Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska. Transcribed by Vicki Conklin FRIEND WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, E. WHITCOMB, Editor and Pro., Friend, Nebraska, June 8, 1888, Part Three REV. DAVIDSON went to his new appointment at Algonia, Iowa, last Friday. The Congregational church is without a pastor at present but will be supplied in due time. A couple of cases of scarlet fever were reported at ALLEN McLEAN'S, but the children are getting on so well that there are some doubts about the cases being that disease. The ladies of the Congregational church gave a strawberry and ice cream festival on Tuesday evening. They were well patronized, and every one present had a first-class time. A traveling bum contortionist was performing upon the street Wednesday evening, and for a ten minutes performance he succeeded in getting about three dollars out of the crowd. We call the attention of our readers and patrons to this issue as a sample of a live village newspaper, and our friends will aid in getting their town before the public by sending copies to their friends in the east. A couple of parties while out riding and speeding their rigs Wednesday evening ran over a child of THOMAS MOORE'S. Fortunately the child was not injured, but parties out driving should remember that the public streets are no place in which to test the speed of a horse. The TELEGRAPH will be furnished new subscribers from now until after the fall election at the extremely low price of 50 cents. Twenty-two weeks, five and one-half months for only 50 cents. Do not fail to send a copy to your friends as well as to arrange for a like copy for your own homes. Notwithstanding the political campaign, the TELEGRAPH will give all the news first and then attend to politics afterwards, and in the latter it will always speak in favor of American labor and the American farmer and their best interest. FARMERS ATTENTION We have not gone out of the windmill business, and our mills are not manufactured of pine. We keep a full supply of mills and repairs on hand at all times, and fully warrant all our mills and work. See our ad in another column. FAILING & JONES ADVERTISED LETTERS List of letters remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at Friend, Saline County, Nebraska. MR. JOHN DUNLAP, HENRY HODGE, MISS IDA R. JONES, GEORGE RIDDLE, MR. WILLIAM SEYMOUR, R. VAN PATTEN, MRS. THOMAS THERMER. When calling for any the above please say that they are advertised. W.F. WOLFE, P.M. MR. PHILLIP WIENAND lost an end gate to his wagon and a sack of bran for flour between LAWRENCE'S mill and town Tuesday. The finder will do him a favor by leaving word at this office. VALUE OF FRIEND PRECINCT The following is the assessment of Friend precinct and village: Land $102,315, lots $1,950, personal $37,203, total in precinct $141,468. Friend village assessment is as follows: Lots $55,882, personal $82,818. Total in village $138,700. Making a sum total in the precinct including county and village at $280,158. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated May 15th, 1888, and duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Saline County, Nebraska, executed by O.M. WOODBRIDGE to MOSTER, BOWEN & Co. to secure the payment of the sum of $98.00, and upon which there is now due the sum of $88 plus interest. Default having been made in the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceeding at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore we will sell the property therein described, viz: One Mosler Safe & Lock Co's No. 9 fire proof safe, (size inside, 22 inches high, 17 inches wide and 12 inches deep), at public auction at the office of PALMER & HENDEE, in the village of Friend, Saline County, Nebraska, on Friday, June 29th, 1888, at 2 o'clock p.m. of said day - MOSLER, BOWEN & Co, By PALMER & HENDEE, their attorneys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATE State of Nebraska, Saline County, in County Court In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM COOLEY deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against WILLIAM COOLEY, late of Saline County, deceased, that the time fixed for filing claims against said estate is six months from the 31st day of May, 1888. All such persons are required to present their claims with the vouchers to the County Judge of said county, at his office therein, on or before the 1st day of December, 1888, and that all claims so filed