Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Teri Fisher The Weekly Standard, 19 May 1893, Published in Friend, NE (1st column) LOCAL SIFTINGS AUCTION Buggies, Spring Wagons, and Road Wagons sold by Mr. HARRIS are all Good Goods and fully warranted. Come in and look his goods over. Goods on exhibition a week before sale. Sale Saturday June 3, 1893. Nine months time given. The ladies of the M. E. church will serve dinner and supper on Decoration Day in the vacant room in the Opera Block. While Messrs VSU ALLER and BURTON were having a lawsuit about the commission for selling Mr. BHRTONS farm DRUSE and AHL sold it the second time. They are the people and they sell more farms than anyone. The citizens of this city will raise a flag staff on the public school building on Saturday at 8 o'clock on Monday morning, the flag of this Republic will be run up the staff and a salute of 13 guns fired. Everybody invited to be present. HARNESS Mr. HARRIS sells at auction a lot of first class harness both single and double. On Tuesday evening a surprise party was given Mr. Frank MURRAY it being the occasion of his 19th. birthday A large company were present and enjoyed a very pleasant time. The principal presents were a gold watch by his parents and a gold chain by the company. For about ten days our constable R. BAACLAY (sic) has missed his pet dog and he had concluded some one had administered a dose of lead. On Monday a peculiar noise was heard over among CLARKS organ boxes behind MOORE's shop upon turning one of them over. BARCLAY's dow (sic) was found, nearly starved and barely able to get home. Arrangements have been made by the Baptists of this place for app- ropriately celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Dedication of their House of Worship on the 20th. and 21st, of Map. An interesting program has been prepared for each of these days. The exercises on Satuoday (sic) will open at 2 p. m, and 7. p. m. On Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p, m, The roll call will be the principal feature of the Sunday morning services, Rev. J. J. KEELER State Missionary is expected to be present ih (sic) the evening. All are cordially invited to attend this gather ing, especially those who were present at the Dedication in May 1893. (2nd column) Get a glass of cider at JACKSON's. Old papers 20 cents per hundred. There is a dance in Cones Hall this evening. Do no (sic) overlook the bargains A. ROGGEN is offering. Joshua WARREN purchased the old NEWER farm last week. Miss Nellie GREEN started for a visit at York on Tuesday. Mrs. BLAISDELL returned from her visit at Fairmont, last Sunday. This office has just received a large supply of all kinds of stationery, Tuesday night a bible meeting was held in the Congregational church. Rev. WAYNRIGHT preached a short sermon. Its getting warm weather and now is the time to get married. Call and get our prices on wedding stationory (sic). In the trial Fridry (sic) of VAN ALLER vs BURTOU (sic) a verdict was given in favor of the plaintiff and judgement given him for $15,000. Ed AHL gave a dancing party at his home Tuesday night. Quite a number of young folks were present and report a good time. Frank DRUSE, O. MCDONALD, T.C. CALLAHAN; H. MORTENSEN. Geo STOUT and Allen MCLEAN and wife took in the sights at Beaver Crossing, Tuesday. For some days it has been remarked that Jim ARNOLD has been looking unusually pale over something upon inquiry of Dr. HEWIT we learned that since Friday night Jim has been staying up with a brand new twelve pound boy. DIED. --- At Kelton Utah, May 11, 1893, Mrs. George HAVENS aged 46 years, 1 month, and 28 days. Mrs. HAVENS was born in Fulton Co. Ill. on the 15th of March 1847 and was married February 27th 1866 at Macomb Illinois where Mr. and Mrs. HAVENS resided until coming west which was for the benefit for her health. For sometime past however her health has been failing and after an attact (sic) of the Gripp she failed rapidly and started about two weeks ago for her brothers in California but she sank so rapidly that they had to leave the cars at Kelton Utah and take her to an hotel where in a few days she died. Her remains were brought to this city Sunday night, the funeral services being held from the Methodist church Monday afternoon after which she was laid to rest in Andrews cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. HAVENS were among the oldest settlers in this part of the country and are universally respected. (3rd column) A child of Mr. and Mrs. MITCHELL was buried Wednesday. Miss France MILLER departed on Thursday for a visit at Bloomfield Ia. Card of Thanks I wish to thank all those kind friends who assisted during the sickness and death of my wife. GEO. HAVENS. Attention! McDonough County There will be a meeting held at Dr. BEGHTOLS office in Friend, Saturday May 27th at 2 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of organizing an association of former residents of McDonough County Illinois who are now living in Saline county (sic) Nebr. The object of the association will be to further the social relation of McDonough County people and arrange for a picnic sometime during the summer. All McDonough county people are requested to be present and assist in the organization. WM. GORDON, JAS. SMICK, J.V. BEGHTOL, AND OTHERS. COMMENCEMENT In the view of the fact that heretofore there has been considerable confusion and disorderly conduct at the Commencement exercises, and in order that those who do and can appreciate, the efforts of the graduates of our public schools, may be permitted to do so unmolested by the restlessness of those too young to receive benefits from the occasion the board of education has passed the following resultions which will will )sic) be strictly enforced. RESOLVED that at the commencement exercises of the Public Schools to be holden in Warren's Opera House on the evening of May 26th. an admission fee of ten cents be charged each person and that no children under ten years of age shall be admitted, that the money thus obtained shall be used in defraying the expenses of the Commencement Exerceses (sic). BOARD OF EDUCATION. NOTICE Rebecca GIBSON, will take notice that on the 18th day of May 1893 O.G. ELLSWORTH; a Justice of the Peace of Friend Precinct Saline County Nebraska issued an order of attachment for the sum of $260 (?) in an action pend- ing before him wherein Frank CONROY is Plaintiff and Rebecca GIBSON defendant that property of the defendants consisting of $22.40 has been attached under said order, said cause was continued to the 12th day of June 1893 at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. FRANK CONROY, Plaintiff. Folend, (sic) Neb; May 13th. 1893. (4th column) A part of the singing class which was taught here last winter held their regular weekly meeting at the home of Miss Nettie WILSON, a very enjoyable time was had. -------- Copyright © 2006 Teri Fisher Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project