Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Teri Fisher The Weekly Standard, Friday, 9 Jun 1893, Published in Friend (Page 1) B & M TIMETABLE (railway) GOING EAST No. 4 Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:49 a. m. No. 2 Flyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:01 p. m. No. 6 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:19 p. m. No. 78, Freight and accommodation . . . . 1:37 p. m. No. 79, fast freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:10 p. m. No. 2 and 6 stop at Fairmont. No. 78 will stop only when there is stock for east. GOING WEST No. 1, Fast Passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:56 a. m. No. 5(?) Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:37 p. m. No. 3 Flyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:26 p. m. No. 27 Freight and Accommodation. . . . .11:37 a. m. No. 1 and 2 stops only at Fairmont. B. W. DAVIS, Agent. LOCAL SIFTINGS Mrs. GRAVES is visiting at Omaha this week. S. D. (J.D. ?) POPE and Wm BURKE were Lincoln on Tuesday. G. HAVENS went to Lincoln on business on Tuesday. Wm WOLFE received a fine Italian queen bee from Aurora, Neb, Wednesday. Mrs. Wm PORTER left for Monroe Wisconsin Tuesday. She expects to be absent about four months. J. PALMER and wife accompanied by Miss COOLEY started on Tuesday for a six weeks visit to Salt Lake City and the west. Court NUNEMAKER was a Tobias visitory in this city Sunday. Misses Carrier PEEK and Addie MOON went to Fremont on Monday. Frank STEVENSON is building a residence on his farm southeast of the city. Mrs. Oscar JOHNSON, Miss Birdy MOSSBACK, Mrs. Lizzie SMITH, Jacob TEHWABOUER Just received, a car of rock salt at HOLLAND & Son's. The best stock salt in the world. Otto NIEMAN and J.E. RULE of Western were in the city Sunday. they started for the World's Fair Monday. The little boy of Mr. BEEKLY's from whom Dr. HEWIT removed two quarts of puss from his side about two weeks ago is improving. Robt SANDS left for Sterling Scotland Monday. He will go via the Cunnard line and expects to be gone about four months. Milton FRENCH who has been here visiting his sick brother returned to Hildreth Monday, where he has engaged in the real estate business. Mr. LONERGAN informs us that the hail destroyed all of his wheat and oats, also badly damaging his corn but he thinks the corn will survive. Editor WHITCOMB of the Telegraph returned from the World's Fair Friday last. He reports the great exposition in a booming condition. He intends to return some time next month to resume his position of Superintendent of the Nebraska Bee and Honey exhibit. J. H. MCFARLING's little boy has the typhoid fever. J. GILMORE was visitor at the Capitol City, Tuesday. BORN. -- June 3: '92 to Mr. and Mrs. Allan MCLEAN, a daughter. Mr. YORK and family of Milford, is visiting relatives in this city this week. Ralph JOHNSON who has been attending the State University is at home. W.H. PURDY and Mrs. MANSFIELD in "popping" scene should be seen to be appreciated. Christian ALLENBERGER who has been attending the medical college to Chicago is here on a visit. Married. -- Tuesday, June 6, by Rev. E. P. DADA. Mr. R. T. ANDERSON and Miss Minnie WARD, both of Friend. Ekie JONES, who for the past few months has been connected with Hicks Bro's Pharmacy of Hastings, has resigned his position and is home on a visit. E. CUNNINGHAM who has been to New York for the past two months at the bedside of his sick wife, returned on Tuesday. He reports a cold, wet, backward spring in the east and crops in bad shape. E. MCDOUGALL and wife of Dorchester, as in the city Monday. S. ANDREW received a telegram Tuesday from Ohio, ----ancing the death of his mother. The deseased (sic) was in her 85th year. Geo. W. WHITE who has been spending a week with his son, H. M. WHITE of this place, left for his home at Springfield Nebraska Thursday. Mrs. M. MCDOUGALL and Miss Gertrude EMPEY will spend the summer at Brockville Canada. They started on Tuesday and will visit he worlds Fair on their route. A letter from Shenandoah, Iowa stated that the prospects were not very promising for crops in that section. All the farmers are replanting their corn and small grain