Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcription from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Heather W. Bowers 9 January 1891 (Telegraph), Pg. 2 (Continued) NOTICE Joseph M. KIPPS will take notice that on the 29th day of December, 1890, O. G. ELLSWORTH, a justice of the peace of Friend precinct, Saline county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of $48.80 in an action pending before him wherein MEHURON & PTAK are plantiffs and Joseph M. KIPPS defendant, that property of the defendant consisting of one Walter A. WOOD harvester and binder, one capital Mower, one Western hay rake, one water tank, one short tongue for water tank trucks has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 9th day of February, 1891, at 10 o'clock of said day. MEHURON & PTAK, Plaintiff Jan. 8th, 1890. Chattel Mortgage Sale Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated January 8th, 1891, a copy of which was duly filed in the office of the clerk of Saline county, Nebraska, and executed by John CLYNE to Frank SHIELDS to secure the payment of one promissory note dated Sept. 1st, 1889, for $1000 due Sept. 1st, 1890, with interest at six percent from maturity. Default having been made in the payment of said sum, and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof I will sell the property described, therein to wit: All the dry goods, notions, clothing, underwear, boots and shoes, trunks and satchels, and all other goods and personal property including the show cases, iron safe and store furniture now in the store room in Friend, Nebraska, known as the Cone building situated on the west side of Maple street, Friend, Nebraska. The grocery stock and grocery furniture alone are expected to there from, and this mortgage is subject to mortgages made by John CLYNE to Merchants & Farmers Bank, Lewis C. CLYNE, J. V. FAREWELL & Co., and R. L. McDONALD, & Co., at public auction at the CLYNE store room in the Cone building situated on the west side of Maple street, Friend Nebraska, on the 31st day of January, 1891 ******* ******* ******* said day. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS For week ending Jan. 3rd 1890, at 9:00 o'clock p.m., as furnished by SALINE COUNTY ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION. J. N. VanDUFYN, President; John JAHN, Jr. Sec. Geo. D. STEVENS and wf to Charles C. STEARNS, wd $1400, 1 1, 2, 3, b 210, CRESE and b 3 and 10, Geo. D. STEVENS add Crete. Rosa COGGINS and hus to F. E. DAVIS, wd $450, 1 78 Friend. F. E. DAVIS to M T FISHER, wd $450 same. Marie MARIK and hus to Rudolph ULDRICH wd $4800 ne ¼ 19, 5, 4. John D. TROYER and wf to Rachel S. COATS, wd $200 part of se ¼ sw ¼ 20, 8, 3. Abraham McGARBER and wf to same wd $40 part of se ¼ sw ¼ 20, 8, 3. Catherine McNAMARA and hus to Theodore II. MILLER, wd $250, e ½ ne ¼ 20, 6, 3. John PANTER and wf to John BUCH**E, wd $375, 1 1033, 4, 5, 6, 7, Dorchester. Wenel AKSAMIT and wf to Frank TIEHY Jr., wd $3000, e ½ nw ¼ , 6, 4. U S to Thomas McNAMARA pat, e ½ ne ¼ 20, 7, 3. Joseph RADEMACHER and wf to Theodore LINDEKEN, wd $300, part of n ½ se ¼ 16, 8, 4. T. L. SWAN and wf to Catherine McNAMARA, wd $400, 1 2 and 4, b 4, II DURALL Sr., 3 add Pleasent Hill. Same to same, qed $400, 1 1 and 3, b 4, same. Theodore II MILLER and wf to same, wd $250, part of b 7, Crete. Isaac CAHN and wf to James GOODING and John F. H. GRANT, wd $1600, s ¼ ne ¼ se ¼ nw ½ and *** *** 24, 5, 2. State of Nebraska to Frank APFERBECK, d $280 nwq nwq 16, 6, *. Mary M. HOPKINS and hus to William MARTIN, wd $1600, 1 12 b 122, Crete. Jacob WILD and wf to John REZABECK, wd $1600 n 1/2 nwq 18, 7, 3. South Platte Land Co. to D. R. HOPKINS wd $110, 1 1147, 8, 9, 1150, 1, 2, Dorchester. ********************************************** (In regards to the following: Joseph RADEMACHER and wf to Theodore LINDEKEN, wd $300, part of n ½ se ¼ 16, 8, 4. Theodore LINDEKEN was my Great Great Grandfather, his wife which this is in refrence to was Helena KONNERMANN LINDEKEN. It is exciting to find your ancestors in these transcriptions!) ---- Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcription from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Heather