphis           Lichtenberg L, Cedar Bluffs   Ludge Jurgen, Cedar Bluffs 
Lass Jurgen, Cedar Bluffs       Liles A, Weston               Ludtka Herman, Wahoo 
Lasure J D, Ceresco             Liles James, Weston           Ludvik John, Weston 
Lattin John, Wahoo              Liles John, Weston            Luers John, Colon 
Laughton Jas, Valparaiso        Liliedahl Peter, Wahoo        Lukas F, Ceresco 
Lautenschlager A, Weston        Lillibridge C E, Weston       Lukas Josef, Ceresco 
Lautenschlager L, Weston        Limebaugh Leu, Memphis        Lund L E, Yutan 
Lavenburg Phil, Weston          Lind J A, Malmo               Lundgren J, Ithaca 
Lawrence J, Cedar Bluffs        Lind L P, Ithaca              Lundgren K, Ithaca 
Lawson F, Malmo                 Lindan P O, Weston            Lundquist F A, Valparaiso 
Lawson L, Malmo                 Lindblad Arvid, Weston        Lusch Arnold, Ceresco 
Lawton H A, Valparaiso          Lindblad J, Valparaiso        Lusch F, Ceresco 
Lawton Jas E, Valparaiso        Lindell Peter, Ceresco        Lusch Wm, Ceresco 
Lawton L I, Valparaiso          Linder H B, Wahoo             Lust Andrew, Malmo 
Layton F, Ashland               Linder J A, Wahoo             Lust John, Malmo 
Lee Chas, Cedar Bluffs          Linder J D, Wahoo             Lust Pet, Malmo 
Lee E, Cedar Bluffs             Lindholm Chas, Colon          Lyhoft Nels, Fremont 
Lee Jno R, Colon                Lindley W C, Ceresco 
~ M ~
Mach Anton, Prague              Matthieson M, Cedar Bluffs    Milham J M, Ithaca 
Mach Frank, Prague              Mattson John  Ceresco          Milham M F, Ithaca 
Mach Joseph, Prague             Mattson Olof, Ceresco         Miller A B, Ashland 
Mach R, Prague                  Matusek M, Weston             Miller Cn, Ithaca 
Mach Warren, Colon              Matzen Claus, Yutan           Miller D C, Ithaca 
Machacek John, Weston           Maws Chas, Cedar Bluffs       Miller H J, Mead 
Machacek Joseph, Weston         Maxwell A M, Fremont          Miller Henry, Mead 
Machacek Karl, Weston           Maxwell C H, Fremont          Miller J M, Ceresco 
Machovec Frank, Colon           May A D, Ithaca               Miller J N, Ithaca 
Mack Arthur, Malmo              May J C, Ceresco              Miller Ludwig, Cedar Bluffs 
Mack Isaac, Mead                Mayer H K, Ceresco            Miller M, Ceresco 
Madigan M E, Weston             Mayfield Don, Mead            Miller M, Fremont 
Madigan Michael, Weston         Mayfield R T, Ashland         Miller M, Ithaca 
Madigan Thos, Weston            Mayo M, Cedar Bluffs          Miller Nicholas, Mead 
Madin C E, Valparaiso           Mays B, Ashland               Miller Nicholas, Memphis 
Madson John, Morse Bluff        Mays Henry, Mead              Miller Urban, Weston 
Magher E, Morse Bluff           Mays Joseph, Ashland          Miller W H, Ithaca 
Magley C, Mead                  Mays Levi, Memphis            Miller W H, Wahoo 
Magnuson Lars, Colon            Mays Nelson, Ashland          Miller Wm, Memphis 
Magnuson Nels, Ceresco          Mays Wm A, Memphis            Milligan Thos A, Wahoo 
Mahlik Martin, Prague           Mays Wm, Mead                 Millington John, Ceresco 
Mahot Geo, Cedar Bluffs         McAuley J W, Wahoo            Millon Charley, Malmo 
Mali & Vinous, Prague           McCarty M E, Mead             Millon Gust, Malmo 
Malina Michael, Weston          McCauley A, Cedar Bluffs      Mills D H, Wahoo 
Malloy A, Morse Bluff           McCauley R L, Cedar Bluffs    Mills J W, Ceresco 
Malloy J B, Morse Bluff         McClean R, Fremont            Milton Cass, Morse Bluff 
Malloy J C, Morse Bluff         McCluhan Ira, Morse Bluff     Miller J B, Ashland 
Malloy M A, Morse Bluff         McCluhan John, Morse Bluff    Miner H, Wahoo 
Malloy P H, Morse Bluff         McConnell M R, Ceresco        Miner W H & Sons, Morse Bluff 
Malloy Pat, Morse Bluff         McCord B M, Fremont           Miners Geo, Colon 
Malloy, Cushing & Co, Mead      McCord Jas, Mead              Mitchell W R, Mead 
Malm Chas, Malmo                McCord W D, Mead              Mizera John, Morse Bluff 
Malm John, Malmo                McCormick J, Valparaiso       Moerker Aug, Fremont 
Malm John, Western              McCoy Frank, Fremont          Mohler H, Wahoo 
Malmberg Swan, Colon            McCoy Peter, Mead             Mohr John, Malmo 
Malmgren John, Wahoo            McCoy T, Fremont              Moline John, Fremont 
Malmstrom A J, Malmo            McCulloch J, Wahoo            Moody Wm, Morse Bluff 
Malone Andrew, Memphis          McDaniel Jas, Morse Bluff     Moon R E, Ithaca 
Malonsek Joe, Ceresco           McDerby D, Valparaiso         Moore Frank, Fremont 
Malonsek Vaclav, Weston         McDermott Chas, Colon         Moore G C, Yutan 
Malsburg W K, Ashland           McDonald Pat, Fremont         Moores F, Cedar Bluffs 
Maly J K, Weston                McDonald T, Fremont           Moran John, Valparaiso 
Maly John, Prague               McElfresh Wm, Cedar Bluffs    Moran L, Weston 
Maly Joseph, Weston             McFarland C J, Valparaiso     Moran L R, Yutan 
Mann E W, Ashland               McGinn Pat, Morse Bluff       Moran W C, Yutan 
Mansfield A J, Wahoo            McGuire Chas, Cedar Bluffs    Moravec John, Morse Bluff 
Mantel J B, Malmo               McGuire James, Ashland        Moravec John, Weston 
March Jacob, Ceresco            McGuire T A, Cedar Bluffs     Morgan Chas C, Wahoo 