is very backward on account of the continued cold weather. It has been reported to this office that during the storm last Saturday a hail stone a foot and a half long fell at Cordova, also two hogs belonging to a farmer near that place had their backs broken by falling ice. It must have been terrible. (Page 4) SOCIETIES A. O. U. W. Friend Lodge, No. 115 Regular meeting on the 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. JOSHUA PALMER REC. J. J. HOLLAND M. W. A. F. & A. M. -- Friend Lodge No. 73 - Regular communications of the Wednesday evening on or before the full moon of each month. Hall over BISSELL & SCHMIDT's store. All brothers 'n good standing are invited to attend. D. C. PAGE, sec. I. CHAS SANDERS, W.M. J. O. O. F. Silver Link Lodge No. 69 - Meets every Saturday evening in the hall; in the Warren block. Brothers from abroad in good standing are cordially invited. J. A. COOVER, N. G. A. L. HARTLETT, Sec. G. A. R. W. F. STACY post. 12 Meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Visiting comrads cordially invited to attend. W. F. WOLFE, commander. F. WHITCOMB, Adjutant HESPERIAN LODGE No 8. Knights of Pythias meets 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month in Masons Hall, E. D. LEONARD C. C. C. D. MOFFATT, K.H. MONDERN WOODMEN of American Camp. No 3. meets at HEWITT's Hall 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. C. WARNER V. C. C. BLANCHARD CLERK. Friend Rebekah Degree Lodge, No 58, meets every 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month in Odd Fellow's hall. Visiting brothers and sisters from abroad cordially invited. MRS. C. D. MOFFATT, N. G. Dora BUTLER, Sec. FRIEND Farmers Alliance No 1435 meets first Friday night of every month at the I. O. O. F. hall. ESTABLISHED 1600 - Cottage prayer meeting every Friday evening. Holiness meeting Sunday 3 P. M. at the home of S. TINLEY, -- Pastors and people cordially invited. These meetings are not postponed on account of bad weather. IMPROVED ORDER OF REDMEN, CHEROKEE TRIBE, No. 12 sleeps every 2nd and 4th Wednesday evening of each moon, at the I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers are invited to meet with us. D. G. HOPKINS, C. of R. Royal Neighbors of America. Our Friend camp No. 15 meets 1st and 3d Saturday afternoon of each month at Odd Fellows hall Oracle, Hannah WHITCOMB. Recorder, E. G. WEAVER. Free Intelligence Office. This is to inform the public that there has been opened in the STANDARD office a book of registry where boys or girls, or parents desiring work may call and register free of charge. During the month of May marriage licenses were issued by the county judge as follows. Howard STEPHENS, Dorchester................24 Mina GARDNER, Saline county.................18 Carl RICCHE, Lancaster county.................55 Mary STIPEK, Saline county.....................46 J. A. OSBORNE, Dorchester......................26 Eva STRUNK, Dorchester..........................23 Anton ZUMPFE, Saline county..................26 Mary HYAK, " ".......................16 Forrest MILLER, DeWitt............................20 Daisy G. RICKARD " ............................18 James KUCERA; Saline county................26 Barbra ZUMPFE " " ................16 Charles E. ARGYLE - Swanton.................28 Ada B. DENNY, " .................25 August H. MILLER, Crete.........................41 Harmke EVOGEN, Lancaster co..............41 Calvin I. Clark, Tobias............................29 Ida McELHINNEY " ............................26 Charlco A. McGARGAR Lincoln............30 Jenette M. CHIPMAN " ............18 William Schmidt, Saline county............23 Augusta Schmidt " " ............23 -------Wilber Republican (newspaper) CRAPE is worn for at least six months after the death of a father, and plain black for six months, during that time it is not customary to go into society. It is reported by good authority that McCool, Nebr., was somewhat demoralized by the wind and hail last Saturday, breaking many windows, and blowing over many small outbuildings. J. A. WILD will start the new paper at Plymouth a small town in this county. -------- Copyright © 2006 Teri Fisher Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project