Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Linda Humphrey The SALINE COUNTY STANDARD, April 8, 1892 Page 3 B. & M. TIME TABLE GOING WEST. No. 1 Fast Passenter.................. 6:17 a.m. No. [3?] Mail and Express.............10:22 p.m. No. [3?] Mail, Express, and Pass...... 1:48 p.m. No. 5 Mail and express................ 1:37 p.m. No. 27 Freight and Acc'n..............12:28 p.m. GOING EAST. No. 4 Mail and Express................ 5:46 a.m. No. 6 Express and Passanger...........12:28 p.m. No. 2 Fast Passenger.................. 1:43 p.m. No. 28 Freight and Acc'n.............. 1:48 p.m. Nos. 27 and 28 daily except Sunday. H. L. LEWIS, Agent ---------------------- SOCIETIES A. O. U. W. Friend Lodge. No. 115 Regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. GEO. GOCKLEY Rec. H. H. HENDEE, M. W. ----------------------- A. F. & A. M.--Friend Lodge No. 73.--Regular communications on the Wednesday evening on or before the full moon of each month. Hall over BISSELL & SCHMIDT's store. All brothers in good standing are invited to attend. D. C. PAGE, Sec. H. L. LEWIS, W. M. ----------------------- I.O.O.F. Silver Link Lodge, No. 60.--Meets every Saturday evening in the hall, in the Warren block. Brothers from abroad in good standing are cordially invited. A. R. BARCLEY, N. G. G. W. STEVENSON, Sec. ----------------------- G.A.R. W. F. Stacy post. 130 Meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Visiting comrads cordially invited to attend. E. WHITCOMB, commander S. S. STORY, Adjutant ----------------------- Hesperian Lodge No. 8. Knights of Pythias meets 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. In Masons Hall. H. L. LEWIS, Com. D. G. HOPKINS, K. H. ----------------------- Modern Woodmen of American Camp. No. 43. meets at Hewitt's Hall 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. D. G. HOPKINS, V. C. E. H. AGEE, Clerk ----------------------- Friend Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 58, meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month in Odd Fellow's hall. Visiting brothers and sisters from abroad cordially invited. Mrs. H. P. SCHMIDT, N. G. Maggie GORDEN, Rec. Sec. ----------------------- CITY COUNCIL. Wm. BURKE..............Mayor Fr. F. ALEXANDER.......Clerk J. D. POPE.............City Attorney COUNCILMEN--FIRST WARD. Henry WISSENBURG Joseph SONDERANN SECOND WARD. A. S. McKAY J. J. HOLLAND ----------------------- SCHOOL BOARD. H. P. KING.............President J. WARREN..............Secretary E. I. FERGUSON.........Treasurer Wm. PORTER Dr. BEGHTOL James SMITH B. F. RENGLER ----------------------- F. D. POPE, Attorney at Law. Practice in all the Courts. Conveyancing--and all Legal Papers drawn ----------------------- Dr. J. V. BEGHTOL Physician and Surgeon. Office in Newer's Block ----------------------- Call at the Coronado Hotel Barber Shop E. S. GOODIN, prop. Always First Class Work Done. Friend, Neb. ----------------------- PENSIONS. The Disability Bill is a Law. Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled Dependent widows and parents now dependent whose sons died from effects of army service included. If you wish your claims speedily and successfully prosecuted addess James TANNER, Late Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, D. C. ----------------------- First National Bank, Friend, Nebraska. Capital and Surplus, $65,000.00 Interest allowed on time deposits. Real estate loans made. Officers: E. SOUTHWICK, President W. O. SOUTHWICK, cashier R. M. PROUDFIT, Assistant cashier. ----------------------- TERMS OF COURT For The Year 1892. Seventh Judicial District of Nebr. Hon. W. G. HASTINGS, Judge. SALINE COUNTY: February 15th. May 31st. September 26th. THAYER COUNTY: March 8th. June 7th. October 11th. NICKOLLS COUNTY: March 22d. June 21st. October 25th. CLAY COUNTY: April 5th. June 21st. November 8th. FILLMORE COUNTY: April 19th. June 28th. November 22d. At the second term in each county there will be no jury unless other wise ordered by the Judge. A. N. DODSON, Clerk Dist. Court. -------------- LOCAL SIFTINGS Arbor day April 22. Easter Sunday April 16. R. BARKLEY went to Lincoln today. Go to HANERS for fresh and salt meat. Call at L. C. JACKSON's for fresh fruit. Peter JUDGE went to Wilber on