Mares Albert, Weston            McInerny J T, Ithaca          Morgan Julius, Fremont 
Mares Frank, Prague             McKee J A, Wahoo              Morgan L, Wahoo 
Mares Jacob, Western            McLennan D, Malmo             Morgan M, Wahoo 
Marks & Co, Ithaca              McMillan A, Ceresco           Moris Edward, Mead 
Marsalek Thos, Weston           McMillen A, Cedar Bluffs      Morrison C B, Mead 
Marsan Henry, Morse Bluff       McNeal H, Valparaiso          Morrison Jas, Fremont 
Marsh J H, Ashland              McNeil J, Ithaca              Morrow F E, Wahoo 
Marshall Ariel, Ashland         McNurlin Joseph, Ashland      Morrow Wm, Wahoo 
Marshall George, Ceresco        Meacham J H, Morse Bluff      Morse C L, Morse Bluff 
MarshallC N, Ashland            Meacham Philip, Cedar Bluffs  Mortenson C, Cedar Bluffs 
Marten C, Cedar Bluffs          Mead W H, Fremont             Mortenson Hans, Fremont 
Martenson J W, Ceresco          Means G A, Ashland            Mortinson G, Fremont 
Martenson L, Ceresco            Meduna Antonie, Weston        Morton R C, Wahoo 
Martin A,  Fremont              Meduna Frank, Weston          Morton Will, Ithaca 
Martin C F, Ceresco             Meduna Karl, Weston           Moss James, Colon 
Martin Ed, Ithaca               Meeker R H, Wahoo             Moss John H, Wahoo 
Martin Fred, Ashland            Mees Jurgen, Morse Bluff      Moss S H, Mead 
Martin Harrison, Yutan          Meese C G, Ithaca             Mott John, Ithaca 
Martin J C, Colon               Meese L, Ithaca               Mountain Louis, Ithaca 
Martin John, Ashland            Meese P B, Ithaca             Mowers Ira, Mead 
Martin John, Cedar Bluffs       Menard David, Wahoo           Moyer C I, Ceresco 
Martin Presley, Yutan           Mendenhall W P, Ceresco       Moyer J S P, Ceresco 
Martin T W, Yutan               Mengel E M, Valparaiso        Mudgett J E, Ashland 
Martin Willie, Ashland          Mengel E V, Ceresco           Muds Cyrus, Ceresco 
Martin Wm, Ithaca               Menshek Josef, Linwood        Mulderman J B, Malmo 
Martin Wm, Yutan                Merriman Saml, Ashland        Mulderman P, Morse Bluff 
Martinson C P, Ceresco          Mestera Martin, Wahoo         Mumm Henry, Yutan 
Martinson John, Ceresco         Methven Jas jr, Fremont       Mumm Jurgen, Yutan 
Martinson Nels, Ceresco         Methven Jas, Fremont          Munn F E, Ashland 
Martinson Svan, Ceresco         Mewes Hans, Cedar Bluffs      Munson August, Prague 
Masek Anton, Weston             Meyer M, Ithaca               Munson John, Ashland 
Masek Frank, Prague             Meyers Chas jr, Mead          Munson Nels, Ceresco 
Masek George, Prague            Meyers Chas, Memphis          Murningham T, Fremont 
Masek John, Weston              Meyers Wm F, Mead             Murphy John, Morse Bluff 
Matacek Frank, Prague           Meyers Wm, Memphis            Murphy Thos, Fremont 
Matejeck Joseph, Linwood        Middlestadt C, Morse Bluff    Murray John, Prague 
Matejka Jacob, Prague           Middlestadt J, Morse Bluff    Murray Robt, Mead 
Matejka John, Prague            Middleton G B, Ashland        Murren Thos, Colon 
Matheson G F, Ithaca            Mikulas Vencl, Prague         Musil Mat, Morse Bluff 
Matson J, Ithaca                Milacek Jas, Weston           Musilek John, Prague 
Matson John, Fremont            Milacek M, Weston             Myers B H, Fremont 
Matson Ole, Mead                Milacek Vaclav, Weston        Myers David, Colon 
Matthies John, Cedar Bluffs     Milander Philip, Ceresco      Myers G E, Ithaca 
Matthieson H, Cedar Bluffs      Milek M, Yutan 
~ N ~
Nagel Peter, Ithaca             Nelson W W, Valparaiso        Nilson Swan, Colon 
Nagle Richard, Colon            Nemec Anton, Ceresco          Nisson Chris, Yutan 
Nash O, Ceresco                 Nemec Frank, Weston           Noerenberg W, Ithaca 
Nau John, Fremont               Nemec Joseph, Memphis         Noha Frank, Colon 
Neally A L, Ceresco             Nemec M, Prague               Noha Frank,  Wahoo 
Neff J A, Colon                 Nemec Thos, Prague            Nolte Wm, Morse Bluff 
Neff P B, Ithaca                Nenzen C, Colon               Nordahl Charles, Malmo 
Negley S F, Ceresco             Nerby Peter, Weston           Nordquist Lars, Malmo 
Nelson A, Ithaca                Nesladik Wencl, Linwood       Nordquist J, Ithaca 
Nelson A G, Ithaca              Nevasad Joseph, Weston        Nordstrom Carl, Mead 
Nelson A H, Ceresco             Neville J M, Morse Bluff      Nordstrom J, Ithaca 
Nelson Andrew, Fremont          Nevskal Frank, Linwood        Nordstrom Sven, Ceresco 
Nelson Andrew, Ithaca           Newbill I W, Ashland          Noren C, Malmo 
Nelson B, Ithaca                Newman John O, Ceresco        Noren Gust, Weston 
Nelson Benj, Mead               Nichol Wm, Morse Bluff        Norman B C, Morse Bluff 
Nelson C, Mead                  Nichols Carydon, Valparaiso   Norman J L, Ceresco 
Nelson C F, Ithaca              Nichols W J, Wahoo            Norman P A, Wahoo 
Nelson Chas, Colon              Nicholson A B, Ashland        Norris F C, Ceresco 
Nelson E A, Weston              Nicholson S, Ashland          Norris George, Memphis 
Nelson Gustaf, Colon            Nicholson Chas, Valparaiso    Norris Solomon, Memphis 
Nelson Hans, Yutan              Nickler D F, Weston           North Wm, Memphis 
Nelson J A, Wahoo               Nicodemus Ruben, Ceresco      Novak Anton, Linwood 
