Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Teri Fisher The Weekly Standard, 2 Jun 1893, Published in Friend, NE (Page 3) LOCAL SIFTINGS Rye Flour at PAGE's. Fresh Crackers at DWYER's. Fine Confectionary at DWYER's. Best Tea in the city at DWYER's. Fine milk shake at M. FLOSTROM's. Look for a cut in price at the Star Grocery. Sweet Potato Plants, at MAJORs Barber Sop. If you want fresh bread call on F. L. SUDDITH. AHL & DRUSE sold the old SHEPARD gallery to Dr. HINNMAN this week. Mrs. George TAYLOR a former Friendite is visiting among friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie HURD of Fairmont spent Decoration day in Friend, Miss Ada Fair left Sunday for a visit to her parents near Oberlin, Kansas. Mrs. PTAK returned last week from an extended visit to her parents in Kansas. Mrs. Lyde Neal of Oklahoma is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. DELONG this week. A. R. BARCLAY drove over to Wilber Saturday and turned two prisoners over to Sheriff BARTON. Messrs JOHNSON and MAXFIELD of the Fairmont Signal were in this blooming city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Joel Andrew drove over to Geneva last Saturday and spent a couple ofdays with friends there. Mrs. R. E. MOON and Grandma RUSSELL of Saunders Co. are visiting among their friends here this week. Mrs. A. R. BARCLAY will start Monday for a visit to her old home in Indiana Co. Pa. and will spend a couple of months there. Do not forget that HOLLAND & Son manufacture their own wire and picket fence doing the labor at home. Patronize home industry. Mrs. Clara DALZELL a daughter of Mr. PACKARD came in from Akron Col. on Sunday and will spend several weeks visiting relatives here. The young ladies who spoke at the campfire Tuesday night done themselves proud and the exercises were enjoyed very much by their hearers. If the gang of lazy loafers who make their headquarters along the railing on the west side of the Merchants and Farmers Bank would transfer themselves to some other place the light would be able to shine through the windows of the basement. Professor HOPKINS and H. BALCH started during the rain Wednesday for a trip by wagon down to Oklahoma, they expect to be at the opening of the Cherokee strip. A large number of Ex-McDonough County ILlinois residents met at Dr. BEGHTOL's office last Saturday and orgnized a McDonough Co. Associaton. Dr. BEGHTOL was elected president of the association. All persons who live in Saline or adjoining counties and who formerly lived in McDonough Co. Ill. are invited to become members of the association and are requested to send in the names of all persons entitled to membership. The object of the association is to promote social relations and revive old acquaintences. A picnic is decided upon for the near future and a committee consisting of Josaph COPERTHWAITE, chairperman, L. THOMPSON, Chas BUTLER, Jack JUSTICE and Wm PORTLOCK were appointed to select grounds and date for holding the picnic. A committee of arrangements will meet again next Saturday and further notice will be given to all persons interested. NOTICE Rebecca GIBSON will take notice that on the 18th day of May 1893 O. G. ELLSWORTH; a Justice of the Peace of Friend Precinct, Saline County Nebraska issued an order of attachment for the sum of $200, in an action pending before him wherein Frank CONROY is Plaintiff and Rebecca GIBSON defendant that property of the defendants consisting of $22.40 has been attached under said order, said cause was continued to the 12th day of June 1893 at 2 o'clock p. m. on said day. FRANK CONROY, Plaintiff Friend, Neb; May 15th 1893 (Page 4) THE WEEKLY STANDARD PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY THE BLAISDELL Printing Company. W. C. BLAISDELL EDITOR AND MANAGER. Entered at the Postoffice at Friend, Neb. as second-class mail matter. COMMENCEMENT (this article is quite lengthy, so I'm only including the list of graduates, the Programme and the Valedictorian speech. if anyone wants the entire article, please contact Susan Thomas or myself.) The class consists of eight young ladies and two young men, their names are, Cora G. DILLEY Wm E. WARNER, Olena FERGUSON, Mamie KENTNER, Carl BEGHTOL, Nettie WILSON, Nellie CROWLEY, and Gertie MOON. Programme. Music, Select, Friend Orchestra, led by Prof. FRANTA. Invocation, Rev. P.C. JOHNSON. Music, The Lost Ship, Mixed Quartett (sic) Essay, "Row with The Oar You Have:, Cora G. DILLY. Oration, The Advantes of Freedom, Wm. E. WARNER Solo. That Melody Divine Olem FERGUSON Essay, "Never a Rose Without a Thorn," Jessie M. DREHER, Essay, "Power of Circumstances," Jennie E. FERGUSON, Music, Select, Friend Orchestra, led by Prof. FRANTA. Essay, "The Habit of Observation," Mamie KENTER Oration, Nebraska. Carl D. BEGHTOL Duet, Till We Meet Again, Misses DWYER and WARNER. Essay, "Virtue the Soul of Intelligence," Nettie L. WILSON, Essay, "The Marble Waiteth," Nellie D. CROWLEY. Music, Select, Friend Orchestra, Essay, "Beneath the Flower Petals," Olem FERGUSON, Essay and Valedictory, "The End is Not Yet," Gertie EOON (sic). Presentation of