Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Bonnie Fletcher Eggert The Telegraph, 8 Mar 1889 Published in Friend, NE by Edward A. Whitcomb Page 2 Last Years Blizzard It appears that about $4000 of the Bee's Miss ROYCE relief fund is yet in the hands of Mr. ROSEWATER and which he has thus far declined to pay over on one pretext and another. It will be remembered that Miss ROYCE had both feet frozen off in the January storm and that the Bee appealed to the public who are responded to the tune of $5,800 and $1,800 of this amount has been paid Miss BOYCE (sic) and the balance is said to be yet in the soup. The Inaugural The inauguration of President Harrison drew an immense crowd to Washington last Monday and notwithstanding the streets were very muddy and rain falling, 40, 000 men were in the procession. The ceremonies, parade and ball were by far the grandest ever held since the formation of the government. The inaugural address was a very able production and strong at every point. His determination to strictly adhere to the civil service rules will make many a democratic office holders (sic) head rest much easier on his shoulders. Failed John McDONALD formerly of this place and a hardware merchant of Broken Bow has failed. Liabilities about $15,000, assets $5000. For Sale Forty thoroughbred laced Wyandott cockerels. Also a few settings of eggs at $1.00 per setting. These are the very best strain of Wyandotts found in Ohio. Chickens from these took three first prizes at the state fair last fall scoring over 90 points each. Come and see what I have. D. P. BURLEY Friend, Neb. Page 3 Oscar BROWN was out to see his girl last Sunday. The Oriental House is receiving a new coat of paint. Dr. BEGHTOL was a visitor at the capital on Wednesday. Mr. Jeb (?) MITCHELL was married ?? Tuesday evening. Mr. John LAUGEN who has been quite sick is reported as much better. Mrs. S. PIERCE went to Omaha on Wednesday where she has two sons living. Married:- March 3d 1889. Mr. Christ ERNST and Miss Dinah SHIMENEK all of this city. Abner LUSK is back from Michigan. H. P. SCHMIDT has moved his family to town. Mr. RENGLER and daughter visited Omaha on Wednesday. Mr. H. L. LEWIS' mother came up from Tobias on Saturday. Parties were here yesterday looking up a location for a brick yard. Mr. R MIDDLETON, of Dorchester, called on Saturday and dropped a year's subscription into the slot. Wanted - a few music scholars for Wednesday of each week: vocal or instrumental. Mrs. H. H. BURLEIGH Married: - At the residence of the brides's parents, March 9th, 1889, by Rev. J. A. BARKER, Mr. Joseph FISHBACK and Miss Lula WATTS, all of this city. There were several presents, a list of which we were unable to get. The present fine weather indicates spring is near at hand. Farmers should look over the tools and add any needed repairs. When a tool is needed for immediate use it often cannot be repaired at once and the time wasted in waiting for the repairs is often of more value than the repairs themselves. Three tramps were arrested by Marshall COVEY Monday afternoon on charge of having stolen a watch and four pairs of pants at Dorchester. The watch had in some manner been disposed of and after recovering the pants the business man of the great moral town of Dorchester refused to prosecute the thieves and they were turned loose to steal from someone else. Every one appears to be moving these days. Mr. A. ALLEMAN has thanks for cash on subscription. H. W. HEWIT has a fine span of work horsed for sale. Messrs. H. K. and H. A. JOHNSON are out with a new ad this week. A surprise party was give (sic) in honor of Mrs. HOSEHOUER on Wednesday evening. The funeral of Harry COOLEY which was held at Lincoln last Saturday was notable for its large number of floral tributes. Mr. WARRENs (sic) two year old boy fell over a chair and fracture (sic) one of his arms on Tuesday. Dr. HEWIT reduced the fracture. The little fellow bore the operation with a bravery that would do credit to older persons. Henry APPLEGATE has thanks for a year's subscription. Uncle John GIBSON has moved back to the farm again. Mr. VAN KELLY has moved into the house lately vacated by Mr. John GIBSON. Mr. J. M. SPENSE called on Saturday and left three iron dollars for this religious sheet. A brother of Mr. J. F. SHEBEL arrived last Friday and will farm the Pollard STEPHENS farm. Mr. Henry FARQUHARSON placed us under obligations for another year's subscription on Saturday. Miss DUNBAR, of Dunbar, Nebraska, is stopping with Mrs. BURLEIGH. Miss D. is one of Mrs. BURLEIGH's old music scholars. My house and three lots ??? occupied by Mr. AGEE, for rent. Possession given March 15th. Inquire at Merchants & Farmers Bank. A. S. BAILEY ----- Copyright © 2006 Bonnie Fletcher Eggert Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project