Nelson Jacob, Morse Bluff       Nigh C H, Mead                Novak Anton, Prague 
Nelson John, Ceresco            Nigh Wm, Mead                 Novak Frank, Weston 
Nelson Lewis, Ceresco           Nightengale A, Ithaca         Novak Jacob, Prague 
Nelson M E, Ithaca              Nilson A N, Ceresco           Novak John, Prague 
Nelson Nels, Fremont            Nilson A O, Ceresco           Novak John, Weston 
Nelson Nels A, Wahoo            Nilson Ben W, Ceresco         Novak Joseph, Prague 
Nelson N P, Colon               Nilson B G, Ceresco           Novak Joseph, Weston 
Nelson Olof jr, Weston          Nilson Henry C, Malmo         Novak Vaclav  Prague 
Nelson Olof sr, Weston          Nilson Iva, Ceresco           Novatny Jacob, Wahoo 
Nelson Per, Ceresco             Nilson J C, Malmo             Novatny John, Weston 
Nelson P J, Wahoo               Nilson John, Wahoo            Novatny Vacalar, Weston 
Nelson P N, Ceresco             Nilson Nels, Colon            Nutt A, Ithaca 
Nelson P T, Ceresco             Nilson Ola, Wahoo             Nygren Aug, Mead 
Nelson Swan, Mead               Nilson O N, Ceresco           Nygren John, Malmo 
Nelson Swan, Weston             Nilson Peter, Ceresco         Nygren P, Malmo 
Nelson Wm, Ithaca               Nilson Swan, Ceresco 
~ O ~
Oakeson & Son, Yutan            Olsen Alfred P, Ceresco       Olson P B, Malmo 
O'Connor Hugh, Morse Bluff      Olsen Andrew, Ceresco         Olson Peter, Fremont 
O'Connor Thos, Morse Bluff      Olsen Nels, Morse Bluff       Olson Peter, Weston 
O'Connor Wm, Morse Bluff        Olson A G, Ceresco            Olson Peter, Wahoo 
Odell Alfred, Weston            Olson A J, Wahoo              Olson P H, Ithaca 
Odell Thomas, Weston            Olson Bengt, Malmo            Olson S N, Weston 
Odell W F, Weston               Olson Bob, Colon              Olson Swan, Malmo 
Odenberg F, Ithaca              Olson Charley, Malmo          Oman Charley, Malmo 
Odenberg H, Ithaca              Olson Erick, Ceresco          Ommer Jno, Weston 
Odman C, Ithaca                 Olson E, Cedar Bluffs         Ondracek Anton, Linwood 
O'Donnel M, Cedar Bluffs        Olson Frederick, Ceresco      Orme G A, Colon 
Odovody J, Morse Bluff          Olson Hanson, Colon           Orme & Son, Colon 
O'Fallen J,  Ithaca             Olson H J, Ithaca             Orme Wm J, Cedar Bluffs 
Ohnoutka Anton, Weston          Olson J, Ithaca               Osborn C W, Ceresco 
Ohnoutka Joseph, Weston         Olson J N, Wahoo              Osterand Otto, Cedar Bluffs 
Okander Jacob, Weston           Olson Jake, Colon             Ostman P E, Fremont 
O'Kane Arthur, Ithaca           Olson J H, Ithaca             Ostry Frank, Prague 
O'Kane Byron, Ithaca            Olson Jno, Malmo              Otto Geo, Mead 
O'Kane J, Ithaca                Olson Jno, Wahoo              Otto Wilhelm, Ithaca 
O'Kane John W, Wahoo            Olson Jno A, Colon            Otto Wm, Mead 
Olander J P, Colon              Olson Kakan, Wahoo            Ourada Jos, Prague 
Oleson Chas, Mead               Olson M, Weston               Owen Jno C, Ashland 
Oleson D D, Mead                Olson Nels, Weston            Owen R A, Ashland 
Oleson Frank, Mead              Olson N H, Ithaca             Owen Thos, Ashland 
Oleson P E, Mead                Olson Nils, Malmo             Owens B F, Ashland 
Olin C F, Malmo                 Olson Ole, Cedar Bluffs       Owens C A, Fremont 
Oliver S D, Fremont             Olson Oscar, Weston           Oxenboucher Ger, Ceresco 
Olm John, Mead                  Olson P, Ceresco
~ P ~
Pabian John, Linwood            Pepper E, Memphis             Placek F, Prague 
Pabian Joseph, Linwood          Perrine Jas L, Ashland        Placek Michael, Prague 
Pacal Jacob, Prague             Perry Chas, Colon             Platt Wm, Yutan 
Pacl Vencl, Prague              Perry & Johnson Colon         Plisek Anton, Weston 
Pacher Anton, Linwood           Perry M A, Colon              Plisek Frank, Weston 
Pacula Frank, Weston            Person Nils, Ceresco          Plisek John, Weston 
Padgett Wm, Mead                Person Nils O, Ceresco        Plombeck Claus, Memphis 
Paerson Olof, Wahoo             Person Nils T, Ceresco        Pochop Frank, Prague 
Page C F, Colon                 Person N O, Wahoo             Poffoth J, Ithaca 
Page J, Ithaca                  Person O, Ithaca              Pointer J, Ithaca 
Pagelor Henry, Morse Bluff      Person Ola, Ceresco           Porkorny John, Colon 
Paine Jas, Ashland              Person Pete, Ceresco          Porkorny Joseph, Weston 
Paine Samuel, Ashland           Person Swan, Ceresco          Porkorny Wencl, Weston 
Pajdal Wencel, Linwood          Person Truls, Ceresco         Polak Frank sr, Prague 
Palas Jim, Weston               Pestal Joseph, Weston         Polak Frank jr, Prague 
Palensky Chas, Prague           Peters Claus, Memphis         Pollack Adolph, Colon 
Palensky Frank, Prague          Peters Detlef, Memphis        Pollack J, Malmo 
Palensky John, Prague           Peters John, Memphis          Pollack J A, Malmo 
Palensky Joseph, Prague         Peterson A, Malmo             Polllard A, Ithaca 
Palmgren E, Colon               Peterson A G, Colon           Polllard D H, Weston 
Palmer Eli, Cedar Bluffs        Peterson A, Cedar Bluffs      Polllard Jas, Morse Bluff 
Palmer Geo B, Cedar Bluffs      Peterson B A, Ithaca          Polllard John, Ashland 