will be heard before said Judge, on the 3d day of December, 1888, at 10 o'clock a.m. and in case any of said claims shall not be presented within the time fixed by this Court, the same shall be forever barred. Given under my hand and the seal of the County Court this 29th day of May, 1888 - J.W. RHINE, County Judge E.W. COX, VETERINARY SURGEON & DENTIST. Calls promptly attended day or night. Orders left at WATTS' Livery Stable will receive prompt attention. JAMES TAILEY, HOUSE, SIGN & CARRIAGE PAINTER. I use nothing but the very best paints. P.J. GOSSARD, Will Do CASTRATING & SPAYING On Short Notice. He has had an experience of twenty-five years and can give satisfaction. Charges very reasonable. Orders may be dropped in the postoffice at Friend, Nebraska. THE 1888 DEERING ALL STEEL HARVESTER & BINDER Is the one that suits them all. No fuss in the family when they get a Deering. E.D. LEONARD, Agent, Friend, Nebraska NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. I have opened a fine stock of Ready Made CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES. In Opera House Block, and the public are cordially invited to call and examine my stock before buying. J. WARREN R.M. TIDBALL & CO., Hunkins, Seward County, Nebraska Dealers In LUMBER, HARDWARE & COAL! We have a complete stock of Lumber, Lath, Lime, Shingles, Hair, Cement, Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mouldings, Stone and Brick. Also a Complete Stock of Builder's Hardware and the Best Grades of Coal. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANYONE IN OUR LINE IN FOUR COUNTIES. Our business is in the hands of a practical mechanic who will furnish plans and specifications free of charge. BRING IN YOUR BILLS, WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. A.C. LITTLE, Manager. J.W. DORWART, PHYSICIAN & DRUGGIST Opera Block, Friend, Nebraska. CORDOVA CASH STORE! The Cheapest Place on Earth to Buy Goods For Cash or Country Produce. DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND Caps, Drugs and Patent Medicines, Hardware, Tinware, Queensware and Glassware, etc. The only first-class store in town. Give us a call and get prices. No trouble to show goods. J.E. BYERS & CO. This Space Will be filled With a new Ad for J.O. FRANTZ THE ONLY CASH STORE IN Friend, Nebraska Page 4 THINGVALIA, RED STAR, ALLAR, AMERICAN LINES. I Represent the Best Lines that CROSS THE OCEAN And Can Save You Money When Going TO EUROPE Or Sending For Friends. CAN BOOK PASSENGERS DIRECT TO DESTINATION. Remittances for Small Amounts, Furnished at Reasonable Rates. E. WHITCOMB, Friend, Nebraska. READ! READ! TIDBALL & FULLER Are Headquarters For LUMBER AND LIME. They also make a specialty on all kinds of hard and soft coal. Parties about to build will lose money by not allowing us to figure on their estimates. Everything in stock from the ground up. We only ask a chance to figure on your bills before purchasing. Office and Yards near Depot, Opposite the Warren Elevator, Friend, Nebraska. TIDBALL & FULLER. D.B. BURLEICH, Exclusive Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES. The only exclusive store in Friend, and as I make foot-wear a specialty we will do our best to please you in quality of goods and prices, which will be money to you. Our goods are warranted and I keep a competent workman to do repairing. Boots & Shoes Made to Order. No Trouble to Show Goods. Come and See Our Goods and Prices. MEHURON & DUDGEON, Dealers in FARM MACHINERY, BAIN WAGONS, BUGGIES, Boss Harrows, Brown Planters, Check Rowers and Cultivators, Canton Clipper Plows and Their Celebrated Balance Frame Cultivators. Also The MINNEAPOLIS, AND PLANO BINDERS. We would say to the farming public, call and see us at the old Walklin building before buying elsewhere. JOSHUA PALMER, Notary Public. H.H. HENDEE. PALMER & HENDEE, LAWYERS AND COLLECTORS. MONEY to LOAN on Real Estate and furnished as soon as the papers are executed. Farm and Town Property to sell or rent. Office: Rear of First National Bank, Friend, Nebraska. S.S. STORY Loan, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. MONEY TO LOAN. Office in Warren's Opera House Block. The New Popular UNION MEAT MARKET Has in stock the best of all kinds of FRESH & SALT MEAT. Keep nothing but the best and soundest cattle, sheep and hogs. Pay the highest price for hides and pelts. G. GRETSCH & CO. ----- Copyright © 2006 Vicki Conklin Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project