Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska. Transcribed by Vicki Conklin FRIEND WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, E. WHITCOMB, Editor and Proprietor, Friend, Nebraska, September 14, 1888 Page 2, part of WILBER OPPOSITION JOE BURKE received a genuine surprise last week in a visit from his father, D.C. BURKE, of Clay County, Kansas, whom he had not seen for seven years. A large plate glass window of BORECKY & SHIMONEK'S store was broken in a scuffle, yesterday forenoon making a nice little bill to foot for who ever has to stand the damage. KARL SAGL returned from Hot Springs, Tuesday, looking much improved. He witnessed the recent waterspout, the effects of which he describes as fearful. A son of ALBERT MRKVICKA, about seven years old, fell off a load of hay in the east part of town, Tuesday, breaking his left arm at the elbow joint. Owing to its position the fracture is a serious one. A daughter of FRANK DUDEK was bitten on the right foot by a rattlesnake last Thursday while she was walking through the grass. The swelling became so alarming that DR. KIRSTEN was called in and under his treatment she was soon out of danger. ------------ Page 3 CITY TALK We noticed MR. JOHN GAVIN on our streets Monday. MR. FRED SCHMIDT, of Hardy, visited with his brother, H.P. SCHMIDT, last week. MR. S. ANDREW has some of his fine Poland China hogs on exhibition at the State Fair. We have a fine 160 acre farm for sale at a bargain on reasonable terms. Farm lays within four miles of Friend and is a desirable piece of land. Will be sold at a bargain. For further particulars inquire at this office. MR. F.P. WATTS went west Saturday afternoon. SHERIFF BARTON was on our streets Wednesday evening. MR. JOE BOYNTON spent Sunday with his family in this city. Get lithograph printing at this office without extra expense. H.W. HEWIT has some elegant photo albums. Call and examine them. A boy can buy as cheap of me as a man. G. KRAMER FOR SALE - A large self-feeding heater for seven dollars, at McDOUGALL & CALLAHAN'S. A sister of MRS. W.H. GOODWIN arrived Monday and is visiting relatives in this *********. Friend is very dull this week, by reason of so many of our citizens attending the state fair. MR. M.R. STANLEY has some of his fine horses and ponies on exhibition at Lincoln this week. People who call to advertise lost articles should be sure the article is really lost before they call. A large crowd of people were unable to get aboard the 5:30 train Wednesday morning at this place. MISSES BESSIE BLACKMORE and MERTIE MOELLER went to Omaha Monday, where they will attend school. Immense crowds are flocking from every part of the state to Lincoln this week to visit the state fair. MR. C.E. VAN PATTEN of Tobias, was in town last Tuesday evening shaking with his numerous friends here. UNCLE JOHN MONTI arrived Wednesday morning from Oberlin, Kansas, and is looking after his business interests here. REV. CLARK, a former Congregational minister of this place is in town this week renewing old acquaintances and visiting friends. The excursion to Lincoln Wednesday was considerable late, which caused the air to smell rather sulphury for a short time in the depot. W.S. COVEY went to Beaver Crossing Monday to move a building. SPENCE is getting there in his line of business with both feet, as it were. The TELEGRAPH is issued a few hours ahead of time in order that the boys may attend the state fair at Lincoln. That show is one that no one can afford to miss. What the TELEGRAPH lacks editorially this week will be more than made up next week, as the editor will be on hand after his week's lay-off at the state fair, with renewed energy. On Saturday, September 8th, I opened out a new stock of clothing, hats and caps and furnishing goods at prices that will suit the public. Give me a call. G. KRAMER The young people's society of the Congregational church will give an ice cream social in the church on next Tuesday evening, September 18th. A good time is guaranteed to all who attend. All are cordially invited to come. MR. JACKSON MARTIN, of Southington, Connecticut, a relative of MR. O.E. SHEPARD, arrived Monday, and is making his first visit