W. Bowers 9 January 1891 (Telegraph), Pg. 2 -------- Copyright © 2006 Heather W. Bowers Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project Nits make Lice General FORSYTHE has been relieved of command of the Sixth Cavalry, pending an investigation of the battle of "Wounded Knee." In this fight there appears to have been many more Indians killed than soldiers and such an extraordinary occurrence demands an Investigation. Besides there were a few squaws and papooses killed who were mixed up with the bucks or found fighting during the battle. "Nits make Lice" and squaws are often worse fighters than the bucks, yet if a soldier should happen to kill one of these he must atone to an offended superior. This puts us in mind of the first part of the war of the rebellion where a secession pig was allowed to go out and bite a Union soldier, and if the soldier killed the pig he was almost certain to go to the guard house. After a spell the soldiers were permitted to kill and eat these pigs, and from that time on the rebel army had less bacon and the great rebellion was nearer an end. There are many ways in which a soldier can aid toward ending a war other than shooting down the men who carry the guns or fill the ranks of the enemy. Breakfast Table Clatter As a editor purporting to be running a newspaper and giving his readers the news, we should think the Booby would feel rather tired. If not there are doubtless a few persons who are feeling wearied on his account. Booby Bill this is Robert McCRAY an old neighbor. He doesn't remember that you ever returned that dog and litter of pups that you borrowed of him, or even returned the box you carried them away in. Eh! Booby. Chattel Mortgage Sale Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated January 3rd, 1891, and duly filled in the office of the clerk of Saline County, Nebraska, January 5th, 1891 and executed by John CLYNE to Louis C. CLYNE, to secure the payment of one promissory note of $3365, dated January 3rd, 1891, and payable one day after date with interest at the rate of ten percent from date. Default having been made in the payment of said suit and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover the said debt or any part thereof, I will sell the property therein described, to wit: All the dry goods, notions, clothing, underwear, boots and shoes, trunks, satchels, and other goods and personal property including the show cases and iron safe and store fixtures except the grocery stock and grocery furniture, in Friend, Nebraska, known as the Cone building and situated on the west side of Maple street, Friend, Nebr. at public auction at the store room in the Cone building situated on west side of the Maple street, Friend, Nebraska, on the 31st day of Jan. 1891, at 2 o'clock pm of said day. Lewis C. CLYNE By E. I. FERGUSON, Agent Chattel Mortgage Sale Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated January 3rd, 1891, and duly filled in the office of the clerk of Saline County, Nebraska, January 5th, 1891, and executed by John CLYNE to the Merchants & Farmers Bank of Friend, Nebraska, to secure the payment of two promissory notes as follows: One for $500, dated Nov. 29th, 1890, and due Jan. 1st, 1891, and one for #303.33, dated January 3rd, 1891, payable one day after date, all bearing interest at ten percent from maturity. Default having been made in the payment of said sums and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover said debts or any part thereof I will sell the property therein described, to wit: All the dry goods, notions, clothing, underwear, boots and shoes, trunks, satchels and all other goods and personal property including the show cases, Iron safe and store furniture, except groceries and grocery furniture, now in the store room in Friend, Nebraska, known as the Cone building. At public auction at the store room known as the CLYNE store, situated on the west side of Maple street, Friend, Nebraska, on the 31st day of January, 1891, at 2 o'clock p m of said day. Merchants & Farmers Bank By E. I. FERGUSON, cashier -------- Copyright © 2006 Heather W. Bowers Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project