Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska. Transcribed by Vicki Conklin FRIEND WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, E. WHITCOMB, Editor and Pro., Friend, Nebraska, May 25, 1888, Part 1 Page 1 WESTERN WARE Mrs. Mathew CHORN died of Peritonitis at 10 o'clock, Tuesday, leaving a husband and two children to mourn her loss. The funeral took place yesterday. Some party or parties placed a mixture of lard, lie and salsoda in the B. & M. well near the river on the night of the 8th. Their mischief was discovered before any of the truck had been pumped into the tank, and no serious results are to be chronicled. Efforts are being made to learn who the guilty parties are, but up to the writing they have been unsuccessful. This is a "reform" administration. Here's one proof of it; Two members of Cleveland's Cabinet, Bayard and Endicott, are members of England's Cobden Club. So is Carlisle, speaker of the democratic house. Several democratic senators are members also. Not a republican name is on that list. The motto of this club is, "free trade - God save the Queen." - EX FRIEND (COLORADO) HERALD Fred WATTS traded his farm near Kingston for a livery stock in Friend, Nebraska, and for a time will make that place his home. Fred has a host of friends who will welcome him back to his place when ready to return. J.W. DUDGEON has the finest looking lawn and the largest trees we have seen in eastern Colorado. Ira WINSLOW came into our office Wednesday shaking eight rattles he had captured from a mammoth rattler the day before. WILBER OPPOSITION Charley RHEY, a man who has been heard of before in the criminal annals of this county was sent up for ten days last week by Esquire HANCOCK, of DeWitt, for stealing a coat belonging to K.R. HAMMER. Born, on Sunday, May 6th, to Dr. F.J. and Mrs. ROBERTSON, a fine 10 pound boy. All doing well. Ed'ard is a sly 'un and dont you forget it. Born, May 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward FERGUSON, a 12 pound boy. This makes the fifth coming democratic voter Ed is raising besides three girls as future companions for three other coming democratic voters. DeWITT TIMES A certain young man of this place went to see his best girl last Saturday night, or at least that was his intension, but before he reached the house he was treed by a savage dog. He says he wasn't the least bit scared but thought it best to take to the "Bush" for a time as he didn't like to hurt the dog. The fact that he purchased a pair of pants the next morning is conclusive, though but circumstantial, evidence that he had a close call. Just as we go to press we learn that there is to be a wedding in town today, at what hour we were unable to learn. The contracting parties are Grant HAWK and Miss Mary WHISTLER. DORCHESTER STAR Born to Amos BRITTON and wife, May 5th, a son. DIED - At Puyallup, W. T., April 8, 1888, Susan Sophia WINTERMUTE (nee QUICK). She was born August 3d, 1818, and was married April 4, 1840, to Jacob M. WINTERMUTE, by whom she had eleven children - four girls and seven boys - all of whom are alive except one girl. A gentleman from Crete was in town Monday for the purpose of ascertaining just how bad Dorchester wanted a saloon. The city fathers did not give him any encouragement, so he went home satisfied to let this town do without one. The saloon keepers have formed a protective association, with C.E. BOYD president and S. STRASSER, secretary, the object of which is to prevent whiskey being sold to common drunkards and those warts of humanity that spend their money for beer and whiskey and leave their families to suffer for necessaries at home. A black list has been made out, and also a doubtful list that will be transferred to the black list whenever they are known to become intoxicated. The fine for selling to one on the black list is $100 for each case, and will be rigidly enforced. Those who have been in the habit of spending their money for drinks to the detriment of their families