Pancost A L, Fremont            Peterson Chas, Ceresco        Polsley J C, Wahoo 
Parish John, Mead               Peterson C, Cedar Bluffs      Polsley J W, Wahoo 
Parish N P, Mead                Peterson H F, Morse Bluff     Pool C F, Valparaiso 
Parmele C H,  Ashland           Peterson J, Ithaca            Pool C M, Weston 
Parmenter A H, Memphis          Peterson J A, Fremont         Pop Frank, Prague 
Parmenter Andr, Memphis         Peterson Jacob, Colon         Pop Joseph, Prague 
Parmenter Geo, Memphis          Peterson J, Morse Bluff       Popkin F, Ithaca 
Parmenter Grant, Memphis        Peterson Jens, Wahoo          Porter Emory D, Memphis 
Passo Chris, Memphis            Peterson J H, Cedar Bluffs    Porter Freeman, Colon 
Patter M E, Valparaiso          Peterson John, Cedar Bluffs   Porter S W, Malmo 
Patton Geo M, Ashland           Peterson John, Ceresco        Pospisil Anton, Prague 
Paul Alex, Cedar Bluffs         Peterson John, Colon          Pospisil John, Prague 
Paul John, Ceresco              Peterson John, Weston         Pospisil Joseph, Prague 
Paul John H, Ceresco            Peterson Lars, Malmo          Potadle Michael, Prague 
Paulson Hans, Morse Bluff       Peterson M, Malmo             Poulson W H, Weston 
Paul Jacob H, Malmo             Peterson O H, Ithaca          Poundstone J M, Wahoo 
Paulson N, Memphis              Peterson Samuel, Cedar Bluffs Poundstone Fred, Weston 
Paulson Sven, Malmo             Peterson S P, Malmo           Powell J, Ithaca 
Pauman Jacob, Linwood           Petrzilka M, Western          Prange Chas, Morse Bluff 
Paustain H, Cedar Bluffs        Petrzilka Michael, Prague     Prazak Frank, Ceresco 
Payne David, Weston             Phelon F, Ithaca              Preston B, Wahoo 
Pearson Christian, Weston       Phelon Wm, Mead               Pribil A F, Weston 
Pecha Frank, Prague             Phelps I E, Cedar Bluffs      Prideaux J, Ithaca 
Pecinovsky J, Ceresco           Phelps I N, Cedar Bluffs      Prindle J, Ithaca 
Peck D H, Cedar Bluffs          Pherson Andrew, Malmo         Pring Hans, Yutan 
Peck R C, Cedar Bluffs          Pherson Pher, Malmo           Prinz John, Mead 
Pecka Edward, Weston            Phillips Richard, Yutan       Prochaska Dedrich, Prague 
Pecka Ludovic, Weston           Pickering Wm, Ashland         Prochaska Matej, Prague 
Pegden E, Fremont               Pieper Claus, Yutan           Prochaska P, Prague 
Pegden Fred, Fremont            Pierson J O, Fremont          Ptacek James, Prague 
Pegden V, Fremont               Pierson John, Ceresco         Ptacek Joseph jr, Prague 
Pekarek Frank, Weston           Pike Levi, Weston             Ptacek Joseph sr, Prague 
Pelan Frank, Prague             Piper J H, Ashland            Purbaugh J R, Cedar Bluffs 
Penck Nicholas, Yutan           Pirtle C H, Wahoo             Putney J, Ithaca 
PenckTheodore, Yutan            Pischula Albert  Mead         Pygnell John O, Ashland
~ Q ~
Quick A G, Ceresco              Quick J M, Ceresco 
~ R ~
Raasch Jacob, Cedar Bluffs      Reed L, Cedar Bluffs          Roberts R L, Ithaca 
Rabass Fred, Cedar Bluffs       Reed S A, Colon               Robinson C F, Ithaca 
Racek James, Morse Bluff        Reese George, Yutan           Robinson G A, Ashland 
Racek Joseph, Morse Bluff       Rehak John, Linwood           Robinson J Q, Malmo 
Racek Mike, Morse Bluff         Rehak Joseph, Prague          Robinson L, Valparaiso 
Racek & Soukup  Morse Bluff     Reichart C, Morse Bluff       Robinson S B, Valparaiso 
Radensleben D, Ithaca           Reid James E, Mead            Robinson S P, Mead 
Radensleben H, Ceresco          Reim Max, Ithaca              Rochford Jno, Cedar Bluffs 
Radensleben M, Ithaca           Reimers Peter, Malmo          Rochford Thos, Malmo 
Radensleben W, Ithaca           Reisdorph F E, Ashland        Rodgers G W, Mead 
Rader F M, Ceresco              Rerucha John, Prague          Rodgers Henry C, Mead 
Ragos Herman, Mead              Rerucha Martin, Prague        Rogers W E & Co, Morse Bluff 
Rahn Hans, Cedar Bluffs         Rerucha Matej, Prague         Rogers Wm, Ceresco 
Railsback & Co, Ithaca          Rerucha Thos, Prague          Roggenthen H, Fremont 
Railsback, Mitchell & Co,       Resel Jas, Ceresco            Roll J F & Co, Ithaca 
  Ashland                       Resel Jno, Ceresco            Rolle Chris, Yutan 
Raiter Frank, Weston            Resok Peter G, Weston         Romine Wm, Cedar Bluffs 
Raitt J D, Prague               Resnicek Wencl, Linwood       Rooth B A, Ithaca 
Rand E S, Cedar Bluffs          Rexidius A, Ithaca            Rose C H, Ashland 
Rand F A, Cedar Bluffs          Reynolds G, Ithaca            Rosecranz E, Ithaca 
Rand Geo E, Cedar Bluffs        Reynolds O, Fremont           Rosengren Nels, Colon 
Rand W O, Colon                 Rezac Frank, Weston           Rosengren Pete, Colon 
Ranslom Chas, Morse Bluff       Rezac Frank G, Weston         Roslund And, Malmo 
Ranslem E, Morse Bluff          Rezac Jacob, Weston           Rossiter Wm, Fremont 
Ranz Carl, Fremont              Rezac John, Weston            Rostin L, Colon 
Rasch G W, Cedar Bluffs         Rezarc Frank, Weston          Roubal Josef, Linwood 
Rasmussen J, Morse Bluff        Rezarc Jile, Weston           Roush W H, Ithaca 
Rasmussen L, Fremont            Rezarc John, Weston           Rowell G A, Ceresco 
Rasmussen Mat, Colon            Rice C E, Valparaiso          Rowell S M, Ceresco 
