Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska. Transcribed by Vicki Conklin FRIEND WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, E. WHITCOMB, Editor and Proprietor, Friend, Nebraska, October 12, 1888 Page 2 Transcriber's Note: The copies from this page consist almost completely of political backstabbing. For that reason I didn't transcribe them. Page 3 CITY TALK J.M. KECKER started Monday for a visit down in New York state. Thursday the 4th Dr. HEWIT was called to see a sick family over beyond Beaver Crossing. M.A. DAUGHTERTY, of Crete, the next representative from this county in the legislature, was a pleasant caller on Saturday. Last week MRS. CARPENTER'S little boy, while playing on the school ground, was pushed over by a larger boy and had his arm broken. Dr. HEWIT set the arm. WANTED - A few day boarders. Am convenient to business part of town. Will do my best to give satisfaction. Mrs. M.B. CASS Nice little rain Thursday evening. Mr. GEORGE C. GIFFIN of Exeter, called yesterday. There will be a wedding in this city Sunday evening. Mrs. McDOUGALL made a trip to the capitol last week. The democrats raised a bran new flag yesterday morning. FOR SALE - If you want to buy stock pigs call on J. McCARTHY. Dr. DOTY, of Cordova has been on our streets quite frequently of late. BILLY BARCLAY is up from Wymore on a visit. BILLY is at present laid up with a ***m on his hand. A cousin of Mr. H.M. SMITH arrived on Wednesday's Denver train and is visiting here this week. Quite a large crowd enjoyed themselves at the dance at Warren's Opera House on last Friday evening. Mr. FRED SHUNK has thanks for cash on subscription to this great moral and religious family paper. WILL BARTER returned home from his **la on Wednesday, where he has been working for sometime. Mrs. McKINNIE has sold her home and lot to Mr. H.A. JOHNSON and booked their departure for Yuma, Colorado, Thursday evening. A number of republicans from this place attended the rally at Dorchester last Saturday evening, and report having had a genuine good time. Mr. G. KRAMER has presented each member of our cornet band with a new white plug hat. Mr. K. doesn't propose to be outdone by any one in the matter of liberality. The change of time on the B & M hasn't very materially effected the arrival and departure of trains, as they make no pretensions to making time and take a sort of go-as-you please gate. Transcriber's Note: Most of page three not readable. ----- Copyright © 2006 Vicki Conklin Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project