Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Bonnie Fletcher Eggert The Telegraph, 22 Feb 1889 Published in Friend, NE by Edward A. Whitcomb Page 2 That Cane BRUNDAGE is evidently the ugliest man in Friend or for forty miles around and should have had the cane but the G.A.R. would not receive votes on time and the cane went into comlier (sic) hands. Not A Word To Say Notwithstanding the county republican convention endorsed the action of Attorney Gen. LEESE and declared in favor of a more reasonable rate of transportation, not a single paper in this county outside of the Telegraph has lisped a single word in favor of carrying out these principals (sic) and relieving the people of this burden that annually takes more than one half of the farmers earnings. He Is Ashamed For the past few weeks BRUNDAGE of the Free Press has been taring (sic) off the patent intestine portion of his paper and mailing this office for an exchange but last week he failed to show off with anything. If the matter contained in the Free Press takes up his reported business promises we are not at all surprised that BRUNDAGE is ashamed to mail a copy of his patent intestined postal card to this office. A Fraud Last Mondays Omaha Republican contained what purported to have been a sermon delivered by a Chicago clergyman denouncing prohibition and this purported Chicago sermons (sic) shows more ear marks of the Nebraska whiskey trust than even the Omaha Bee's supposed Iowa letters. We are a little surprised that any set of men should attempt to palm off on an unsuspecting reader any such a production for a sermon. Mrs. GATTON came up from Lincoln yesterday. Ekie JONES will start next Monday for Mt. Vernon, Ohio, where he will make his home with Rev. STRONG. There was a rather sudden change in the weather yesterday. The mercury fell fifty degrees in sixteen hours. --- The Telegraph, 22 Feb 1889 Published in Friend, NE by Edward A. Whitcomb Page 3 (Note from transcriber: From time to time there will be property sale announcements included, but I will not transcribe the entire notice, as many times there are just too many items. If anyone wants details, email me with the name of paper, date of issue and page, and I will transcribe entire notice for you - BFE) Born, Feb. 20th, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester ANDREW, a daughter. Vest was setting up the cigars to the boys in fine style on Wednesday over the affair. The conductor of the east bound passenger train while at the depot Monday, took his foot from the rear of a refactory (sic) passenger who had become pretty abusive. Rev. SHARRATT of this city preached two sermons in the Congregational church at Exeter last Sunday and Rev. GILBERT, of Exeter, preached in the Congregational church in this city on the same day. Public Sale Having rented my farm, I will sell at public auction at my farm on the county line 4 miles west and 3 miles south of Friend at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp, on Wednesday, February 27th, 1889, the following property to-wit: (list of animals, implements, and etc.) Free Lunch At Noon Terms: January 1st 1890, on approved notes with 10 per cent interest on all sums of $10 and over. Under $10 cash. I. S. YOEMAN T. C. CALLAHAN, Auct. Auction Sale We will sell at Public Auction on the Cain farm three miles south of (blank) 10 o'clock a. m. sharp, on Thursday, Feb. 28th, 1889, the following property to-wit: (list of stock and implements) Terms Of Sale! December 1st 1889, on approved notes with interest at 10 per cent on all sums over $10. $10 and under, cash. CAIN Bros. T. C. CALLAHAN, Auct. E. VAUGHAN, of Whiting, Iowa, arrived with his family Tuesday. He will build soon. Dr. DOTY has bought the gray mare of Billy FRALICK and now sports a matched team. Will RANGE, who has been quite sick, is improving under the care of Dr. DOTY. Mr. and Mrs. Frank HUNKINS were made happy on Saturday last by the advent of a bran (sic) new son. Frank was looking for a kerosine (sic) barrel. Sheriff's Sale By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of Nebraska held in and for Saline county, and to me directed as Sheriff in and for Saline county and State of Nebras(sic) Hollahorein (sic)(perhaps a line of type is