Saline Snippets Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Heather W. Bowers 9 January 1891 (Telegraph) Pg. 3 BUSINESS LOCALS Clothing sold at cost J.H.PHILLIPS. The best cigar in town at J. STARKEY'S. PRATT'S restorative for the hair sale at PARKE'S. Seven and one half cent money at S.S. STORY'S. Don't go by J. STARKEY'S when you want a bill of goods. Cheapest place in town to buy groceries is at J. STARKEY'S. All persons wanting clocks on easy payments call on MORSE the Jeweler. Buy the Red Brand smoking tobacco, the best in the world at J. STARKEY'S. Call on E. WHITCOMB for nice pure extracted Nebraska honey at only 12 1/2 cents per pound. Bring in your butter and eggs and I will sell you groceries as cheap as any store in Friend, M. McFARLAND. One pound of Nebraska honey contains more sweet than five pounds of Gleco or so called California goods. Bring in a barrel, bucket or a jar and get in filled with strictly pure Nebraska honey at only 12 1/2 cents per pound. A beautiful head of hair is a thing always to be desired. Dr. PRATT'S restorative will produce it. Call on C.M. PARKE for testimonials etc. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or callused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs splints, ring bone, sweeney, stifles, sprain sore and swollen throat, coughs etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by Dr. DORWART. 13 18 12 For the next two weeks MORSE will sell spectacles as follows: $2.50 spectacles for $1.50. $1.50 spectacles for $ .75. Quite a number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. L.C. PIKE gave them a rousing surprise last Saturday evening the same being the occasion of Mr. PIKES birthday. A very enjoyable evening was spent who were present. Dear girls it is very naughty to run horses on Sunday. It is wrong for you to cackle before you get past the team you are intending to drive past for in that manner you give the scheme away and in that case she laughs best who laughs last. Mrs. CLYNE went east last Saturday. It looked hard to see a mother torn from her children and sent out upon the world. But we must remember that society has rights which must be respected in such cases and society says that the woman alone shall suffer. What would Christ have said had he been in Friend. Oh for that time when every one will be given to suffer alike for their crimes. The cry started in the Garden of Eden thousands of years ago and it is revibrating around this wicked world of ours yet. "It is the woman". "It is the woman." It can be heard in every village and hamlet all over this broad land. When will the usage’s of society give way to those of common right and justice. When will people rise up in their might and call a spade a spade. REMARKABLE RESCUE Mrs. Micheal CARTAIN, Plainfield, Ill. makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician; but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of con- sumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. KING'S New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from the first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottle of this Great Discovery at H.W. HEWIT'S drug store, large bottles 50 cts and $1.00. --- 9 January 1891 (Telegraph) Pg. 3 continued Chattel Mortgage Sale Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated February 3d, 1890 and a certified copy of said mortgage was duly filed in the office of the county clerk Saline county, Nebraska September 13, 1890, and executed by E.D. LEONARD to Emma S. MOORE to secure the payment of the sum of $500 and upon which there is now due $500, and interest thereon from Nov. 3, 1890 at 10 percent, default having been made in the payment of said sum, and no suit or other proceeding at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. I will sell the property therein described property, to wit; One bay mare 6 years old named Alice, one brown sucking colt 2 months old, four top buggies used in ***** parties, delivery stable, two of them the Henney make, one Hayes Bros. make. Two sets light double harnesses, two sets of single harnesses. At public auction at the **** barn of E.D. LEONARD in the city of Friend, Nebr. on the 24th day of January 1891 at 1 o'clock pm of said day. Emma S. MOORE L.E. SOUTHWICK, Agent Sheriff Sale By virtue of an order of sale *** out of the district court of the Fifth Judicial District of Nebraska, in and for Saline county, and to me described as sheriff in and for said Saline county and state of Nebraska wherein George BETTS and Elisa (sic) BETTS are plaintiffs and F.L. SIMS is defendant. I will on the 4th day of February A.D., 1891, at 2 o'clock pm of said day at the east door of the court house in the town of Wilbur, Saline county, Nebraska of or for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described read (sic) to-wit: the ne 1/4 of sec 8, tp, 8 1/2 north, range one, east of the 6th p.m., in Saline county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 31st day of December A.D. 1890. John BALTON, Sheriff Feel So Tired That tired feeling which so many experience on the least exertionor without any exertion, is in most cases the result of a torpid liver. The food lays heavy on the stomach, there is a fullness in the head and stomach, with headache and constipation of the bowels there is pain in the back over the kidneys: the urine is highly colored, and you feel tired all over. These feelings are all produced by an inactive liver, and can be easily and quickly removed by a few doses of Dr. WHITES Dandelion Alternative. This great remedy has stood the test of time, and is without doubt the purest liver currecior ever offered to the sick and afflicted. Pint bottles only one dollar, and every bottle warranted. For sale by Dr. H.W. HEWITT. Notice All persons driving over my farm two and one half miles north west of town will be dealt with according to law. Frank TAOMPSON Worth it's Weight in Gold If a price can be placed on pain "Mother's Friend," is worth it's weight in gold as an alleviator. My wife suffered more in ten minutes with either of her other two children than she did all together with her last, having proviously used four bottles of "Mother's Friend." It is a blessing to any one expecting to become a mother, says a customer of mine. Henderson DALE, druggist Carmi, Ill. Write the Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., for further particulars. Sold by H.W. HEWITT. -------- Copyright © 2006 Heather W. Bowers Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project