Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska. Transcribed by Vicki Conklin FRIEND WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, E. WHITCOMB, Editor and Proprietor, Friend, Nebraska, October 19, 1888 Page 3 CITY TALK Everything in the Husking Pin line at BISSELL & SCHMIDT'S. Mr. P.J. GOSSARD has thanks for three iron dollars on subscription. Messrs. HACKER BROTHERS have moved into the room in the NEWER block vacated by MITCHELLS. Mr. FRED SCHMIDT arrived Wednesday and will make his headquarters at BISSELL & SCHMIDT'S. Hon. M.A. DAUGHERTY, the people's friend and choice for representative, was in town Wednesday. Mr. JOHN CLYNE, of Maple Park, Illinois, has rented one of SCHMIDT & CONE'S rooms and will open up a general stock. Everybody says that BISSELL & SCHMIDT has the finest display of heaters and cooks in the town and their prices are right. Last Friday a small boy who was loafing around R. DINE'S shop stole a couple of door keys. Such boys are candidates for the penitentiary. DENT is a brother-in-law of L.H. BROWN; BROWN is a partner with G.W. HOLDREDGE. This may explain why DENT is trying to defeat DAUGHTERTY and the people's ticket. JERRY SULLIVAN attended the great rally at Friend last Thursday and did up HENRY BARTON pretty badly, and for which JUSTICE ELLSWORTH assessed a fine of $10 and costs. Mr. and Mrs. M.J. ROACH, of Omaha, are spending a few days in this neck of woods visiting friends. Six new families have located in Friend this week and the former vacant houses are being taken rapidly. J.O. FRANTZ took the early train last Friday morning for New York, to be present at his sister's funeral. Mr. S.J. HITTERTY, of Minden, Nebraska, a former old resident of these parts, called this week and made this office richer by cash on subscription. Mr. and Mrs. W.H. PROUDFIT, of Denver, Colorado, were made happy by the advent of a bran new baby boy in their family on Tuesday of last week. MARRIED - At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. D.B. BURLEIGH, Sunday, October 14th, by Rev. L.D. GOODWIN, Mr. C.W. H**R, of Schuyler, Nebraska, and Miss GRACE. C. BURLEIGH, of this city. The Friend Literary society is hereby called to meet in HEWIT'S Hall Friday evening, October 19, at 7:30, for the purpose of renewing the work of the society. - L.P. GESSELL, Vice President J.K. LANE, of Pleasant Hill, has challenged A.B. McNICKLE to a joint discussion of political affairs at Friend on the 19th inst. J.D. POPE and MIKE ALD are also requested to come in and state the faith which in them lies. HACKER BROTHERS rented the vacant room in the NEWER block for a hardware store, but SLIPPERY TOM and POPE rushed around and had new locks put on the room, even after the keys had been delivered to HACKERS. That kind of business usually does not win very long at one time. FRED BILMORE, of Tobias, called at these headquarters on Tuesday. Word reaches us that JOHN GRO** is very low with mountain fever. Mrs. A.Y. CRAIG started yesterday morning for a visit in Iowa and Missouri. Mrs. O.H. ROBERTS, a sister of Mr. ORLANDO BERTON, is visiting in the neighborhood. COIT HOLT while out at MILLERS to a party had the large wheels of his buggy changed to the front so that the blood would not run to his feet. As Mrs. McCONNELL was driving into town Friday ****ing the buggy pole dropped to the ground and the team in attempting to run away were pulled up against FRANTZ'S hitching post. The double-tree was broken and it was a narrow escape from a runaway. Sunday VAN KELLY took it upon himself to abuse BERT KEELER a little as he was passing down the street, and at the same time gave emphasis to the abuse by pounding BERT on the chest. BERT, when forbearance had ceased to be a virtue, reached out with his left and dealt KELLY one on the nasal organ which settled it. Mr. H.F. BRICKLEY returned from his visit west on Sunday. Several of our citizens attended court last Monday morning. Mr. EUGENE LENAX of Calvert, Colorado is visiting friends here. Mrs. JOSEPH GILMORE started Monday for a visit to her parents in Minnesota. Prof. J.D. FRENCH and JED ANDREW are attending the session of the Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F, at Omaha. Mr. J.H. McMILLEN, an old time resident of this town, now of Wymer, Nebraska, made this office a call on Monday. FERDINAND ARNDT returned from the prison Tuesday, having served out his time. He is considerably crippled from the gun shot wound in the arm and returns to Friend a broken down old man. ADVERTISING LETTERS List of letters remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at Friend, Saline County, Nebraska. O.H. FREEMAN, C.W. HARKINS, FRANK MUTHENY, E.L. MUTHENY, J.A. SU***UEBON, DICK SPIRITS, DELLA VALLER 2, NEWT YOUNG. When calling for any the above please say that they are advertised. - W.F. WOLFE, P.M. ----- Copyright © 2006 Vicki Conklin Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project