Saline Snippets: Newspaper Transcriptions from Saline County, Nebraska Transcribed by Teri Fisher The Weekly Standard, 12 May 1893 Published in Friend, NE LOCAL SIFTINGS Mr. HINNMAN returned yesterday. Tom ALLDITT is visiting in Illinois. C.M. CLARK had business in Lincoln Tuesday. Jas DWYER returned from Iowa on No. 5 Thursday. D. GILMORE and wife attended the circus at Lincoln, Tuesday.\ Chas HOGAN has accepted a position inW.H. GRAVES' store. Frank JONES, has a new canvass awning in front of his place. F.I. FOSS of Crete came in Wednesday evening on the flyer. George HOPKINS, who has been teaching near David City is home on a vacation. James ARNOLD, the real estate agent, sold a farm and town property last week. This community was blessed Wednesday evening by a pleantiful (sic) supply of nice warm rain. Mable CALLAHAN accompanied Miss Anna to Portsmouth Saturday returning Sunday afternoon. C.H. THOMPSON, Dave HARDT and James HAMILTON saw Ringling Bros, Circus at Lincoln Tuesday. CITY COUNCIL Wm. BURKE....... Mayor W.D. MOFFATT..... Clerk. ?. D. PROUDST... Treasurer. J.D. POPE....... City Attorney COUNCILMEN -- FIRST WARD GILMORE..... E. AGBE SECOND WARD Frank HACKER H. MORTENSEN ?. W. STEVENSON... engineer SCHOOL BOARD J.P. KING....... H.H. HENDEE Wm. PORTER..... Dr. BEGHTOL James SMITH..... L.E. SOUTHWICK Dr. J.V. BEGHTOL Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE IN NEWER'S BLOCK C.C. MAJORS, Barber and Hair Dresser All work in my line done in the latest and neatest style of the art. Shop opposite King's store. AHL & DRUSE. -- NOTARY -- Real Estate Dealer. Farm Loans, Taxes Paid INSURANCE and COLLECTIONS. Office in J. CONE building Are agents for the South Platte Land Co. W.C. BLAISDELL is able now to be out. Call at L.C. JACKSON's for ICE CREAM. The genuine article. Mrs. A.B. SANDERS was taken suddenly very sick Saturday evening. C.W. NEUNEMAKER, of Tobias spent Sunday in Friend. Mr. TAYLOR and wife cousins of Stanley Green are visiting here this week. We have interviewed nearly all of the young folks who were at the depot Saturday to see Miss Anna CALLAHAN off and it is the unanimous opinion that she tried to get left. Bess SUDDITH accompanied Mr. J. STOAKES to the capitol Tuesday that was a great treat for the little folks. R. VANALLER and Mr. HAYNES came down from Holdrege on Wednesday to attend the trial of VANALLER vs. BURTON. Craig, Mo,, April 24, 1893. -- To the Public. F.J. TAYLOR's Circus and Menagerie gave two performances in our city today. The entertainment was in all respects first class and worth much more than the price of admission. All the attaches from the proprietor down are perfect gentlemen and entirely worthy of the full respect, confidence, consideration and patronage of any community, F.J. BROWNFIELD, Mayor. E.J. KELLOG, City Att'y. At Friend, May 17. Rye Flour at PAGE's. Fresh Crackers at DWYER's. Legal Blanks can be obtqained at this office by calling. FOR SALE -- A good bedstead and springs. Inquire at this office. Notice the new Baby Carriages just arrived at KLINE and LARSON's. They are dandies. John GRANT an old colored man who has been working around here for some years, left last week for the Soldiers Home at Grand Island. ----- Copyright © 2006 Teri Fisher Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project