Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Bonnie Fletcher Eggert The Telegraph, 15 Mar 1889 Published in Friend, NE by Edward A. Whitcomb Page 3 City Talk Stanley LARSON, of Tobias, was in town Wednesday. Sheriff BARTON was in town yesterday. Mr. F. I. FOSS was in the city on Monday. Mrs. C. M. PARKE returned from her visit east yesterday. A couple of friends of Mr. KRAMER have been visiting him this week. Mr. R. E. DENT, Jr., and family took Sundays train for San Jose, Cal. Rev. BARKER of the M. E. church is still carrying on the revival with some degree of success. Two joined the church on probation last Sunday. Brother BRUNDAGE has returned his sterotype(sic) outfit. Friend will be a city of the second class after May 1st next. Archie VAUGHN has been sent to Crete where he will officiate as night operator. Mr. HIGGENSON takes his place at our depot. While attempting to reach the train at Crete a few nights ago, Ed. PARKER ran into a switch target and is looking much as though he had been through a clover huller. Mr. William MILLER and Miss CAIN were married at Wilber last Thursday. There was a large crowd at R. VAN ALLER's sale last Friday. Mr. METZ did splendid crying, sold lots of stuff and gave good satisfaction (even) if it was a cold day. On Wednesday John BELDIN, Charles LAWHEAD and John NAGLE were arrested and brought before Esq. ELLSWORTH on charge of committing and abuse on the person of Baltzer STOKER, a half witted boy. The justice fined the boys $5 apiece and costs, but upon their promising to do better the fine was remitted. Two of Friend's swains took their best girls last Sunday and visited our sister city of Crete. On the return trip the horses in some manner became unmanageable and breaking the double-tree ran away, making them walk to Dorchester, where the girls were sent home on the night train. We have not been advised as to what caused the horses to run away but presume to say that there is not a horse in Friend so giddy as to get frightened at a noise that sounds very much like a kiss. A letter received from Mr. William PALMER, of Alexandria, Texas, states that farmers down there are through sowing small grain and are beginning to plant corn. He also states that improved land is worth from $10 to $15 per acre; unimproved from $3 to $8 per acre. The cold wave that was billed for this state on Wednesday failed to arrive on time owing to a very hot box(?) and a large flock of spring birds on their journey northward, but arrived in good shape last evening, and loaded with sleet and snow. The sleighing is better this morning than at any time during the winter, and will doubtless be enjoyed while it lasts. Special Examinations Friend, Neb., March 12th, 1889 I will hold a Special Examination at Friend on Saturday, March 23d, 1889, and also at Tobias, March 30th, for the benefit of those desiring teacher's certificates. J. D. FRENCH, Supt. Pub. Instruction Saline county, Nebraska Dissolution Notice The partnership heretofore existing between Isaac MEHURON and W. T. DUDGEON and doing business under the firm name of Mehuron & Dudgeon is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Isaac MEHURON W. T. DUDGEON Friend. Neb., March 1st, 1889 Cleaning snow and ice off the sidewalks was the order of business this morning. The Wages of Sin Margaret BURRESS Takes Her Own Life at Cordova Last Sunday (what follows is a lengthy article. Names mentioned: Margaret BURRESS, George GILLEN, Dr. DOTY, C. C WILLS, Mrs. McGLYNN. If anyone would like a complete copy, contact me directly- BFE). Blood On The Moon The Congregational church at Cortland is after Representative McNICKLE. It is possible that they are going to church maul him for voting for submission. ----- Copyright © 2006 Bonnie Fletcher Eggert Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project