Tuesday. Geo. JEWELL, started for the west Monday. Mrs. GOODEN of Lincoln is visiting in the city. New goods--Call and inspect. J. H. PHILLIPS. Will CASS is nursing a sore hand these tine [sic] days. T. C. CALLAHAN visited the Capital city Tuesday. M. AHL visited Lincoln on business Wednesday. Dr. J. V. BEGHTOL was at Wilber Wednesday. Charlie FRENCH is teaching school near Cordova. J. W. STEVENSON and wife was at Lincoln Sunday. Soterian Ginger Ale for sale at L. C. JACKSON's. Harry STOUT came up from DeWitt Sunday to see his ma. A. E. MOELLER took in the sights at Lincoln on Tuesday. C. W. BECKWITH of Exeter was in Friend last Saturday. Lewis FLETCHER is building an addition to his residence. We shall give a full program of the voting next week. C. M. SMITH, the popular tailor, visited Exeter Monday. Call at L. C. JACKSON's for the first milk shake of the season. Geo. Stanley came up from Lincoln last week with a fine horse. One of Edison's phonograph's is on exhibition at HEWIT's store. Ed. FULTON's smiling face was seen on the streets yesterday. Miss Katie CROWLEY has been engaged as clerk, in the postoffice. Mr. Joe CROWLEY who lives noath [sic] of town; is not expected to live. The editor has been holding down a dose of the quinsy this week. Mrs. J. V. BEGHTOL visited her son Flint at Nebraska City, Saturday. WANTED:--500 pigeons, will pay cash, call on W. R. CASS at this office. Mr. PIKE is out again after an attack of the grippe and rheumatism. The B. & M. Railway cigar for sale at L. C. JACKSON's. Call and try it. M. F. FRANTZ of Tobias, Sundayed in Friend, the guest of L. E. SOUTHWICK. Gent's and Ladies' furnishing goods, cheaper than ever. J. H. PHILLIPS. Mrs. John McCAULEY has been quite sick but is now slowely improveing [sic]. Harry STOUT and Will CASS took in the sights at Beaver Crossing, on Wednesday. E. S. ABBOTT of Crete was attending to some legal business in this city Monday. The bridge gang of Wilber are at work on the Turkey Creek bridge south of town. Mr. CROFTON's barber's family have arrived and will make Friend their future home. Tom MAITERS of Harvard was the guest of Dr. J. V. BEGHTOL and Family last Sunday. Mrs. BAKER, daughter of Mr. TREMPER, has been judged insane and was taken to Lincoln today. C. H. METZ has been suffering with a dose of the grippe, but is convalescent at this writing. C. W. HURD came down from Fairmont Sunday, and was the guest of his nephew, W. C. BLAISDELL. SHOES. SHOES. SHOES. We will sell cheaper than any house in Saline County. J. H. PHILLIPS. Will Wolfe returned to school at Lincoln Monday, after a week's vacation with parents and friends. W. I. STOUT went to Lincoln last Sunday, and reports say he has gone to take a course in the business college. Mrs. Kate SLAGG, matron in the Home for the Friendless, has been visiting her father Mr. JENNINGS who is quite sick. Disease never successfully attacks a system with pure blood. De Witt's Sarsaparilla makes pure, new blood and enriches the old. -- 4tf Other medicines might help but to make assurance doubly sure use De Witt's Sarsaparilla to enrich, purify and renew [the] blood. -- 4tf Friend escaped the heavy winds and cyclone of last Friday with the exception of a few chimneys which were mortally twisted. Ralph JOHNSON returned to Lincoln, on Monday mornings train, after a weeks vacation in this city visiting his parents and many friends. Corsets. We have secured the agency of the Gage, Down Corset Co's. Ask to see our different styles and get prices. J. H. PHILLIPS. WEDDING STATIONERY:--We have the finest line of these goods west of Lincoln. Call and examine them we will not give you away. James FLETCHER, while at work on a building in Elgin, Ill. lost his balance and fell a distance of twenty-four feet breaking one of his limbs. Chas. FISHER will move the building lately vacated by Mrs. S. I. ALEXANDOR, to the rear of his store as soon as the ground becomes settled. It is a truth in medicine that the smallest dose that performs the cure is the best. De Witt's Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will perform the cure and are the best. 4tf No. 4 passenger did not arrive in Friend, Tuesday morning on account of a bridge being burned west of Hastings. There was an extra