at home will do well to take a tumble to themselves. Much credit is due the saloon keepers for the determined manner in which they have entered upon this course, and especially to STRASSER and BOYD who originated it. We shall expect to see good results follow - McCOOK GAZETTE. STATE VIDETTE Some miscreant fired a shot into the east bound passenger train last Saturday afternoon just as it got out of the city. No arrest. Joseph KULHANEK made complaint in Justice SCHILLING'S court last Monday against Wencil FINK and Frank BESPALEZ for assault and battery. Constable HARRINGTON went out and arrested the parties, and when they were arraigned they pled guilty to the charge. Justice SCHILLING, fined each of them $25 and costs, amounting to $43.87. The particulars of the row we could not learn, further than that Joseph KULHANEK was assaulted by the younger FINK and BESPALEZ at a dance given at the close of a Sunday picnic. We presume it was in this case as very often happens. Somebody went to a dance for a row with anybody and everybody, and got what they went after and something the next day which they didn't expect. KULHANEK was badly hurt about the head, but his wounds are not dangerous. CRETE GLOBE On Wednesday evening, May 10th, at the residence of Mrs. COOPER, in this city, Mr. George H. GLADE and Miss Mamie PATTEN, were united in holy wedlock, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Alonzo PATTEN. Mrs. E.I. FOSS returned the first of the week from a very sad journey. She was called to Birmingham, Michigan a few days ago by the news that her mother was seriously ill. Shortly after her arrival, her mother died. The blow was a sudden one as Mrs. ADAMS left Crete only a few days previous to her death. She had spent the winter with Mrs. FOSS in California and here. BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. SNIDER, a boy, weight ten pounds. This office has failed to smoke but there is still time. We wish the young man a prosperous journey just the same. BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. Henry NEVITT, a girl, weight unknown; quality of cigars usually smoked by the happy father, also unknown. We wish the young lady a happy life, curly hair and a good husband. MARRIED - On last Thursday evening. Mr. Clem SPURLING and Miss Charlotte KRAUSE sacrifice themselves upon hymen's altar. Both of the high contracting parties are well and favorably known in Crete. WILBER REPUBLICAN A surgical operation revealing the most mysterious circumstances was performed one day last week, by Dr. PADDOCK. Dan RAMEY'S little ten-year-old daughter Ethel was noticed, some six years ago, to have a hard slim substance about two inches long, imbedded just below the skin on the back of her neck. Thinking something should be done, Mr. RAMEY called Dr. PADDOCK, who extracted two pieces of what had formerly been a needle. These were in a tolerable fair state of preservation as was also the several inches of cotton thread that was attached to the eye of the needle. By what agency it got there, thread and all, is the mystery. We have often heard of individuals swallowing pieces of needles and many years afterwards detecting them in some external portion of their person, but this is the only instance that ever came under our observation, which points to the truthfulness of the assertion. Word has been received here that AL AYERS, who went from this neighborhood to Chase county, was struck by lightning last Saturday, while breaking prairie. Both of his horses were killed instantly, and he was so seriously injured that his recovery is doubtful. His clothes were torn from his body, and his boots were thrown several feet. Every newspaper in the county was represented at the convention, except the DORCHESTER STAR and the FRIEND FREE PRESS. Page 2 SCHOOL EXAMINATION (................................ missing information) FOURTH GRADE Arithmetic: 1st, Nona FRANTZ; 2d, Lulu LENOX, Harry GATTON, Lewis FRANTZ; 3d, Otto KLINCKNER; Language: 1st, Harry GATTON; 2d, Otto KLINCKNER, Gertie DILLON; 3d, Lewis FRANTZ; Geography: 1st, Lewis FRANTZ; 2d, Frank SHEPARD, Harry GATTON; 3d, Nona FRANTZ; Reading: 1st, Porter KING, Harry GATTON, May AGEE; 2d, Otto KLINCKNER, Lewis FRANTZ, Etta AGEE; 3d, Lulu LENOX, Gladice SHERLEY, Nona FRANTZ; Spelling: 1st, Lewis FRANTZ; 2d, Harry GATTON; 3d, Porter KING; Average: 1st, Harry GATTON; 2d, Lewis FRANTZ; 3d, Otto KLINCKNER, Frank SHEPARD - Eva KELLOGG, Teacher 1ST INTERMEDIATE DEPT. 5TH GRADE Arithmetic: 1st, Clarence WILSON; 2d, Edith FRIEND, Laura HOLT, Lizzie WANTZ; 3d, Frank RAN, Earl DERBY; Geography: 1st, Edith FRIEND, Lizzie WANTZ; 2d, Clarence WILSON, Laura HOLT; 3d, Earl DERBY; Language: 1st, Maud LEASURE, Lena SMITH, Edith FRIEND, Jocie VOXEY; 2d, Lizzie WANTZ; 3d, Ettie KELLEY; Reading: 1st, Maud LEASURE, Anna McKAY; 2d, Edith FRIEND; 3d, Earl DERBY; Spelling: 1st, Maud LEASURE; 2d, Lizzie WANTZ, Edith FRIEND; 3d, Clarence WILSON, Cora MARTELL; Average: 1st, Edith FRIEND; 2d, Lizzie WANTZ; 3d, Clarence WILSON, Maud LEASURE. 6TH GRADE Arithmetic: 1st, Emma CHIKAK; 2d, Loyal BROWN; 3d, Verna KENTNER; Geography: 1st, Loyal BROWN, Alice SMITH, Emma CHIHAK, Maud KING; 2d, Verna KENTNER; 3d, Tine BERNSKOVA; Language: 1st, Loyal BROWN; 2d, Alice SMITH; 3d, Arthur WALSTON; Reading: 1st, Mable CALLAHAN; 2d, Arthur WALSTON; 3d, Verna KENTNER; Spelling: 1st, Emma CHIHAK, Bessie CARPENTER; 2d, Arthur WALSTON; 3d, Tine BERNSKOVA; Average: 1st, Emma CHIHAK; 2d, Loyal BROWN, Arthur WALSTON; 3d, Alice SMITH, Tinie BERNSKOVA - May DORWART, Teacher SECOND INTERMEDIATE DEPT. 7TH GRADE Arithmetic: 1st, Gertie SHIREY, Vesta TITUS; 2d, Cora BOYNTON; 3d, Eugene TULLIS, Clark MOON; Language: 1st, Eugene TULLIS; 2d, Clark MOON; 3d, Cora BOYNTON; Geography: 1st, Edgar TULLIS; 2d, Clark MOON, Eugene TULLIS, Katie KINNIE; 3d, Vesta TITUS; Reading: 1st, Vesta TITUS, Eugene TULLIS; 2d, Edgar TULLIS; 3d, Francis MILLER, Katie KINNEY, Cora BOYNTON; Spelling: 1st, Eugene TULLIS, Vesta TITUS, Edgar TULLIS, Katie KINNEY, Cora BOYNTON; 2d, Gertie SHIREY; 3d, Leo RENGLER, Georgia JONES, Cora BOYNTON; Average: 1st, Eugene TULLIS; 2d, Edgar TULLIS, Cora BOYNTON; 3d, Vesta TITUS. 8TH GRADE Arithmetic: 1st, L.S. FRANTZ; 2d, May JENDEVINE; 3d, Carl BEGHTOL; Language: 1st, Florence McQUILLIN; 2d, Frankie PHILLIPS; 3d, May JENDEVINE, L.S. FRANTZ; Geography: 1st, Jessie CARPENTER, Florence McQUILLIN; 2d, Carl BEGHTOL; 3d, Frankie PHILLIPS; Reading: 1st, Carl BEGHTOL; 2d, Florence McQUILLIN, Frankie PHILLIPS, Maggie McCARTY, L.S. FRANTZ; Spelling: 1st, Jessie CARPENTER, Frankie PHILLIPS, Willie CASS, Florence McQUILLIN; 2d, L.S. FRANTZ, Carl BEGHTOL, Eddie NEWER; 3d, Tommy BLACKMORE; Average: 1st, Florence McQUILLIN; 2d, L.S. FRANTZ; 3d, Frankie PHILLIPS, Carl BEGHTOL - Rose HURLBURT, Teacher B. GRAMMAR DEPT. 9TH GRADE Arithmetic: 1st, Arthur FRANTZ; 2nd, Eddie FISHER; 3d, Victor CARPENTER; Grammar: 1st, Victor CARPENTER; 2d, Jennie FERGUSON; 3d, Olena FERGUSON; Geography: 1st, Arthur FRANTZ; 2nd, Nellie CROWLEY; 3d, Victor CARPENTER; Orthography: 1st, Victor CARPENTER; 2d, Nellie CROWLEY; 3d, Olena FERGUSON, George BARTER; Reading: 1st, Mammie KENTNER; 2d, Eddie FISHER; 3d, George BARTER; History: 1st, Arthur FRANTZ; 2d, Victor CARPENTER; 3d, Eddie FISHER; Average: 1st, Victor CARPENTER; 2d, Arthur FRANTZ; 3d, Olena FERGUSON. 10TH GRADE Arithmetic: 1st, Libbie DORWART; 2d, Bertha MOON; 3d, Gertie MOON; Grammar: 1st, Charlie PHELPS; 2d, Gertie MOON; 3d, Bertha MOON; Geography: 1st, Charlie PHELPS, Willie McKINNEY; 2d, Bertha MOON; 3d, Gertie MOON; Orthography: 1st, Bertha MOON, Gertie MOON; 2d, Charlie PHELPS, Willie McKINNEY; 3d, Libbie DORWART, Mary ANDREW; History: 1st, Charley PHELPS; 2d, Libbie DORWART; 3d, Gertie MOON, Willie McKINNEY, Mary SMITH; Reading: 1st, Mary ANDREW; 2d, Gertie MOON; 3d, Bertha MOON; Average: 1st, Gertie MOON; 2d, Charlie PHELPS; 3d, Bertha MOON, Libbie DORWART - Mrs. Edith EARL, Teacher A. GRAM. 11TH GRADE Arithmetic: 1st, Charles JACKSON, Eunice