Rasmussen Peter, Malmo          Richardson, Hughes & Co,      Rush Henry, Colon 
Ratkovec John, Prague             Valparaiso                  Russell A W, Mead 
Rawlin John, Valparaiso         Richee J Frank, Weston        Russell J B, Ashland 
Rawlings J H, Ceresco           Riddle E B, Ceresco           Russell J W, Ashland 
Rawlings J T, Ceresco           Riegal Sol, Ashland           Russell T, Ithaca 
Ray Dan, Valparaiso             Riggs Chas, Prague            Russell W, Ithaca 
Reasoner H C, Ashland           Riley Pat, Cedar Bluffs       Russell William, Valparaiso 
Redick C B, Mead                Risk Albert, Wahoo            Rutter Taylor, Weston 
Redick J R, Mead                Rittholer M, Fremont          Ruttman Charles, Weston 
Redick L M, Mead                Robb Alex, Wahoo              Ruzek Frank,  Prague 
Redick Wilford, Mead            Robbins Aaron, Ashland        Ruzicka Anton, Colon 
Reece E K, Ithaca               Robbins J, Ithaca             Ruzicka John, Morse Bluff 
Reed C A, Cedar Bluffs          Robert Ludger, Mead           Ryan Michael, Cedar Bluffs 
Reed D V, Cedar Bluffs          Roberts D, Morse Bluff        Ryberg O S, Colon 
Reed John, Colon                Roberts R, Fremont            Rylen S, Ithaca
~ S ~
Sabata Jacob, Prague            Severn Frank, Weston          Somer Joseph, Morse Bluff 
Sabatka Anton, Ceresco          Sevoboda John, Ceresco        Somers Peter, Fremont 
Sabelman Gust, Morse Bluff      Shabatka John, Prague         Sorenson Andrew, Malmo 
Sabelman P, Ithaca              Shanahan Jerry, Linwood       Sorenson Lars, Malmo 
Saddoris F, Fremont             Shanahan Jno, Morse Bluff     Soucek Frank, Morse Bluff 
Safford Henry, Yutan            Shanahan Michael  Prague       Soukoup Frank, Morse Bluff 
Safstrom G P, Malmo             Shanahan Pat, Morse Bluff     Speck Frederick, Memphis 
Sagert Chas, Mead               Shanahan R, Prague            Spicka John, Weston 
Sagert Wm, Mead                 Shanahan Wm, Morse Bluff      Spijevak Wencl, Linwood 
Sailing Jess, Fremont           Shandira Frank, Prague        Springer G E, Fremont 
Sailing J R, Fremont            Sharf Joseph, Weston          Staats J F, Fremont 
Sailing M A, Fremont            Shavlik Jacob F, Linwood      Staats J S, Fremont 
Sailing Robt, Cedar Bluff       Shavlik Jacob, Linwood        Staltzenfeldt F, Ceresco 
Samilson John, Colon            Shavlik John, Linwood         Stambaugh Joseph, Ashland 
Samilson Peter, Colon           Shavlik Josef, Linwood        Stambaugh L S, Ashland 
Sampson S W, Morse Bluff        Sheffer C, Memphis            Stamp Fred, Yutan 
Sams Jos S, Mead                Sheldon Geo A, Mead           Stamp John, Memphis 
Sams Peter, Mead                Shelle Fred, Yutan            Stanbach Josef, Linwood 
Samuels Amos, Ashland           Sheppard G W, Fremont         Stanhope G J, Valparaiso 
Sandberg G, Ashland             Shere Herman, Cedar Bluffs    Stanislav Martin, Linwood 
Sandberg O, Malmo               Sheridan Andrew, Ceresco      Star F A, Ithaca 
Sandblad F G, Mead              Sherman R M, Ithaca           Steele A P, Morse Bluff 
Sanders Amos A, Ashland         Sherman S W, Prague           Steele Edward, Yutan 
Sanders Eugene, Ashland         Shields Joe, Fremont          Steele Samuel, Yutan 
Sanders F M, Ashland            Shields W W, Ashland          Steele Scott, Yutan 
Sanders G W, Memphis            Shires M, Mead                Steele W E, Yutan 
Sanders Harry, Ashland          Shires Thos, Mead             Steen John, Ceresco 
Sanders J A, Ashland            Sholz Anton, Prague           Steen O F, Ceresco 
Sanders Jacob, Ashland          Shugren Swan I, Wahoo         Steinbach F, Fremont 
Sanders Merritt, Ashland        Shultz Alois, Prague          Steinbach W, Fremont 
Sanders S S, Memphis            Shultz Fred, Ceresco          Stejskal Anton, Prague 
Sanders W A, Ashland            Shultz Joseph, Prague         Stella Thos, Valparaiso 
Sanderson P, Cedar Bluffs       Shupe Daniel, Memphis         Stevens Cyrenus, Memphis 
Sanderson, Wm, Cedar Bluffs     Shupe F E, Ceresco            Stevens E H, Ithaca 
Sankey G W, Valparaiso          Sidwell D M, Ceresco          Stevens F G, Memphis 
Satorize Wencl, Linwood         Siebken David, Yutan          Stevenson J H, Ashland 
Savage Jas H, Morse Bluff       Siemson Hans, Cedar Bluffs    Stewart J B, Ceresco 
Scanlon C, Ceresco              Siemson H, Cedar Bluffs       Stewart J W, Ashland 
Schafer Jos, Wahoo              Siemson Martin, Memphis       Stiver Jacob, Valparaiso 
Scharf John, Weston             Sievers Jacob, Yutan          Stockdale Jonas, Ashland 
Scheuneman Aug, Ithaca          Sievers Jurgen, Malmo         Stockdale M D, Ashland 
Scheuneman F, Ithaca            Sievers Mark, Yutan           Stocking Chas L, Wahoo 
Scherer L, Cedar Bluffs         Sievers Peter, Cedar Bluffs   Stocking G H, Wahoo 
Schiefelbein F, Ithaca          Silvia M R, Ceresco           Stokes James W, Valparaiso 
Schields John A, Memphis        Simanek Geo, Prague           Stollenberg Joseph, Ashland 
Schields Lewis W, Memphis       Simanek Ignac, Prague         Stollie Hans, Cedar Bluffs 
Schipper John, Mead             Simanek Vaclav, Weston        Storm Hans, Yutan 
Schlichting N, Cedar Bluffs     Simodynes Frank, Colon        Stranzky Frank, Weston 
Schlichting W, Cedar Bluffs     Simodynes John, Wahoo         Stratton F M, Wahoo 
