Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Linda Humphrey The SALINE COUNTY STANDARD, May 27, 1892 Front Page (Part 1) B. & M. TIME TABLE GOING EAST. No. 2 Mail and fast passenger......... 1.01 p.m. No. 4 Main and express................ 5:46 a.m. No. 6 Flyer........................... 9:11 p.m. No. 8 Local...........................11:52 a.m. No. [28?] Freight and accommodations.. 1:37 p.m. GOING WEST. No. 1 Fast Passenger.................. 6:16 a.m. No. 3, Flyer.......................... 7:26 p.m. No. 5, Mail and Express............... 1:37 p.m. No. 7, Local..........................10:22 p.m. No. 27 Freight and Accommodation......11:52 a.m. No. 2 stops at Hastings, Fairmont, and Lincoln. No. [5?]. stops at Hastings, Crete and Lincoln. No. 1, stops at Lincoln, Fairmont and Hastings. No. 3, stops at Lincoln, Fairmont and Hastings. W. L. JOHNSON, Agent ---------------------- SOCIETIES A. O. U. W. Friend Lodge. No. 113 Regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. Geo. GOCKLEY Rec. H. H. HENDEE, M. W. ----------------------- A. F. & A. M.--Friend Lodge No. 73.--Regular communications on the Wednesday evening on or before the full moon of each month. Hall over BISSELL & SCHMIDT's store. All brothers in good standing are invited to attend. D. C. PAGE, Sec. H. L. LEWIS, W. M. ----------------------- I.O.O.F. Silver Link Lodge, No. 60.--Meets every Saturday evening in the hall. In the Warren block. Brothers from abroad in good standing are cordially invited. A. R. BARCLEY, N. G. G. W. STEVENSON, Sec. ----------------------- G.A.R. W. F. Stacy post. 130 Meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Visiting comrads cordially invited to attend. E. WHITCOMB, commander S. S. STORY, Adjutant ----------------------- Hesperian Lodge No. 8. Knights of Pythias meets 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. In Masons Hall. H. L. LEWIS, Com. D. G. HOPKINS, K. H. ----------------------- Modern Woodmen of American Camp. No. 43. meets at Hewitt's Hall 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. D. G. HOPKINS, V. C. K. R. AGEE, Clerk ----------------------- Friend Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 58, meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month in Odd Fellow's hall. Visiting brothers and sisters from abroad cordially invited. Mrs. H. P. SCHMIDT, N. G. Maggie GORDEN, Rec. Sec. ----------------------- Established 1800. Cottage prayer meeting every Friday evening. Holiness meeting Sunday 3 P.M. at the home of S. TINLEY. Pastors and people cordially invited. These meetings are not postponed on account of bad weather. ----------------------- CITY COUNCIL. Wm. BURKE..............Mayor C. F. WEATHERLY........Clerk K. M. PROUDFIT.........Treasurer J. D. POPE.............City Attorney COUNCILMEN--FIRST WARD. J. GILMORE E. AGEE SECOND WARD. Frank HACKER H. MORTENSEN J. W. STEVENSON, engineer ----------------------- SCHOOL BOARD. H. P. KING.............President J. WARREN..............Secretary E. I. FERGUSON.........Treasurer Wm. PORTER Dr. BEGHTOL James SMITH B. F. RENGLER ----------------------- [F.?] D. POPE, Attorney at Law. Practice in all the Courts. Conveyancing--and all Legal Papers drawn ----------------------- Dr. J. V. BEGHTOL Physician and Surgeon. Office in Newer's Block ----------------------- Call at the Coronado Hotel Barber Shop C. S. GOODIN, prop. Always First Class Work Done. Friend, Neb. ----------------------- Mike AHL Notary Real Estate Dealer. Farm Loans. Taxes Paid. Insurance and Collections. Office: Warren's Block, Friend. ----------------------- PENSIONS. The Disability Bill is a Law. Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled Dependent widows and parents now dependent whose sons died from effects of army service included. If you wish your claims [s]peedily and successfully prosecuted addess James TANNER, Late Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, D. C. ----------------------- First National Bank, Friend, Nebraska. Capital and Surplus, $65,000.00 Interest allowed on time deposits. Real estate loans made. Officers: K. SOUTHWICK, President W. O. SOUTHWICK, cashier R. M. PROUDFIT, Assistant cashier. ----------------------- THE FRIEND MARKETS. Corrected Every Week. Wheat.............. .55 Corn............... .30 Oats............... .22 Hogs...............