missing) Chas. W. LYMAN and Martin and George BARNETT & Co. are Plaintiffs on the 28th day of February, A.D. 1889, at 2 o'clock P.M. of said day at the east door of the Court House in the town of Wiber (sic), Saline county, Nebraska, offer for sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate to-wit: Lot No. thirty-one (31), Section twenrty-three (23), Town eight (8), Range one (1) East in C.E. Friend's 1st addition to the village of Friend, Saline, Saline county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 25th day of January, A.D. 1889 John BARTON, Sheriff Chattel Mortgage Sale Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated July 30th 1886, a copy of which is duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Saline county, Nebraska, and executed by N. L. CURTIS to HALL & PTAK to secure the payment of the sum of $25.00, and upon which there is now due the sum of $6.65 with interest at the rate of ten per cent from March 26th, 1887. Default having been made in the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore we will sell the property therein described, to-wit: One Orchard City wagon, at public auction in front of the office of PALMER & HENDEE in the village of Friend, Saline county, Nebraska, on the 9th day of March, 1889 at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. HALL & PTAK, Mortgagees By PALMER & HENDREE, their attorney Mrs. H. A. JOHNSON is on the sick list. Mr. J. N. JACKSON has thanks for subscription. Rev. BENNET, of Crete, occupied the Congregational pulpit last Sunday. Ekie JONES started east last Monday. His mother accompanied him as far as Lincoln. Joseph GILMORE paid $800 for that horse instead of $8000, as reported in the Telegraph last week. Mrs. H. R. BROWN and son who have been spending a few weeks visiting in these parts returned home to Dakota on Monday. On Monday their (sic) fell about three inches of the beautiful snow and sleighs were at once brought into use by people who enjoy a sleigh ride. That beautiful snow vanished Tuesday like a summer dew and the fellows who had planed (sic) to take their best girls out sleighing Tuesday evening were rather beautifully left. It is reported at these headquarters that Bro. BRUNDAGE is the latest to bob up as a candidate for the post office at this place. Great Gods! will the days of wonders never cease. Mr. Geo. T. HANER has been busily engaged during the week filling the Newer Ice house with beautiful ice and matters look as though ice would be a trifle cheaper next summer than it has been in the past. Died, Feb. 24th, 1889, William DONNELLY, aged 80 years. Mr. DONNELLY was one of the old settlers of this precinct and on account of his mild and gentle ways was beloved by all who knew him. Mr. DONNELLY was the father of Mrs. Hon. P. M. MULLEN, of Omaha. The funeral was held from the Catholic church on Monday last and he was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery south of town. Died, Feb. 23d, 1889, Mr. Michael O'BRIEN, aged 63 years. Mr. O'BRIEN moved to this state from Illinois three or four years ago and settled in the north part of this precinct. Last fall he was attacked with an effection (sic) of the gall and which failed to yield to treatment. He made a trip to Hot Springs, Ark., in hopes of regaining his health but to no avail. During his sojourn here Uncle Mike, as he was familiarly called, made many friends. The funeral was held on Sunday from the Catholic church, Rev. Father CROW, officiating. Advertised Letters List of letters remaining unclaimed in the postoffice (sic) at Friend, Saline Co., Neb. H. CAVETT, Mrs. DUNLAP, L. D. GIRARD, Carrie May HERN, Simon HERSCH, James MYERS, Aseneth POWELL 2, F. E. WILLIAMSON. When calling for any the (sic) above please say they are advertised. W. F. WOLFE, P.M. Stock Sale I will sell at Public Sale at my farm 8 miles south and 2 miles east of Friend, at 10 o'clock a. m. Wednesday, March 6th, 1889, the following described property: (list of stock) Show parade at beginning of sale. Terms: 12 months time on approved notes with interest at 10 per cent. 5 per cent off for cash. J. N. JACKSON T. C. CALLAHAN, Auct. ======== Copyright © 2006 Bonnie Fletcher Eggert Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project