Schmarjo E, Cedar Bluffs        Simodynes Vencl, Wahoo        Stratton Sam, Ashland 
Schmid Fred, Memphis            Simonson Elias, Malmo         Stretch G, Valparaiso 
Schmidt Aug, Ithaca             Simonson Nels, Fremont        Stretch Thos, Ceresco 
Schmidt Carlton, Memphis        Simpkins John W, Wahoo        Strizek Frank, Weston 
Schmidt Dirk J, Wahoo           Simpson Geo, Yutan            Strom Otto, Wahoo 
Schmidt F C H, Ceresco          Siraky Joseph, Prague         Stromquist Peter, Weston 
Schmidt Marcus, Wahoo           Skinner Byron, Morse Bluff    Stuchlik Anton, Prague 
Schneider Chas, Fremont         Sklenash Joseph, Weston       Stull C H, Valparaiso 
Schneider John, Ithaca          Skog Alex, Mead               Sturdevant R M, Ceresco 
Schoenleber L K, Valparaiso     Skog John, Mead               Sturdevant V M, Ceresco 
Schofield S, Cedar Bluffs       Skokan John, Weston           Styskal John, Wahoo 
Scholtz Anton, Morse Bluff      Slamsido Martin, Prague       Suchy Tom, Morse Bluff 
Scholtz Chas, Cedar Bluffs      Slack Taylor, Morse Bluff     Suchy Wencl, Linwood 
Scholtz Frank, Prague           Slocum Frank, Morse Bluff     Sukstorf Wm, Cedar Bluffs 
Scholtz John, Morse Bluff       Slonecker Henry, Mead         Sundin Lars, Malmo 
Scholtz Joseph, Prague          Slothower G W, Weston         Sundin Pete, Malmo 
Schrader John, Valparaiso       Sloup James, Prague           Sutton B A, Fremont 
Schretzer M, Fremont            Sloup John, Linwood           Sutton Jas, Cedar Bluffs 
Schroeder August, Prague        Sloup Martin, Linwood         Sutton Jas, Colon 
Schroeder B, Ithaca             Smika Anton, Prague           Sutton Smith, Ashland 
Schroeder C, Morse Bluff        Smiak John, Prague            Sutton Solomon, Ashland 
Schroeder H, Ithaca             Smith A, Mead                 Sutton R, Colon 
Schroeder J C, Prague           Smith A M, Mead               Svanson John, Ceresco 
Schull J W, Ashland             Smith Chris, Cedar Bluffs     Svanson Jno E, Ceresco 
Schultz Hans, Yutan             Smith C P, Malmo              Svenson Bengt, Ceresco 
Schultz James, Yutan            Smith D, Colon                Svenson J A, Ceresco 
Schultz John, Cedar Bluffs      Smith Daniel, Ithaca          Svenson Sven, Ceresco 
Schultz John, Yutan             Smith E, Ashland              Svoboda Frank, Linwood 
Schultz Joseph, Ceresco         Smith E, Ithaca               Svoboda Wencl, Linwood 
Schutt Geo, Fremont             Smith E, Valparaiso           Swan Jasper, Morse Bluff 
Schutt W A, Fremont             Smith Geo S, Ashland          Swan J B, Morse Bluff 
Scott John, Ceresco             Smith J A, Ithaca             Swanberg C, Malmo 
Scott M L, Ceresco              Smith Jas, Mead               Swanberg Nils, Wahoo 
Scott Phillip, Cedar Bluffs     Smith Jas T, Mead             Swanberg Pet, Malmo 
Scott Winfield, Ceresco         Smith Jess, Ithaca            Swanson And, Weston 
Scow Christian, Morse Bluff     Smith John, Cedar Bluffs      Swanson Anton, Weston 
Scow George, Morse Bluff        Smith John B, Colon           Swanson Aug, Weston 
Speck J, Ceresco                Smith J L, Ashland            Swanson Charley, Ceresco 
Scull D, Ashland                Smith Joseph, Cedar Bluffs    Swanson H, Malmo 
Secor & Kaspar, Prague          Smith S S, Weston             Swanson John, Colon 
Secor Theron, Memphis           Smith Wm, Ashland             Swanson John, Mead 
Sederquist A, Ithaca            Smith Wm, Cedar Bluffs        Swanson John, Weston 
Sedlacek Anton, Prague          Smith Wm, Ceresco             Swanson Lars, Colon 
Sedlacek John, Malmo            Smith Z B, Mead               Swanson Lewis, Mead 
Sedlacek Joseph, Prague         Smolik Joseph, Ceresco        Swanson Peter, Morse Bluff 
Sedlacek Vaclar, Malmo          Snelling J A, Wahoo           Swanson Swan, Colon 
Sedlacek Vencl, Weston          Snelling T L, Wahoo           Swanson Swan, Mead 
Seeberg M, Weston               Snitiny Anton, Prague         Swartz C, Mead 
Seedlund John, Ceresco          Snyder Fred, Fremont          Swartz John, Linwood 
Seely H, Fremont                Snyder John, Fremont          Swenson A, Ithaca 
Seely M E, Fremont              Soder John, Ceresco           Swenson Ake, Ceresco 
Semenec E, Morse Bluff          Soderberg A, Malmo            Swenson Chas, Wahoo 
Semenec Frank, Weston           Sodergren B T, Colon          Swiger Nathan, Ceresco 
Semenec Martin, Memphis         Soderholm H P, Colon          Swoboda Anton, Prague 
Senn Henry, Cedar Bluffs        Soderholm J P, Colon          Swoboda Josef, Wahoo 
Senseney John, Wahoo            Soderland Andrew, Yutan       Swoboda Wencl, Weston 
Serel C E, Wahoo                Sohl Henry, Cedar Bluffs      Syrene E H, Fremont 
Sevale Alfred, Cedar Bluffs     Sohl John, Cedar Bluffs       Syverson Ole, Ceresco 
Sevanson Peter, Mead            Sohrt Geo, Cedar Bluffs        
Sevanson Anders, Malmo          Soland A, Ithaca
~ T ~
Tarpening Harrison, Mead        Thomas Thos, Mead             Tomes A, Ithaca 
Tarpening John, Mead            Thompsen H P, Cedar Bluffs    Tomes Arnes, Weston 
Tarpening Luke, Mead            Thompson C, Fremont           Tomes Andrej, Weston 
Tarpening Perry, Ashland        Thompson D H, Mead            Tomes E, Weston 
Tarpening Wm, Mead              Thompson J M, Yutan           Tomes Florian, Weston 