Diplomas. Prof. D. G. HOPKINS, Benediction. Valedictory. Friends and patrons of the school: Before we part, we tender you our sincere thanks for the interest your presence here manifests. You may well be proud of the noble work you have accomplished in institnting (sic) such a public benefit by which so many have been and many may still be receiving and improving good opportunities. We request you as friends to rejoice in our success and kindly overlook our mistakes. Our most earnest wishes are that our actions may be such as to make you never regret your efforts in our behalf, or your attendance and kind attention here to-night. Members of the board of Education, our most heart-felt gratitude be yours, for your unselfish efforts in your attention to our needs. Not unmindful are we of these benefits and to you warmely (sic) return our kind wishes for your future success and your greater reward in the home above, to which one of your number has so recently journeyed. Dear Teachers: What can pay the debt we owe you? Surely words cannot: they merely affirm that you have been our staff oe'r the rugged road to knowledge. By your ready smiles of consolation and kind assistance in times of trouble, many clouds of discouragements have passed away, As the snow-flakes of time descend upon your heads, care will be delven away by the peacefullness of your conscience for your efforts have not been in vain. We will always keep a tender place in our hearts for you, and the happy days we have spent under your care. For these favors we do not know how to thank you, but there is One who does, and in the appointed you will receive your just reward though trials and discouragements be many and the recompense small. Dear Schoolmates: Many happy days have we spent together in the school-room in study and amusements but such happy days cannot always last. Our school relations form but a short time of our lives but in that time the seeds are sown from which we reap our future success our future. Tonight these old relations are severed and we stand on a threshold of a newlife (sic) "The end of the beginning." In this our paths must necessarily diverge and we may never in this life meet again as an unbroken band. We say farewell to our teacher and those of our school mates who follow us. None may know whether all of us may win the crown- none may know who will be the first to fall; but if love and memory may guard you in the hour of peril, mine go with you wo the conflict. Treasure the hopes that have led you thus far on your way and with your armor bright let your feet tread firmly on the battleground where I to must stand to conquer or to die. Life is before ye and while now ye stand Eager to spring upon the promised land. Fair smiles the way, where yet your feet have trod But few light steps upone a flowery sod. Life is before ye oll (all?), if you could look, Into the secrets of that sealed book, Strong as you are in youth and hope and faith Ye would sink down and falter. Give us Death! Life is before ye from the fated road Ye cannot turn then take ye up your load. Not yours to tread, or leave the unknown way Ye must go o-er it, meet ye what ye may. Fall not, for Sorrow, falter not for sin. But onward upward, till the goal ye win. God guard ye, and God guid ye on your way Young pilgrim schoolmates who set fourth today. (note: highest average in schoolarship was attained by Carl D. BEGHTOL which entitled him to the free scholarship at Doan College at Crete, Nebraska. he was admitted as a student until the year 1897.) ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to inform the public that I have made arrangements with several eastern parties to form a Portrait Company, which will here after be known as the Columbian Portrait Co. The object of this company is to establish branch galleries over this part of the state with headquarters in Friend. With increased facilities and capital at our command I assure better work than ever, and trust that an appreciative public will favor the new company with its patronage already so liberally bestowed upon me. A. ROGGEN. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In estate of Emily A. PRAUL deceased. In County Court, Saline county, Nebraska. To the Creditors, Heirs, Legatees, and others interested in the estate of Emily A. PRAUL. Take notice. That E. I. FERGUSON prays for leave to render in the County Court a final report of his doing as administrator of said estate, and it is ordered that the same stand for hearing the 21st day of June A.D. 1893 before the court at the hour of one o'clock P.M. at which time any person iterested (sic) may appear and except to and contest the same. And notice of this proceeding is ordered given by publication in the FRIEND Standard a newspaper printed in Friend Saline county, Nebraska, for three weeks successively previous to the day set for said hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court at Wilber, this 27th day of May A.D. 1893. N. B. HAYDEN, County Judge. -------- Copyright © 2006 Teri Fisher Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project