made-up in Hastings and sent to Lincoln. ----------- NOTICE. We wish to state that all unpaid subscription due the Standard is from this date, April 1st, due to W. C. BLAISDELL, our successor. -- W. H. STOUT. ----------- MILLINERY. For the best bargains in millinery come and see me. I will sell Ladies and Misses hats cheaper this spring than ever before. Everything marked down for the next week. -- Mrs. M. McFARLANE. ------------ THE HUNTERS RETURN. Tuesday noon's train brought back the hunters from the Platte. Their game bags were full, but the hunters looked pretty empty. They report as having a good time but the stormy weather made it bad to get around. Mrs. L. R. PATTON, Rockford, Ill., writes: "From personal experience I can [recommend] De Witt's Sarsaparilla, a cure for impure blood and general debility." --4tf John COOVER is making some important changes on the C. M. DRUSE residence in the shape of an addition and remodeling the house in a very artistic manner. When completed, Charlie will have a cozy home. ------------- REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. A republican caucus will be held at the city hall on April 9, 1892, at 7:30 P.M., to elect delegates to the county convention and transact any other business that may come before the meeting. --W. A. WHITCOMB, Chairman. ------------- NOTE TO PALE FACES. All those interested in the establishing of a tribe of Red Men in Friend will please call upon Frank HACKER, sign petition for charter and deposit the necessary wampum, as officers have been elected and arrangements are being perfected to institute the tribe Saturday night, April 9th. Order of Committee. ------------- Mr. STEINHOFF has just had one of those famous drive wells put down, on his farm. It is 128 feet deep and cannot be pumped dry with wind mill or engine. Mr. CHRESTENSEN done the work and it needs no compliments on his part, a talk with Mr. STEINHOFF will convince the most skeptical. Frank CLINE is making arrangements to move to Beatrice about the 15th of this month. Mr. CLINE has been constable here for two terms and has filled the office with satisfaction to all. The best wishes of the community go with Mr. C. to his new field of labor. We understand he has accepted a position in the wind mill company's office in that [city]. "Late to bed and early to rise will shorten the road to your home in the skies." But early to bed and a "Little Early Riser," the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. -- 4tf The B. & M. officials were in the city Tuesday, looking up the advisability of building an addition to the depot on the east for a ladies waiting room. This would be a much needed improvement, as the waiting room they now have, is interely [sic] too small for the accommodations of both ladies and gentlemen. This improvement is a much needed and will be greatly apreciated by the citizens of Friend, and vicinity. INCREASED HIS FACELTIES C. CRESTENSEN has purchased a portion of the Bass livery stock, and has also leased the lots and buildings, which, with the complete outfit he already had, he will be in shape to serve all who wish rigs, on short notice and the best turnouts in the state west of Lincoln. Mr. C. will never be found napping day or night, and is good for long or short drives. We think a call and drive behind his fine roadsters will verify our statement. Bright people are the quickest to recognize a good thing and buy it. We sell lots of bright people the Little Early Risers. If you are not bright these pills will make you so. -- 4tf Last night while Chas. E. MILLER and wife were returning from Beaver Crossing, the buggy suddenly dropped into a rut throwing Mrs. MILLER out injuring her slightly. "THE FAMOUS" To the Ladies of Friend and vicinity: Mssrs. M. ACKERMAN & Co. of Lincoln, Neb., proprietors of the well known millinery establishment, called "The Famous," have opened a branch store here, in the store room formerly occupied by C. M. PARKE. Mrs. S. I. ALEXANDER who is widely and favorably [known?] to all, will be in charge [as manager?]