Tate Geo, Ceresco               Thompson L L, Colon           Tomes Joseph, Weston 
Tate Moses, Ceresco             Thompson M J, Morse Bluff     Tompson John, Ceresco 
Tawney J E, Cedar Bluffs        Thompson M W, Wahoo           Tomsicek Joseph, Prague 
Taylor C D, Cedar Bluffs        Thompson Nils, Malmo          Torell John, Ceresco 
Taylor C N, Prague              Thompson Pet, Malmo           Tosovsky A, Weston 
Taylor James, Ceresco           Thompson Wm, Mead             Tracy John, Ithaca 
Taylor James E, Weston          Thomsen J F, Cedar Bluffs     Tracy Robt, Cedar Bluffs 
Taylor S E, Cedar Bluffs        Thomsen P, Cedar Bluffs       Tracy Wm, Ithaca 
Tegeberg L, Ithaca              Thorson Carl, Mead            Trajblik Frank, Linwood 
Templeton John S, Malmo         Thorson John, Mead            Tracy James, Ceresco 
Templin A, Ithaca               Thorson Martin, Mead          Tramo Aug, Cedar Bluffs 
Tennsy L, Valparaiso            Thorstenson C O, Wahoo        Traver Wm, Fremont 
TePoel H, Morse Bluff           Throckmorton A W, Ashland     Treptow A, Ithaca 
TePoel H C, Morse Bluff         Throop E E, Valparaiso        Trilety Matej, Wahoo 
TePoel T, Cedar Bluffs          Throop H E, Valparaiso        Trively W H, Prague 
Tesar Jacob, Prague             Thulin Peter, Mead            Troyan Joseph, Weston 
Tesar Joseph, Prague            Tidd S B, Ashland             Truax Lewis, Ithaca 
Tesinsky John, Weston           Tidd S W, Ashland             Trued John, Ceresco 
Texi Frank, Prague              Timm F, Ithaca                Trued Nels, Ceresco 
Tharp J H, Wahoo                Timm W, Ithaca                Trutna Anton, Weston 
Tharp N D, Wahoo                Tomasek A, Morse Bluff        Trutna Chas, Weston 
Theede Bros & Co, Malmo         Tomasek J, Morse Bluff        Trutna John, Weston 
Thege B, Linwood                Tomcak Joseph jr, Prague      Trutna Thos, Weston 
Therkelsen J, Morse Bluff       Tomcak Joseph sr, Prague      Turney C C, Ceresco 
Thobroe Ole, Fremont            Tomek Anton, Prague           Turney D P, Ceresco 
Thomas Frank, Prague            Tomek Frank, Prague           Tvody Thos, Ceresco 
Thomas Philip, Yutan            Tomek John, Prague            Tyrol M, Wahoo
~ U ~
Udd E, Ithaca                   Ullstrom Gus, Ashland         Urbanek Chas, Prague 
Uher Anton, Ceresco             Ullstrom Peter, Ashland       Usher F G, Ithaca 
Uhlander Aug, Ithaca            Umphres J L, Ceresco          Usher J B, Ithaca 
Ullstrom Albert, Ashland        Upman C E, Mead                
Ullstrom Chas, Ashland          Urban Anton, Prague
~ V ~
Vaboril Michael, Prague         Van Horn M, Ithaca            Veiger Vencl, Colon 
Vachal John, Weston             Vanlandingham J K, Ceresco    Verrell H H, Colon 
Valkman Albert, Prague          Vanlandingham W G, Ceresco    Veskrna Josef, Malmo 
Valkman Emil, Prague            Van Sickle G W, Ithaca        Vibiral Frank, Colon 
Valkman Jacob, Prague           Van Vleet M A, Cedar Bluffs   Vihlidal Vaclar, Prague 
Vallery J J, Vaparaiso          Vavak Frank, Prague           Viktorni Frank, Prague 
Vallier A, Ashland              Vavak Joseph, Prague          Virgl John, Prague 
Vallin S P, Colon               Vavak Matej, Prague           Virka John, Morse Bluff 
Valter Joseph, Weston           Vavak Vencl, Prague           Vlasak James, Prague 
Vance Jason B, Ashland          Vavra A, Prague               Vlcan Frank, Prague 
Vance J N, Ashland              Vavra Frank, Morse Bluff      Vlcan Karl, Weston 
Vandeman L R, Ashland           Vculek Frank, Prague          Vrgslantz Josef, Wahoo 
Vandeman Wm, Ashland            Vculek Joseph, Prague         Vondra Joseph, Prague 
Van Driel G, Malmo              Vculek Joseph J, Prague       Vondrak Joseph, Prague 
Van Driel R B, Malmo            Vculek Karel, Weston          Vopalensky F,  Morse Bluff 
Vanek Joseph, Prague            Vculek M, Prague              Vorse Amos, Ashland 
Vanek Martin, Prague            Vehrs C H, Morse Bluff        Vrbka Frank, Prague 
Van Horn H, Ithaca              Vehrs H, Prague               Vsetecka John, Prague 
~ W ~
Waboril Josef, Linwood          Weaver Wm, Mead               Willcox E H, Colon 
Wadak Wencl, Prague             Weber B R B, Valparaiso       Willcox E H, Yutan 
Wagemann P F, Memphis           Wedburg Anton, Malmo          Willey Geo, Mead 
Wagner W W, Ashland             Wedburg Aug, Malmo            Willey Jay, Mead 
Wagner A J, Mead                Wedburg Olof, Wahoo           Willey Lewis, Mead 
Wagner David, Memphis           Weddell J C, Ashland          Williams A H, Mead 
Wagner Lewis, Prague            Weddell S S, Ashland          Williams D C, Yutan 
Wagner N C, Prague              Weddell W F, Ashland          Williams D M, Yutan 
Wagner W M, Memphis             Weed W H, Ashland             Williams F N, Yutan 
Wahlstrom S P, Colon            Weicht Hans, Yutan            Williams H D, Valparaiso 
Wainesek John, Weston           Weigand Jac, Cedar Bluffs     Williams Henry, Colon 
Wainesek Jos, Weston            Weir R, Ithaca                Williams J, Cedar Bluffs 
Wajtich Frank, Linwood          Welch J W, Weston             Williams J sr, Morse Bluff 
Wakefield John S, Weston        Wells A, Valparaiso           Williams Jarvis S, Prague 
Wakefield Paul, Weston          Wells A W, Mead               Williams John S, Prague 
Wakelin Joseph, Prague          Wells F P, Ithaca             Williams P, Morse Bluff 