DILLON; 2d, James BURLEIGH; 3d, Roy LEONARD; History: 1st, Charles JACKSON; 2d, James BURLEIGH; 3d, Mertie MOELLER; Grammar: 1st, Charles JACKSON; 2d, Anna SMITH; 3d, James BURLEIGH; Reading: 1st, Mertie MOELLER; 2d, Belle McKAY; 3d, Charles JACKSON, Lenna AMY; Orthography: 1st, James BURLEIGH; 2d, Charles JACKSON; 3d, Roy LEONARD; Averages: 1st, Charles JACKSON; 2d, James BURLEIGH; 3d, Lenna AMY. 12TH GRADE Arithmetic: 1st, Ralph JOHNSON; 2d, Nellie MARSHALL; 3d, May PHELPS; Grammar: 1st, May PHELPS; 2d, Dean GIBSON; 3d, May FLETCHER; History: 1st, Earnest WARREN; 2d, W.I. JONES; 3d, Henry HOLT; Reading: 1st, W.I. JONES, May FETCHER; 2d, Edward DILLEY; 3d, Earnest WARREN, Dean GIBSON; Orthography: 1st, Earnest WARREN; 2d, Dean GIBSON; 3d, Lillie MARSHALL, Henry HOLT; Averages: 1st, May PHELPS; 2d, Earnest WARREN; 3d, Dean GIBSON - Mrs. LOBDELL, Teacher HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT GRADE 13 Algebra: 1st, Addie MOON; 2d, Milton FRENCH; 3d, Ralph JOHNSON; Physiology: 1st, May PHELPS; 2d, Nettie MARSHALL; 3d, Alice CULLY; Book Keeping: 1st, Charlie FRENCH; 2d, May PHELPS, Preston BLANCHARD, Alice CULLY; Latin: 1st, Ralph JOHNSON; 2d, Nellie MARSHALL; 3d, Charlie FRENCH; Average: 1st, Ralph JOHNSON; 2d, -------; 3d, -------. 14TH GRADE Arithmetic: 1st, William WOLFE; 2d, Addie MOON; 3d, Milton FRENCH; Botany: 1st, William WOLFE; 2d, Addie MOON; 3d, Milton FRENCH; General History: 1st, William WOLFE; 2d, Milton FRENCH; 3d, Addie MOON; Latin: 1st, William WOLFE; 2d, Addie MOON; 3d, Milton FRENCH; Average: 1st, William WOLFE; 2d, -------; 3d, -------. - M.H. LOBDELL, Principal Go to HEWIT'S for the only Prohibition Soda water in town. Mr. Thomas RINEHEIMER has thanks for cash on subscription. Mr. and Mrs. A.N. DONNOCKER, of Lincoln, are visiting here BROWN who worked at the depot has resigned and returned home. Shackey CLARK and Fatty TAYLOR went to Lincoln in quest of work Monday. Mr. Robert McDONALD returned to his home at Leadville, Colorado, Monday evening. Hon. Joshua PALMER had another valuable cow killed by the eastbound flyer Friday. Messrs. Daniel BLANCHARD and J.W. STEINHOFF shipped their fat cattle Sunday evening. Miss May McDONALD returned to her school in the western part of the state Sunday evening. Mr. W.A. PATTERSON was shaking hands with his friends this week. Mrs. P. has also been visiting friends in the country. B.D. JOHNSON, R.V. PALMER, J.R. CLAPHAN, John F***ING, J.N. JACKSON, Julius BOYEE, R.D. LULL and Robert McDONALD each have thanks for cash on subscription. At the election held by the Masonic Lodge last Wednesday evening, Dr. J.V. BEGHTOL was elected Master and J.O. FRANTZ, secretary, for the ensuing year. Our reporter failed to get the names of the other officers elect. Mr. and Mrs. H.L. LEWIS returned from their visit down in Kansas Sunday morning. They express themselves well pleased with the country, but are a little radical on the subject of fleas. They are visiting this week at Tobias, and Henry will be found in the depot again next week. SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of Nebraska in and for Saline county, and to me directed as Sheriff in and for said Saline county and state of Nebraska, wherein W.B. McKINLAY is plaintiff and John W. GILBERT, administrator of the estate of Michael WANTZ, deceased, et al, are defendants, I will on the 28th day of June, A.D. 1888 at 2 o'clock p.m. of said day at the east door of the Court House in the village of Wilber, Saline county, Nebraska, offer for sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate to wit: The northwest quarter (n.w. 1/4) of section seven (7) in township seven (7) north range two (2) east of the sixth (6) p.m. in Saline county, Nebraska, containing one hundred and fifty-five and 36-100 acres according to Government Survey. Given under my hand this 24th day of May, A.D. 1888. John BARTON, Sheriff. ----- Copyright © 2006 Vicki Conklin Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project