. It will be the aim to [make?] this branch compare very favorably with the Lincoln store as far as goods and prices can lay a claim to establishing a prestage. The [grand?] spring opening display will be held Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 6, [7, 8 and 9]. Don't forget the place, [text missing due to rip in paper] store room formerly occupied by C. M. PARKE. CORDOVA NEWS. Alex GILLEN has sold his famous horse Breton, to parties at Wray, Colo. G. GRETCH has sold his butcher shop to C. LAUERMAN. Mr. CRAVEN and family of Friend, visited with Mr. D. GILES Sunday. U. MOORE is clerking for Dr. C. W. DOTY. Mrs. L. RODEMAN is visiting friends in Lincoln, this week. ----------------- In making a trip around the county last week, W. C. BLAISDELL called on his uncle, C. W. HURD and family, formerly of this city, but now living two miles north of Fairmont. Mr. HURD has a fine farm of 160 acres, a large orchard of thrifty looking trees comprising nearly every variety that can be grown with profit in this country; in fact, Mr. Hurd has an ideal farm, and himself and family appear to be content with their lot, which is undoubtedly envied by all. ----------------- ANOTHER STORM. Monday night a heavy storm prevailed in Kansas and western Missouri. At Cherayvale, Kansas, six houses were destroyed and two people killed. Much damage was done to fruit trees and crops. The hail stones are said to have been eight inches in circumference. At Emporia much damage was done. The storms were accompannied by waterspouts which flooded the creeks. Fields for miles are under water. The crops are entirely washed out and the farmers will have to replant. A severe snow storm prevailed in northwest Dakota the 4th. Heavy snow storms and blizzards are reported in nearly all directions, even Pennsylvania has received a share of the cold weather and storms. ----------------- MARRIAGES. During the month of March marriage licenses have been issued by the county judge as follows: Walter DILLON, Saline county........29 Della BRITTON, " ...................24 Joseph STICH, " ....................24 Tracy VJETROVEC, Gage county........23 Robert A. DEVITT, Tobias............23 Hattie MEAD, " .....................16 Stepan VOGELTANZ, Gage county.......23 Mary MELICHAR, Lancaster county.....21 James GOODING, Western..............32 Jane ELENOIR, " ....................36 Harry McTAGGART, Saline county......21 Minnie L. WRIGHT, " ................21 Vincent KRATKE, " ..................24 Emily STUDENE, " ...................21 Chas. SCHWISON, Western.............29 Augusta HINZMAN, " .................18 Christian GRANZO, Saline county.....48 Frenerihka A. MUELLER, " ...........50 John W. MARTIN, Dorchester..........59 Martha S. McADOO, " ................28 Chas. OLEXA, Saline county..........27 Mary VOGELTANZ, " ..................18 George ESSMAN, Swanton..............21 Mary TETE, " .......................14 Lowe DITTMER, Crete.................23 Emma MIENKA, Lancaster county.......26 John HIBLIGHTNER, Saline county.....33 Maggie HERNER, " ...................20 Josef RASPLICAK, Saline county......25 Katerina MUSI[???]..................18 Frank SPORKA, Saline county.........24 Mary VESELY, Wilber.................17 ------------------- BUSINESS LOCALS It is a fixed and immutable law that to have good, sound health one must have pure, rich and abundant blood. There is no shorter nor surer route than by a course of De Witt's Sarsaparilla. -- 4tf Cranberries at PAGE's Grocery. House paints and machine oils at DORWART's. Go to ADAMOWSKY for your home-made cigars. Go to PAGEs for Boots & Shoes, gents furnishing goods. If you want to BUY or SELL a farm call on C. M. DRUCE. Office over KING's store. If in need of clothing call and see me. I guarantee a fit or no pay. Suits to order from $12 up, pants from $3 up. -- F. DRUSE, 46tf Geo. CROFTON keeps the finest barber shop and the only bath-room in the city under the First National Bank. Try him when you want a good shave, hair cut or bath. -- 19 --------------------- TO SUBSCRIBERS. Those who pay up to date and wish the paper for another year they can get it for $1, in advance. New subscribers same price. --------------------- NOTICE. All those knowing themselves indebted to Wm. PORTER, are requested to call and settle on or before the 10th, of April. -- 9 w2. -------- Copyright © 2006 Linda Humphrey Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project