Walford C, Valparaiso           Wells & Gregory  Yutan        Williams R, Cedar Bluffs 
Walin A, Ceresco                Wells N G, Ithaca             Williams W H, Yutan 
Walin C, Malmo                  Welty A, Morse Bluff          Williams W, Ashland 
Walin C L, Ceresco              Welty D B, Morse Bluff        Williamson G W, Ithaca 
Walin Martin, Malmo             Welty W H, Morse Bluff        Willis J B, Valparaiso 
Walin Pet, Malmo                Wempen John, Mead             Willows Thos, Morse Bluff 
Walker C F, Cedar Bluffs        Wenstrand C A, Colon          Wilson A D, Morse Bluff 
Walker Edson, Cedar Bluffs      Wernsmann J, Cedar Bluffs     Wilson Andrew, Mead 
Walker Frank, Cedar Bluffs      Wernsmann M, Cedar Bluffs     Wilson D K, Prague 
Walker J, Cedar Bluffs          Wernsmann P, Cedar Bluffs     Wilson J G, Morse Bluff 
Walkup J H, Fremont             West George, Weston           Wilson J W, Ithaca 
Walla John, Linwood             Westerfield Frank, Prague     Wilson J W, Mead 
Walla John, Prague              Wesely B, Morse Bluff         Wilson Wm, Cedar Bluffs 
Walla Maty, Weston              Wesely Frank, Morse Bluff     Wilson Wm E, Morse Bluff 
Walla Phillip, Linwood          Wesely Jos, Morse Bluff       Wimer David S, Wahoo 
Wallace Geo, Valparaiso         Westerfield J H, Wahoo        Winslow H, Fremont 
Wallace R M, Ashland            Westlund C J, Ithaca          Wirka Anton, Prague 
Wallace S L, Cedar Bluffs       Westman P O, Ithaca           Wiskocil John J, Weston 
Wallander Olof, Yutan           Wheeler B J, Morse Bluff      Wittershouse Chas, Weston 
Walrath A, Cedar Bluffs         Wheeler L M, Morse Bluff      Woita Andres, Prague 
Walter Alfred, Ceresco          Whinnery J M, Mead            Woita Jacob, Prague 
Walter David, Wahoo             Whisler G E, Ithaca           Woita John, Prague 
Walter Jacob, Ceresco           Whisler N L, Ithaca           Wolf Chas, Fremont 
Walter James H, Wahoo           White H E, Weston             Wolf John, Malmo 
Walter J C, Wahoo               White H K, Colon              Wolfe A H, Ashland 
Walter S V, Wahoo               White James, Fremont          Wolfe Henry, Morse Bluff 
Walter Wm, Colon                White Wilbur, Yutan           Wolfe Jacob, Prague 
Wang Ole, Memphis               Whitelock J B, Ashland        Wolfe John, Prague 
Wapalensky F jr, Linwood        Whitney Chas, Wahoo           Wolfe Porter A, Ashland 
Wapalensky F sr, Linwood        Whitney H, Yutan              Wollen E S, Ithaca 
Ward Hugh, Mead                 Whitten C W, Colon            Wondra Frank, Prague 
Ward John, Cedar Bluffs         Whitten H E, Colon            Wondra Frantiska, Weston 
Ward John, Ashland              Whitten H F, Ceresco          Wondra John, Weston 
Ward Stephen, Ashland           Wickard J M, Weston           Wondra Jos, Weston 
Wardrip C B, Ashland            Wicklund G, Yutan             Wood Alfen, Ceresco 
Wardrip Lee, Ashland            Wicklund Jno, Yutan           Wood Burrill, Morse Bluff 
Wardrip Wyett, Ashland          Wicklund J P, Mead            Wood E, Ithaca 
Warner Chas, Ashland            Widen S J, Malmo              Wood I E, Ithaca 
Warner Geo, Fremont             Widman Henry, Mead            Wood J J, Ashland 
Warren Fred, Ashland            Widman John, Yutan            Woodroof Eleven, Memphis 
Warren John T, Weston           Widman Jos, Mead              Woods H & Son, Cedar Bluffs 
Warren M, Ashland               Widman Joseph, Yutan          Woods W F, Ithaca 
Waterman D, Ithaca              Widman Wm, Mead               Woodward J S, Colon 
Waterman E, Ithaca              Wiegand J H, Cedar Bluffs     Woodward Taylor, Colon 
Waters J L, Mead                Wiggenhorn E A, Ashland       Woodworth C J, Malmo 
Waters Peter, Mead              Wihlidal Frank, Linwood       Woodworth P G, Malmo 
Watipka Geo, Wahoo              Wihlidal John, Linwood        Woodworth S, Malmo 
Watipka Martin, Wahoo           Wilcox Chas, Morse Bluff      Woolley Byron, Malmo 
Watson E, Morse Bluff           Wilcox C, Morse Bluff         Woolley M E, Malmo 
Watson John L, Wahoo            Wilcox Frank, Morse Bluff     Woolley Samuel, Malmo 
Watson Oliver, Wahoo            Wild Chas, Fremont            Woonard J K, Wahoo 
Watts J A, Valparaiso           Wild Christ, Colon            Workman S S, Memphis 
Wavra Joseph, Weston            Wilgus Geo, Memphis           Wrana Josef, Linwood 
Wavra Vaclar, Weston            Wilhelm Noah, Ashland         Wrana Matej, Linwood 
Weaver G W, Mead                Will G A, Ithaca
~ Y ~
Yaconbek Frank, Ceresco         Younek Frank, Morse Bluff     Younggren J W, Ceresco 
Yanacek J, Prague               Young C, Weston               Youngstrom A, Ithaca 
Yanky Frank, Prague             Young H M, Ashland            Youngstrom G, Ithaca 
Yasha John, Ceresco             Young Wm, Mead                Youngstrom O, Ithaca 
Yeltman P O, Yutan              Younggren C G, Ceresco
~ Z ~
Zakovec John, Morse Bluff       Ziegenbeim M, Ithaca          Zoubek Jas, Prague 
Zavodney Jos, Weston            Zila Frank, Prague            Zoubek Jos, Prague 
Zelenka B, Prague               Zimola Thos, Wahoo            Zum Brunen A, Yutan 
Zelenka Jos, Prague             Zingree P A, Ithaca            
Ziegenbeim F G, Ithaca          Zinke Aug, Ithaca

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