From The Saline County Standard, 4 July 1890, published in Friend, NE. Page 3 FRIEND CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES BAPTIST CHURCH.--Services 11 a.m. Sabbath school 12:15 p.m. Society Christian endeavor 7 p.m. Evening services 8 p.m. Prayer meetings Thursday evening. D. WEBSTER, Pastor M. E. CHURCH.--Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Rev J. A. BARKER, Pastor CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.--Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School at 12:15 p.m. Young People prayer meeting on Sunday evening. Church prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30. Rev. E. P. DADA, Pastor ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.--Services every Sunday. Rev. Father CROWN Pastor SOCIETIES A C. U. W. Friend Lodge, No. 115 Regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. GRO. COCK;EU REC. H. H. RENDEH, N. W. A F. & A.M. Friend Lodge No. 78.--Regular communications on the Wednesday evening on or before the full moon of each month. Hall over BISSELL & SCHMIDT's store. All brothers in good standing are invited to attend. D. C. PAGE, Sec, H.L. LEWIS, W M. I.O.O.F. Silver Link Lodge No. 00.--Meets every Saturday evening in the hall, in the WARREN block. Brothers from abroad in good standing are cordially invited. H. P. SCHMIDT Sec. W. W. THOMAS, N. G. G. A. R. W. F. Stacy post, 130 Meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Visiting comrads cordially invited to attend. E. WHITCOMB, Commander S. S. STORY, Adjutant HESPERIAN LODGE No. 8. Knights of Pythias meets 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month in Masons Hall. H. L. LEWIS, Con. D. G. HOPKINS E. R. MODERN WOODMEN of American Camp, No. 43. meets at HEWITT's Hall 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, D. G. HOPKINS V. C. E. H. AGES CLERK Dance tonight at Opera House. Look for the grand street parade today. The Lookout Mountain gun is on the ground. Swanton, this county, is soon to have a newspaper. Mr. MANN, of Wilber, was in this city Monday on business. A big storm is predicted for July 6th. Look out for it. Mrs. MAY, of Omaha, is visiting her sister Mrs. ALEXANDER. Miss Anna PROUDFIT has returned from her visit to Grand Island. The republican county convention is called to meet at Wilber, July 22. Black Tom of Wilber is attending the reunion, and will talk every day. Rev. DADA preached a sermon at the Sun-flower school house last Sunday. Henry WISSENBURG opened his new saloon in the opera block, last Tuesday. Mrs. J> W> KING of Friend Col. is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester ANDREWS. Mrs. Al HERLBERT and her mother, Mrs. MITCHELL, returned Tuesday from their visit to Illinois. Hon. J. D. POPE has gone to Chicago to visit Mrs. P. who is there spending the summer. E. Mc. DOUGALL, of Dorchester was looking after business matters in our city on Monday. Ed. MILLER, of the Saline County "Democrat" made this office a pleasant call while in town Monday. Mrs. STONER, of Lincoln, who has been visiting friends here, returned to her home in Lincoln, Monday. W. H. HARRISSON, of Wilber, was in our city on Wednesday representing the celebrated Wilber Mills flour. Dr. PADDOCK, of Wilber, has moved his family to Deadwood where they expect to make their future home. Miss Carrie HURD gave a party to a number of friends at her home a few miles east of town Tuesday evening. It fell to the lot of Son Harry, our foreman, to issue the paper last week while the rest of the force were at Wilber. Don GILMORE is preparing to put a stone foundation under his building. When finished he will have a fine basement. J. D. CUMINGHAM, of Wilford, and his son, of Broken Bow, uncle and cousin of Mrs. H. P. KING were in Friend last Friday. Mr. WEATHERLY is through with his labors as enumerator for this precinct, and as the gentleman has no right to give the population of our city and precinct, we suppose the people will be obliged to wait until the red tape is removed from his books. J. N. YOUNG is putting down a well at the barb wire factory. Mrs. George GALE was quite sick for several days this week. D. LEASURE is treating his swelling house to a new roof and a coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. Joel ANDREWS are spending the fourth with friends in Richardson county. Mrs. Dr. BEGHTOL, received the sad news Sunday morning of the death of her mother from Illinois and took the first train for that place. The interior of the building where George PICREE holds forth has just been papered and beautifully decorated. Don GILMORE did that job. Mrs. SOUTH, who has been spending a few weeks visiting friends and relatives at her old home in Wisconson, returned to her home in Friend Monday. The quiet of our city was broken Wednesday for a few moments by a water war between Will WHITCOMB and Mr. HOLMES. Will got wet and HOMES got wetter. Mrs. L. HOLLAND attended graduating exercises at Wilber last Friday evening, and we understand that seven of the class of eleven were her pupils some ten years ago when she was one of the most popular teachers in that school. We had the pleasure of attending commencement exercises of the Wilber schools last week. All the exercises were carried out in such a manner as to be a credit to both the participants and the school. The names of the eleven graduates were as follows: Emma HOLTZ, Altis FAIR, Beatrice TUCKER, Nellie ELLIOT, Mable GRIMM, Maude VAN DUYN, Willie McGINTIE, George THOMSON, Lizzie HARVEY, Maud EARLY, and Walter STOUT. this class has worked under considerable difficulty this year on account of the sickness prevalent in Wilber for so long a time, but through perseverence and energy they have done a year's work not to be ashamed of. The entire work of the class has been satisfactory in every particular and a credit few can claim is due to Prof. BONER and the school board for the ability they have shown in the management of the school. TURKEY CREEK ITEMS. From the noise we heard Sunday evening we supposed Geo. DE LONG was successful with the cannon he has been making for July 4th. The boys of this neighborhood seem to be on a strike and have left home for "pastures new." We rather trust they will find out "There's no place like home." Mr. JUSTICE has been at work building an addition to his house. Mr. WHITCOMB and Mr. STORY have been down in Turkey Creek making a great deal of noise. I wonder if they thought they would frighten anybody with blank cartridges. === Copyright © 2006 Sue Thomas Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project