Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Teri Fisher The Weekly Standard, 5 May, 1893 Published in Friend, Nebraska LOCAL SIFTINGS Rye Flour at PAGE's. Fresh Crackers at DWYER's. Den GILMORE had the measles. Fine Confectionary at DWYER's. Francie LOCKE had the measles. Best Tea in the city at DWYER's. If you want fresh bread call on F.L. SUDDITH. Thos. MOORE had business in Wilber Monday. W.O. SOUTHWICK was a passanger (sic) on No. 4 Monday. The prop'r. of this sheet is on the sick list this week. A.B. SANDERS has added a new pourch (sic) to his residence. George HAVENS started with his wife Tuesday for California. Mr. Ralph JONES, of Lincoln, has accepted a position in the creamery. S.S. STORY will loan you money cheaper than any one. Call and see him. Charlie FRENCH is slowly improving. He is able to be out on nice days. This is fine weather for planting corn and a great many farmers are at it. Milton ERENCH is now in the insurance business at Hildreth, this state. Harry STOUT of DeWitt, spent Sunday in Friend. Mrs. H. WISSENBURG and son of King Fisher OKLAHOMA and visiting friends in this city. Mr. CUNNINGHAM left Sunday for New York in response to a telegram that his wife was very low. Charlie HOGAN has returned from his western trip, and declares that Saline Co. is good enough for him. Miss Jessie JOHNSON has brought her bicycle down from Lincoln and can now be seen making her daily rounds by wheel. Remember the sale of the NEWER estate on May 12th. Mr. Lou BAXTER, of the Star Clo. Co. who has been confined to his room in the Coronado Hotel forthe past two months was moved down to his home at Crete Tuesday. C.P. COTTON and wife left this week for Gothenburg, Neb. to visit their son and on returning will stop at Holdrege and make their daughter a veist (sic). They will drive through with horse and buggy. The (sic) expect to be absent about one month. As Mrs. J. McVANY was starting out of town last Thursday, the team became scared and started to run down 4th street, at the corner of 4th and Maple a man caught them and he succeeded in running the (sic) into a wagon and stopped them. Mrs. McVANY was overcome with fright when helped from the buggy. It was a narrow escape. Friday night the young folks gave a ball in honor of Cort NEUNEMAKER. There were about 16 couple in attendance and all enjoyed themselves until about 1 o'clock. After the dance Cort invited those present to Wm. GOODWINS parlors to partake of strawberries and cream. Cort left Monday for Tobias where he will take r (sic) positin in a bank. This is Friend's loss and Tobias' gain. Friend looses one of her most popular young men, and Court (sic) will be greatly missed especially in society circles where he is one of the foremost. Tobias will gain an honorable, upright young man who will be a desired addition to the town, both in society and in a business way. The World's Fair A great white city! Buildings large enough to seat hundreds of thousands of people at one time! A park two miles long, varying from a few hundred yards to a mile in width and fronting the lovliest (sic) inland sea in the world! Flowers, music, strange people everywhere! That's the Columbian Exposition. Don't miss it. It's the greatest, grandest, most unique spectacle this earth of ours ever saw. And the Burlington Route will take you there comfortably, quickly, cheaply. See the local agent he will tell you about trains. Excursion rates every day. Resolutions Whereas it has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the universe to remove from our midst our beloved brother and treasurer William PORTER, one whose heart beat in unison with the brothers, and one who always extended a helping hand to the poor and weak, ever exemplifying the principles of the order he espoused and loved. Whereas, the memory of a life so true to principle, so honest in his efforts to elevate and perpetuate the best elements of (----)hood should be cherished, add that a proper recognition of his virtues and the zeal with which he persued the right should be had therefore be it resolved by Friend Lodge No. 73 A.F. and A.M. on the register of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska that while we humbly submit to the will of the most high, yet in our hearts we mourn and feel the loss of our brother who has been taken from us. His presence at his accustomed place the treasures desk and his wise council in times of trial will be missed. No more will we see the kindly face or grasp the hand that sent the thrill of friendship through his fellows, and the lips that once spoke words of comfort and of cheer are hushed in death. Resolved, that in the death of Brother PORTER this lodge laments the loss of one of its most useful members, one whose utmost endeavors were extended for its wellfare (sic), one who was never absent when possible to be present, a trusted friend, a noble companion, a good citizen whose upright conduct all might imitate. Resolved, that we extend the heartfelt sympathy of this lodge to his sorrowing family. Resolved, that these resolutions be spread upon the records of this lodge and copy them transmitted to the family of our deceased brother, and to each of the newspapers of Friend. H.F. BRICKLEY, Com. J.D. POPE, F.O. HINMAN. On last Monday evening the board of education passed the following resolutions: Whereas, it has pleased an All Wise Providence to remove from our midst Mr. William PORTER, therefore beit resolved that in his death the board of education has lost an active efficient member, a wise counselor and friend. That the public schools have lost an earnest supporter, who at all times labored for their better upbuilding. That he was ever kind, courteous and considerate, dilligent (sic) in the performance of duty, and honorable in all his acts. Resolved, that we extend to the widow and friends of the deceased our deepest sympathy in this our mutual sorrow and that copies of these resolutions be presented to Mrs. Wm. PORTER, published in the city papers and spread upon the records of this board. H.P. KING L.E. SOUTHWICK J.V. BEGHTOL James SMITH M.H. HENDEE H.F. MORTON & Co. Real Estate Dealers ------------------------- Notary Public, Conveyancer ------------------------- Farm Loans and Insurance. ------------------------ Friend, Saline Co., Nebraska ------------------------ Office, in the Packard building. ------------------------ Have for sale Improved Farms, Houses, and Lots. ----- Copyright © 2006 Teri Fisher Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project