to the state of Nebraska. Monday was a day not calculated to give a stranger a very good opinion of the country, but we can assure MR. MARTIN that the weather is not always as bad as it was Monday. Box Butte County is said to have the finest exhibit at the state fair of any county in the state. Messrs. F.C. HINMAN and D.P. BURLEY sent some fine chickens to the State Fair last Saturday. The weather bureau managed to send us a very small sized shower Monday evening. Small favors thankfully received and larger ones in proportion. DR. HEWIT is going to have the finest selected stock of holiday goods ever brought into the city - they are coming and don't fail to be on hand and join in the rush. W.H. BISSELL commenced moving Tuesday and has been busy all this week straightening up. MR. BISSELL has one of the finest store rooms in town and will get there in a manner that will lay all competition in the shade. The schoolmarm in district No. 108 was seen last Monday **** *** **** strong mowing machine, waxing a deadly war on the weeds and sunflowers that had taken possession of the school grounds. Do not tell us there is no energy or pluck about Nebraska schoolmarms. We know better. A DEMOCRAT MEETING Turkey Creek Precinct, Saline County, Nebraska, September 10, 1888 - A meeting of the democrats of Turkey Creek precinct was held for the purpose of electing delegates to the county convention, and at the same time a Cleveland and Thurman Club was organized with M.J. QUIN* as president; P. O'BRIEN, vice president; JAMES MADIGAN, secretary; DAN SULLIVAN, treasurer. A soliciting committee was appointed, consisting of C.A. WIDICK, D. MURPHY and THOMAS SPENCE. A visiting committee from the Friend club was present and consisted of J.I. HOLLAND, C.E. FRIEND, R.E. DEN and JOSEPH SONDERMANN. All present were treated to a good speech by home talent. SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District in and for Saline County, and to me directed as Sheriff of said Saline County and State of Nebraska, wherein RICHARD DINE is plaintiff and R.P. and SARAH DINE are defendants, I will on the 13th day of October, A.D. 1888, at 11 o'clock a.m. of said day, at the east door of the court house in the village of Wilber, Saline County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot No. six (6) in JOHN K. FRIEND'S addition to the town, now village of Friend, in the county of Saline, designated by the recorded plat of said addition. Given under my hand this 12th day of September, A.D. 1888 - JOHN BARTON, Sheriff ........................ WEDDING BELLS MARRIED - On Thursday, September 6th, 1888, at the residence of the bride's parents, MR. CHARLES W. LONG and MISS BERTHA E. DRISCALL of this county. The TELEGRAPH joins with the many friends of this young couple in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life. The newly married couple were the recipients of numerous handsome and use presents of which the following is a list: MR. W.P. DRAKE, clock; MRS. W.P. DRAKE, set of silver knives and forks; MR. CHARLES LONG, set of silver teaspoons; MRS. CHARLES LONG, ***p; MR. AND MRS. T.C. CALLAHAN, silver **stor; MR. AND MRS N.C. MILLER, wash bowl and pitcher; MR. AND MRS. JOHN MUMMA, pair towels; MR. AND MRS. J.M. MUMMA, set of silver teaspoons; MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH MUMMA, silver butter knife; MR. AND MRS. JAMES KELLOW, platter; MR. AND MRS. T. NICKOLS, case of writing paper; MRS. J. NICKOLS, pair towels; MISS HATTIE NICKOLS, toilet vase; MR. AND MRS. W.H. BROWN, cake stand; MISS FLORENCE LONG, sugar bowl; MISS EUNICE DILLON, pitcher; MISS ROSA MILLER, tidy; MR. DILLY, big water melon; MRS. DILLY, linen table cloth; MRS. W.S. DRAKE, set silver table spoons; MR. AND MRS. ROHRER, set pie plates; MR. AND MRS. Z. DILLON, tidy; MRS. ED MCLICK, tidy; MR. AND MRS .JAMES LONG, linen table cloth and napkins; MR. WILLIAM THOMPSON, deep dish; MRS. WILLIAM THOMPSON, tureen; MR. AND MRS. W.S. MUMMA, lantern; MRS. LAURA ANDREWS and sister MARY ALLEN, bed spread......................... partial transcription of this newspaper. ----- Copyright © 2006 Vicki Conklin Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project