$3.75 to $4.00 Cattle.............$3.50 to $3.75 Butter............. .15 Eggs............... .12 ----------------------- LOCAL SIFTINGS Money at less than 7 per cent. J. B. SCOTT. O. I. C. the cheapest shoes in town at CUNNINGHAM's. CUNNINGHAM Bros. have treated themselves to a new awning. Fifty cents pays for the Standard from now until January 1st '93. J. B. SCOTT will loan you money at less than 7 per cent on real estate. "Martin Luther" by H. A. PALLISTER at the Baptist church May 31st. The weather indications for the next twenty-four hours as follows: Fair, warmer, southerly winds. The marshall needs a Gatlin gun and the Nebraska National Guards to assist him in killing dogs the coming summer. Mrs. J. E. HUNT returned from Harvard, Monday where she has been visiting friends. Disease never successfully attacks a system with pure blood. De Witt's Sarsaparilla makes pure, new blood and enriches the old. 4tf No. 5 passenger going west was about two hours late Monday. Iowa has not thoroughly got over her floods, which is the cause of delay. The latest styles in millinery at the "Famous" for Decoration day. Prices too low for competition. Mrs. S. I. ALEXANDER, manager. Mrs. L. R. PATTON, Rockford, Ill. writes: "From personal experience I can recommend De Witt's Sarsaparilla, a cure for impure blood and general debility." 4tf The Famous is Headquarters for millinery. Hundreds of shapes to select from. Prices too low for competition. Mrs. S. I. ALEXANDER, manager. Bright people are the quickest to recognize a good thing and buy It. We sell lots of bright people the Little Early Risers. If you are not bright these pills will make you so. 4t It is a fixed and immutable law that to have good, sound health one must have pure, rich and abundant blood. There is no shorter nor surer route than a course of De Witt's Sarsaparilla. 4tf "Late to bed and early to rise will shorten the road to your home in the skies." But early to bed and a "Little Early Riser," the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. 4tf Other medicines might help but to make assurance doubly sure use DeWitt's Sarsaparilla to enrich, purify and renew the blood. 4t It is a truth in medicine that the smallest dose that performs that cure is the best. De Witt's Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will perform the cure and are the best. 4tf Ladies if you want a lovely hat for Decoration day the Famous is the place to get it. Prices too low for competition. Mrs. S. I. ALEXANDER, manager. If dull, spiritless and stupid; if your blood is thick and sluggish; if your appetite is capricious and uncertain, you need a Sarsaparilla. For best results take DeWitt's. We had the pleasure of testing the ice cream made by L. C. JACKSON this week, and can say it was the best we have eaten in this town. There is more cream than skim milk used in the manufacture of ice cream at JACKSON's. The Friend Band has failed to show up on the streets Saturday afternoons. A man is said to have walked eight miles through the mud and carried a yellow dog for the express purpose of hearing the band. Friend has one of the finest bands in the state and we are sorry to have them disappoint the people who come out to here [sic] them. The railroads have agreed to sell round trip tickets to [Omaha], at half the regular rate to accommodate parties desiring to visit the manufacturers exhibit to be held in that city, from June 11th to the 22nd. The half fare tickets will be sold on the 13th, 15th, 16th and 18th of June, good for the return any time up to the 22nd, inclusive of the month. -------- Copyright © 2006 Linda Humphrey Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project